Recent content by Farkette

  1. Farkette


    next ep is quite interesting. two enthusiastic thumbs up all i can say is, to the major 'clincher' for the ep was that i predicted it :P and my prediction from my last post was also true (but not the hatch part).. but the ep won't disappoint *feels smug* now for some link goodness...
  2. Farkette


    ok i think they were just taking the p!ss. kate wasnt the one who died.... seeing as ur finished with exams and off and about, there will be no weekly scoop (at least from me..) cos u can go watch it urself! (and cos i watched it on thursday..not all too fresh in my mind on a monday arvo...
  3. Farkette


    hahaha just watched that, pretty funny LOL
  4. Farkette


    wow! another great episode..! just gotta say how sad was it when bald hotel owner totally led sun on, i mean how was she supposed to know.. the look on her face aww :( and ooooooooh holy jebus someone's gonna die now!! first thought would be sawyer, i mean come on, untreated gunshot wound...
  5. Farkette


    i'm pretty sure its not out quite yet. Lost download day is thursday, baby....! yeah can't wait either. but so far (in the minor possibility that u havent already read yet..) the teaser for the ep is: "...and Found" (a Jin-centric ep.) Michael sets off into the jungle by himself...
  6. Farkette


    that would explain why they were so GOD-DAMN edgy!!
  7. Farkette


    heartwarming ep, but not quite as edge-of-ur-seat as other eps can be due to that fact. whoa sorry its long, but u said u wanted spoilers!
  8. Farkette


    just watch it! put it this way, if you don't d/l it, ur obviously just gonna spend a whole lotta time thinking about it and what may happen in the ep, let alone posting here to try and find out about it... you will probably save more time downloading it urself then watching it in a dedicated...
  9. Farkette


    whoops.. oh yeah good point 8)
  10. Farkette


    ooh interesting.. so this sounds like rodruigez/big black club guy ppl are plane survivors.. i guess that makes sense, cos if it was just the chick, it would make u wonder why the 'others' let her in the posse but acted violently to the normal crew.. but, if THeY'RE group thats captured...
  11. Farkette


    a lot of interesting stuff, but its getting kiiinda annoying that its all about the hatch.. and lots of time being wasted showing things we've already seen 2x before.. kinda spoilers.. (soz don't know how to do the roll-over thingy..and prob wouldnt be bothered to if i did..!)...
  12. Farkette


    ive gotta say that part was classic :) could you even imagine how good it tasted........... haha
  13. Farkette


    omg jin!!!!!!! cant wait for ep3
  14. Farkette


    !! dude!... good now tho that all the good shows are coming back... something to look forward to every thurs/fri/mon! (that is for my 3 shows lost, d.h.wives, oc lol)
  15. Farkette


    !! i know what u mean.. being left at the end of ep19 freaked me out so much..