Search results

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    Weekend Cantonese Tutor Required - Hurstville/CBD area

    Looking for a Cantonese tutor for structured weekend lessons (with a textbook) to reach a conversational speaking level first. I can provide assistance in mathematics up to 1st year university level as I finished my mathematics degree with good marks. PM me for details.[
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    Japanese Language Proficiency Test Study Group (Levels 1-4)?

    Click here:
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    Japanese Language Proficiency Test Study Group (Levels 1-4)?

    Click here:
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    Japanese Language Proficiency Test Study Group (Levels 1-4)?

    Click here:
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    Japanese Language Proficiency Test Study Group (Levels 1-4)?

    Hi, is anyone interested in creating a study group for the JLPT since the exams will be held twice a year? I'm sure there are many in Year 12 or university who are going to sit the exams, and possibly some from TAFE. I'm studying at TAFE part-time because I'm a サラリーマン haha.
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    Front-office salary - What should I expect? Newbie?

    What is the typical front-office salary package like for a grad trader in fixed income in a major investment bank eg Citi? Newbie, and others, I'd like to get your input.
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    Jumping Ship from a Big 4 bank to IB

    I was wondering if any of guys know any people, or have actually moved from a big 4 bank to an IB? I'd like to work in sales and trading (my background has been in risk management at an IB, and middle office and front office quanting at a big 4).
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    Fixed Income Houses in Sydney

    Which IBs in Sydney have large fixed income teams that take on grads? GS and Citi? Also, do they mostly work in rates? What about inflation and credit?
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    How was the internship experience?

    Your thoughts please.
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    A PDE Problem

    I'm interested in solving a 2-D parabolic PDE (I'm pretty sure these can be transformed into the heat eqn) which takes the form: Dt(u) = A(t,x)*Dxx(u) + B*(t,x,y)*Dxy(u) + C(t,y)*Dyy(u) - D*u where u = u(t,x,y), A,B,C are functions, D is a constant t,x and y in [0,+Inf) Initial...
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    Published Research by Undergrads in Science

    I was wondering whether you know of any undergrads who have helped co-author research papers.
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    Mathematics Formula Book

    I am looking to buy a (university-level) maths formula book which covers the major theorems and important results in probability/stochastic process as well as the usual kind of engineering/applied math stuff like integral transforms, numerical methods, etc. Someone recommended me: Handbook of...
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    Mathematics Formula Book

    I am looking to buy a (university-level) maths formula book which covers the major theorems and important results in probability/stochastic process as well as the usual kind of engineering/applied math stuff like integral transforms, numerical methods, etc. Someone recommended me: Handbook of...
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    Master of Biostatistics

    A detailed description of the program and admisison details are available
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    Mathematics at ANU

    Hey, I'm just curious how ANU stacks up against UNSW (who claim to be no. 1 in Australia), and also internationally. I'm most interested in Financial Maths research.
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    Case study interviews - management consulting

    Any advice?
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    Changes to "CT8 Financial Economics"

    It seems that the CT8 syllabus has been revised to include more material on credit risk modelling (See bottom of pg 6 of As there are more active Actuarial students from Mac here, I would like to confirm that any changes...
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    SUMS Problem Competition

    Calling all UNSW entrants!
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    Fuck I Love Movies Soc! - FILMSOC film screenings this wk!

    Filmsoc holds screenings roughly every fortnight. It's free for members and only $5 for membership. Below are our screenings over the coming semester. Semester 1 Week 2 Launch Party - This is Spinal Tap Cougar/ Club Bar, Friday 10 Mar 6:00pm Week 4 Karate Kid Robert Webster 327...
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    So who's signed up?