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  1. L

    Hsc english adv+ext, latin, modern, legal, history ext tutoring; ex-sydney girls
  2. L

    Taking Legal Action against school

    Yeah unfortunately I don't think you really have any other option than to move to another school (which really sucks because i do all 3 of those subjects, and i understand why you would want to take them!) It's really not an uncommon thing for school's not to run certain classes - we have...
  3. L

    Anyone else get 100 in the Latin Paper?

    *layman.. please forgive 3hr latin exam
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    Anyone else get 100 in the Latin Paper?

    Can you attempt to make that a little more leymanish sorry :P
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    Anyone else get 100 in the Latin Paper?

    The head marker of 2010 told me that, in that year it was 75 raw mark... however for some reason that doesn't sit well with me because when i put my 88 internal in an atar calculator it pretty much stays the same or becomes like 90.2
  6. L

    Anyone else get 100 in the Latin Paper?

    What schools do you Latin kids go to?? I thought the paper was pretty fair, quite difficult grammar in both the multiple choice and the unseens. Unseens were pretty translatable, the only comment question which was a bit of a trek was the Cicero 10 marker.
  7. L

    What rank for 99+?

    I could realistically get these ranks in most of the subjects except for latin cont. and extension. The latin class is comprised of the girls who are overall ranked top 5 in the grade (so being at a selective school that means physics, chem, maths ext2 & you can note I don't do ANY maths) The...
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    What rank for 99+?

    Okkkkkkay gotta step it up a little for media/law at sydney... i was way to lax in the holidays crammed in the last 3 days. I think i literally did 12 latin translations in 2 days.
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    What rank for 99+?

    poo. i'm currently 10th in eng adv, 20th in english ext, 7th and 6th in latin continuers and extension respectively, 1st in legal, 20th in modern, no idea in history extension... What do you think i'm looking at, at the moment?
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    What rank for 99+?

    School = Top 5 consistently Candidature for subjects = English Advanced- 169 English Extension - 80 Latin Continuers - 9 Latin Extension - 6 Legal Studies - 28 Modern History - 58 History Extension - 50
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    can someone scale my subjects for me?

    Can someone scale: Adv English Eng Extension Legal Latin Cont Latin Extension Modern History Ext for me ?
  12. L

    drop ext 1 maths in school and still do engineering?

    You can drop it and still handle engineering - my best friend is first year materials science engineering (on a scholarship i might add) and he did 2 unit all the way through year 12. He says the uni maths is stressful and you do have to work at it but if you have a few friends also doing...
  13. L

    Post Your HSC Timetable!

    anyone know latin cont and extension! mines not looking good: the englishes, then eng extension 31/10, modern 01/11, legal AND history extension 03/11.... please god let me finish on the 3rd i want to go overseas before schoolies............ :(
  14. L

    Major work extension History

    20+ pages.. really? You should probably figure out what the subject requirements are before you choose your topic