What I want in a girl:
-I don't really mind if you've got depression, or your the happiest girl on the world - EVERYONE has their ups and downs, sometimes more than others. In regards to personality, I want a girl that is able to communicate their feelings, but understand when I can't/don't want to communicate mine (and the reverse is true). I think that communication is the key in any relationship.
-When it really comes down to it, sex is really nothing to me (at this stage of my life), because I think that if you can't have an open, loving and caring relationship without the physical aspects (eg sexual activitites), you shouldn't be in that relationship.
-I also like a girl that can express her self, not always in spoken words, but in music, or poetry or something creative.
Like I said above, I think that if a person can't communicate or express them selves, I don't think I'd want to be with them (but I guess it depends on the person). Because of this, intelligence is fairly important, but not the most important thing to me - I think that some less intelligent people can be more open and willing to talk, than intelligent people because (especially in my case) I have to put logic and reasoning behind most things I say and do, sometimes clouding over what I really need to express - but that will often come out in the music I listen to, or write anyway.
I think that every person on this earth will have their own deffinition of attractive. In my past expereinces and relationships, I find that if I can relate to a person on an emotional and mental level, well looks are less important to me. Sure, if a not-so-attractive girl came up and started chatting to me, I might be less interested, but if we can relate to each other mentally, I'm far more likely to become interested, than if a extremely attractive girl came up to me (not that any would) and couldn't relate to what I was trying to say and vice versa.
Do I find models in magazines more attractive? Well, I can't really say I read alot of magazines, but I might find them attractive physically, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't find them attractive mentally or emotionally, which is a big part of what I look for as well (as I stated above). So really, I don't think I do find them more attractive, maybe physically (sometimes), but on other levels no.
Finding Intellectual Singles
I can't really answer that question, depends on what kind of person you're looking for, but what I can say is, most of them you probably won't find too easily, because they'll be hiding behind a computer screen, reading a book, playing/listening to music and learning new things. Sure, intellectual people do have lives, but I have trouble finding people I can relate to, so most of the time I don't really try. The pub/club scene isn't really where I like to go to find young women because often, they're wanting to be found (I'm not saying their slutty or anything, they just would like to find someone to be with), where as a person I'd probably be interested in is someone who goes out to have a good time with a group of friends, but not neccessarily to a pub/club. I do go to pubs/clubs, but because of who I am, I tend to just sit back, and enjoy the time I spend with my mates, because I'm to shy to go and approach a stranger.
Thats my answer, but it absoloutely is not the deffinitive answer, and of course everyones will be different. I don't think one guy will like exactly the same qualities as any other guy will. We're all different and unique, and theses posts might give you a guide, but I wouldn't go and base all my judgement on how to find guys from these posts. You need to think what you your self would want a guy to see in you, and if they can't see that I don't think the relationship would work.
Hope that helps in some way!!!