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  1. wikiwiki

    Fun With CONDOMS!!

    You tell us, Katie! You're the one who plopped out a kid nine months after you got rotten at some farmhouse. Kids, use connies lest you pull a katie tully!
  2. wikiwiki

    Bulld09s ripped off

    Yeah absolutely ripped. I'm a pretty big fan of the dogs, but not in the 'omg that forward pass WAS CLEARLY BACKWARDS YOU CUNT REF' kind of way. This has happened to a few teams now, the defender going deliberately to make contact with a decoy runner. It needs to be dealt with. Dogs cheated by...
  3. wikiwiki

    Quitting Smoking

    Jezzmo is a living God.
  4. wikiwiki

    Quitting Smoking

    I'm Jesus.
  5. wikiwiki

    Quitting Smoking

    I hate peasants who smoke. If you're going to give yourself cancer, spend money on quality deathsticks to enjoy your shortened life span!
  6. wikiwiki

    Quitting Smoking

    Yeah davidoffs are huge in Europe. I picked up the habit there. They are about $22 a pack here, which is lol..they are more like 8 euro in Athens.
  7. wikiwiki

    Quitting Smoking

    My new lighter. My new smoke of choice.
  8. wikiwiki

    World Literature (In English) Reviews Thread

    Purpose This thread is intended to review works of World literature in English translation, with a brief review of each. Hopefully we can build a list of great, but not well known, books for voracious readers to explore. Review Style Start your reviews with bold heading: Author, Book...
  9. wikiwiki

    Kevin Rudd 'me too-ism' on Malcolm Turnbull on Twitter.

    Obama has not made any substantive policy announcements, and his internet campaign has consisted of people using a false appeal to authority (being a celebrity) telling Americans to vote for Obama because he eats Hope for breakfast. It's a very good technique for elections, but it isn't good...
  10. wikiwiki

    Kevin Rudd 'me too-ism' on Malcolm Turnbull on Twitter.

    This rubbish isn't direct democracy, and certainly it isn't healthy. They are pretending to be 'listening' leaders instead of engaging in robust and thorough public consultation.
  11. wikiwiki

    Reviving the SBS?

    Unfortunately SBS is putting all the great movies on the World Movies Channel, edgy dramas/tv shows go to Foxtel because of insane Catholic censorship (raping young boys is okay, showing tits on tv is not) and in general it's frigged. FRIGGED I SAY. Needs niche shows: anime like Hellsing, a...
  12. wikiwiki

    Reviving the SBS?

    SBS is in the doldrums. How can it be saved? List some of the programmes you would like to see on the SBS that you think would make it more relevant to Australian society. It doesn't have to be *popular*, so it can be high-brow material. I for one think that the SBS needs to hire translators to...
  13. wikiwiki


    I infrequently smoke a cigar whilst I drink a nice glass of scotch. Good fun. I also smoke cigarillos on a more regular basis because they are quicker and enjoyable and less deadly than cigarettes.
  14. wikiwiki

    Favourite Epic

    Try Kazantzakis' 'Re-telling' of the Odyssey as well, it's pretty amazing (one of his major works). I found Beowulf absolutely dreadful, and Homer incredible. Gilgamesh is a must-read even if it is incredibly barbaric(it IS semitic after all).
  15. wikiwiki


    A Reading from the Book of Leonard, Chapter 1 Verses 1-5 There is no Virginity, for as I your Lord God hath filled the earth with my creatures, so too shall thee fill the womb of the child with your seed. Blessed are those who copulate with the weak, and those who take the young into their...
  16. wikiwiki

    Federal ALP shoots down the metro

    Re: Federal ALP snubs metro because of general douchebagery and cuntishness Mate, being in Menai is not a source of pride.
  17. wikiwiki

    Art history and theory

    Job as what? Not that i'm being demeaning, I do study classics, but Jesus, art history = nothing. You realise it isn't actually visual arts? ie drawing things?
  18. wikiwiki

    Need help or just words.

    If you did sleep with her, i'd suggest getting a lawyer *right now*. You broke the law, sunshine. Post-suicide attempts involve lots of psychologists and psychiatrists trying to understand her, and she will tell them everything.
  19. wikiwiki

    Need help or just words.

    Run away.
  20. wikiwiki

    B Arts (Languages) and B arts/B education

    Even if you don't do a straight BA so you can study more subjects. Umm, my obsession with Isaiah Berlin started when I found an anthology of his essays at home which belonged to my dad.