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  1. skankit

    Fitness first

    does anyone know prices for fitness first? coz im joining the gym to loose my hsc weight, and im thinking of just joining this little local gym coz its cheap adn i used to be a member there, but id rather join fitness first if its not too much more expensive do they have a like student...
  2. skankit

    irish question!!!

    i feel like im the only one in the state that did irish! (although clearly the rest of my class did...) anyway, what did you think of it?? i thought it was absolute crap but i managed to get some vague form of argument goin.. i didnt even know they could test us on that?!? :o
  3. skankit

    how to write a drama essay??

    im really worried my essays are too englishy... coz i worked really hard on my english essays coz my teacher kept telling me my vocab wasnt sophisticated enough, and now when i try to write drama essays i end up using lots of big words and making it really like english essay like but are they...
  4. skankit

    NO motivation...

    i dunno how many of you are in the same boat, but drama is my last exam, and i havent had anything since wednesday, and im just having so much trouble motivating myself to study for drama!! its just worth so little! and i just CANT be bothered :o i really need to though!! anyone have...
  5. skankit

    melodic dictation!!!

    i really suck at it! ive been practicing a bit these hols, and i thought iw as getting better but when i started doing some harder ones i got lost again. i just get so overwhelmed and i end up just like not knowing where to start... anyone ahve some tips???
  6. skankit

    music and drama??

    do any of you do music and drama? i feel like im the only one!
  7. skankit

    i hate the concepts

    i really do! i have my music written trial tomorrow and i just hate writing out notes for the essay, i have really good notes for my additional topic but none for mandatory.. and all my notes are like for pitch and duration.. what if they ask about dynamics and expressive techniques like last...
  8. skankit

    autumn leaves???

    does anyone know when autumn leaves was first written? i wanna use it as inspiration for my 1900-1945 composition. in fact, i HAVE used it.. so does anyone know? i cant find much about original dates on the internet, reckon id be safe to make it up??
  9. skankit

    composition..? what composition...?

    tell me, am i SLIGHTLY screwed? its friday. we're recording our compositions on monday. i've written one of them, but i've only written one minute of the other. one minute. of a 3 minute piece. and i now have the weekend (and half of monday) to write another 2 minutes... i was originally...
  10. skankit

    irish drama text change?

    we were told we were studying Playboy and Plough, and i did them for my last assesment and got 9/10. but we were also given a copy of Beauty Queen, and i totaly love it and want to write about it for my trial. (tomorrow... :S) i've been studying it today, but is it a better idea to just...
  11. skankit


    how many techniques do you need for each text? im using 2 skrzyneckis, one BOS and two relateds and i currently am learning 3 for each, but man thats 15 techniques and i cant write about that nmany in 40 mins are you just meant to breifly do 15 or go into detail in less??
  12. skankit


    im totally having issues coming up with a thesis... anyone help me? im thinking something along the lines of "reluctance to undertake a journey only makes the impact more powerful" but then i want to use Wind and the Willows from the stimulus booklet coz it fits with my related, but that...
  13. skankit

    i hate king lear

    im so screwed for king lear i dont know any productions, like by production per say. i know 2 readings well and about 2 or 3 examples from productions for each, is this enough? or do i actually need to know the production better and use the reading to compliment it? i kidna figured i could...
  14. skankit

    Help Me

    i have my 3U trial in a few days and im completely stressing. it seems i suddeny cant do anything, even the things i used to be completely confident with. i think i screwed up my 2U as well... why does maths hate me?? anyway, can anyone suggest something to sorta calm myself down and help...
  15. skankit

    king lear quotes

    hey i have some fairly ok notes on king lear.. but im looking for a specific kinda quote... pretty much im saying that shakespeare uses language to show his descent into madness, i have an after quote but i need a before one? like him using realy good language? in a general sorta way? i cant...
  16. skankit

    my related material is CRAP

    we did journeys like a year ago, and ive been going back to look over my material and its absolute crap! coz it was the first we did i didnt really know what i was doing... should i just try and go back over my texts and look for more techinques, or choose new texts? i had 4, of which i was...
  17. skankit

    skrzyneckis poetry?

    for everyone doing skrzyneckis poetry, how many poems are you learning? we got told we should make mention to 2-3 in our response, but i guess i should learn more than that??? i dont know, im confused!
  18. skankit

    ip change!!!!!

    i was writing a script but i changed to performance, just in time (literally..i changed on wednesday and the deadline was friday...) was it stupid to change so late?? my script just wasnt going anywhere! im using teh stuff from my script for my monologue though! im worried it was a dumb...
  19. skankit

    notes on contemporary aus theatre

    well in class we wrote up some notes and i typed them out, they might help you guys?? there are general notes on contemporary australian and then notes on 7 stages and running up a dress..... hope they help!
  20. skankit

    totaly stuck for composition

    man my compositinos are going nowhere im just sitting here trying to think of something and im stuck INSPIRE ME im doing my australian composition for a brass quartet/quintet, i was doing 1900-1945 composition for a big band but i cant think of anything :'( HELP ME im ruined