Search results

  1. NoFaceValue

    Tess d'urbervilles for romanticism ?

    The Romantic Period extends from the mid/late 18th century to mid 19th Century. Tess of the D'Urbervilles appears to miss this period, as it was released in 1891 (I think?), rendering it part of the Victorian era. Considering the fact that the Board of Studies said in their markers notes last...
  2. NoFaceValue

    specific or generic question?

    The Board of Studies says "The nature, format and particular emphasis of questions may change from year to year", meaning they reserve the right to use generic or specific questions in any given year. As far as I know they can do either without telling us.
  3. NoFaceValue

    ENG ADV: Psychoanalytical Theories

    Don't worry, your school is right. In HSC, there are four modules; the area of study, module B, module C and module D. Module B states that you must complete a critical study of a text. Feminist theory, Psychoanalysis etc. are all part of Critical study. Whilst some schools may choose to...
  4. NoFaceValue

    English: Antony and Cleopatra

    Try and be a bit more in-depth. OK, it explores love and power-- but what exactly does it say about love and power? How does it achieve this? I never had to read the text, so I can't help exactly.. You could do something like Intro Paragraph 1: The importance of love, and it's effect. Paragraph...
  5. NoFaceValue

    English Extension 1

    I'm gonna rewrie that since my last post made no sense xD Have you been given any other information? That's a broad question which, although answerable, could mean a range of different things which in your case may not be useful.
  6. NoFaceValue

    What units to choose for year 11?

    "hey you should choose subjects that reflect the career you yearn in the end - a 99.95 ATAR doesn't bring all the hapiness in the world (temporarily speaking)" +rep. Two years after graduation, who really cares what your ATAR was? ATAR = A good goal, but in the long run, it's just a nice...
  7. NoFaceValue


    I used music 1-- I assumed that one who studies Music II wouldn't be worried about scaling, because yes, it scales very well :rofl:
  8. NoFaceValue


    "So im literally hyperventilating, every time a micro thought of year 11 crosses my mind, it harnesses a very harsh and overwhelming flow of neurones." Calm down, mate. Think of it as just another year in high school. A lot of people say year 11 is the best year for them-- year 12 is the time...
  9. NoFaceValue

    In an exam, can you write in dot points in an essay?

    Yes. It depends on the verb of the question. If it says "List or Identify" then dotpoints should be fine... However, if it's an essay that says 'discuss' or 'explain' etc, then dotpoints really shouldn't be used.
  10. NoFaceValue

    In an exam, can you write in dot points in an essay?

    Hate to nparaphrase again, but.. If you're seriously running low on time, and you physically can't write enough in time, dot points may be your best bet. My English teacher told me this "If you're desperately running out of time, jot down what you meant in point form. You won't get full...
  11. NoFaceValue

    Maths General 1, Maths General 2?

    I was just reading though the draft syllabi for Maths courses and although there were a few quirks, one stood out to me the most. It stated that there is "General Mathematics 1" and "General Mathematics 2". Although I'm not planning to do either, I'm just curious; do they currently exist, or...
  12. NoFaceValue

    Who is ready for yr 11?

    My Geography teacher agrees with me that Stage 5 Geo is dry (although she says some topics such as 'Australia in its Regional and Global Contexts are interesting).. So people do have a right to dislike the subject. I hated year 9 Geo, but enjoyed year 10. My teacher assures me that Stage 6...
  13. NoFaceValue

    How are you studying for the School Certificate?

    All i've done is planned out what I need to study. I'll probably start some light study in a few days... But to be honest, I don't think the school certificate is worth stressing about; the only problem is Australian History where you need dates and facts. There's always going to be people...
  14. NoFaceValue

    cancel SC

    As has already been said, it's not going to happen. Our year level (2011) was told that befause of the NAPLAN tests, we would not have to do the SC. But look what's happened? We're still doing it, just as previous students have. Although I'd love to believe that the Australian government...
  15. NoFaceValue

    Year 11 Subjects

    I'd say that's a pretty good mix. You've covered: A Maths (Ext 1) A pure Humanity (History) A Language (French) A Science (Chemistry) And a business/social Science subject (Economics) You seem capable and you've chosen subjects that are prerequisites for many courses, scale well and I'm...
  16. NoFaceValue

    Subject Selection Advice

    I'm not too sure at this point. If I did, I would probably do some sort of business degree as well. All I know, is that I won't be doing anything with a basis in Science.
  17. NoFaceValue

    Subject choices- Need help with Science selections

    My advisors have told me this year that almost every science course has a basis in chemistry. It would seem that your interest seems to be in this area, so that's something that you may find useful. My careers advisor also told me "It's fine to have one or two subjects which you do out of...
  18. NoFaceValue

    Triple sciences?

    From your post, I am making four pressumptions: i) You want to do three sciences ii) Therefore, you enjoy Science iii) You are good at these subjects iv) The only reason you're considering not doing that combo, is because you think it will be too much. Although it is not necessary to do all...
  19. NoFaceValue

    Subject Selection Advice

    (Sorry for any slow replies in advance... I'm getting horrific lag.) What I want to do at uni isn't really set in stone yet. At this point, I'm considering a law degree (I excel at commerce, argument and English... Plus I find the law extremely interesting, so it seems like a good match)...
  20. NoFaceValue

    Subject Selection Advice

    I hate to start another one, guys, but I'm just looking for advice on what I'm considering doing for HSC. The other threads seem to be more "What are you doing" rather than actual advice. 2 English Advanced --1 English Ext 1 2 Mathematics (2U) 2 Geography 2 Ancient History 2...