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  1. IceBreaker

    reducing speed limits in denmark lol lol this might actually work, cool but weird
  2. IceBreaker

    Would-be carjacker thwarted by gears

    A MANUAL gear change foiled a woman's attempt at a carjacking, Sydney police said today.,10117,20601927-1702,00.html?from=public_rss
  3. IceBreaker

    Are cars investment?

    i see some people at my school buying either new expensive cars or 2nd hand decent cars and modifying it with their 1st 5-10K. Wouldn't it be better to invest the your hard savings into something else giving you returns(shares, managed funds etc.)?, its just money down the drain. Nothing wrong...
  4. IceBreaker

    japan promotes Australia
  5. IceBreaker

    Job as a chef- whats it like

    im planning to most likely get an apprenticeship in commercial cookery after HSC this year.(if i dont get 70+uai) its basically 4 days working and 1 day at tafe a week. i understand that chef is a physically demanding job with irregular hrs and giving up lots of your own free time.i did hospo...
  6. IceBreaker

    teaching Evolution in catholics schoosl?

    im just curious because the theory of evolution(charles Darwin) is very true and science & its goes against the ethical beliefs against religion(creation from god etc.), do they get pissed off teaching this part?
  7. IceBreaker

    New student resource about uni is the Commonwealth Government's new student resource. It's designed to answer all propestive and current students' question. I hope this helps to answer some of the NUMBER of ways to get into uni beside needing a UAI. -IceBreaker
  8. IceBreaker

    Do chicks like to give more oral than to receive?

    same questions
  9. IceBreaker

    100 UAI with any subjects combination?

    i've seen somewhere, where someone claim that any subjects combnation can lead to 100 UAI. so for example a student does these subjects for the HSC -Standard english -Gen maths -Information technology -PDHPE -IPT -Business studies...
  10. IceBreaker

    picking up hot chicks at uni

    how easy is it to pick up hot chicks at uni? i heard they admire intelligence more than look?
  11. IceBreaker

    Ancient & Modern Hist.

    does anyone do both anient & modern history here? it really good coz i wish i have picked them..just wondering, thanks
  12. IceBreaker

    help on how UAI works

    this uai scaling process is really fucken hard to understand. I mean i do not want to know the full complexity of the uai scaling system work, i just want to know how this shit works and why certain subjects get scaled up and down(i always hear easy subjects scales you down and hard subjects...
  13. IceBreaker

    Bio students, your 1/2 yrly results here

    this thread is to post your bio result from 1/2 yrly. good luck! :) i havent done mine(gonna cram like hell with timmy notes).pleas dont be like me and cram, it doesnt further your education, but if you know nothing at all, then cram like hell!!!.
  14. IceBreaker

    People who are specialized

    people who do subjects that mainly focus on one area such as : -4U maths/science -Essay writing(ancient & modern history,Bus., Eco.) - Creative subjects(Arts, Drama, Hospo) do you find that its an advantage to do this? on a side note is anyone not doing any MATHS or science at all?(please...
  15. IceBreaker

    wish i done history

    :vcross: why didnt i do ancient & modern history!!(maybe even legal studies) im stuck with science.I did really good in yr9 & 10 history(top 5) and i did science instead (friend influence>'yea do it, it scales good').does anyone here doesnt do no science and maths subjects?
  16. IceBreaker

    How do you manage your time?

    how do people manage their time and priotize your assesment, study, social etc..? do anyone use a 'timetable' or a 'to-do list'? the only thing i have is the free wall calender from DET.
  17. IceBreaker

    Low averages for english exam

    does anyone think their school is going to get low averages for english? i dont know about mine yet, but for yr11 went crap
  18. IceBreaker

    Making friends with the opposite SEX

    even though in highschool in senior yrs is normal to have friends of the opposite sex, some people still reframe from it. But in uni do ppl change and make friends with the opposite sex or sticks mainly with their own gender?
  19. IceBreaker

    Just forget your dream of going to Uni...

    why? why? i wanted to go to uni, but i screwed up most of my 1st assesment & too much complicated things is going in my life.......just forget it. In life you always meet resistance on your journey to sucess.....people saying you just cant do it, regardless of your effort. There will always...
  20. IceBreaker

    revising prelim stuff

    is anybody here actually going to revise prelim stuff for 1/2 yrly and your actual HSC exam?