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  1. T

    China threatens Google for allowing porn searches

    China targets big websites in Internet crackdown | Reuters What's more of a laugh is the type of title this gets in the Communist-controlled Chinese newspapers (so basically all of them): "Major websites found spreading porn, immoral materials" - China Daily As the article explains, you can...
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    Mugabe laughs while his people die

    Mugabe denies the existence of cholera and accuses Kenya, the US, and Europe of trying to invade Zimbabwe. The opposition party fears that he has lost his mind. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aZNVp3qbKhJM&refer=home What a vile little man.
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    China arrests human rights activists on International Human Rights Day

    http://www.collegenews.com/index.php?/article/china_detains_human_rights_activists_on_international_human_rights_day_220204/ Also, China is threatening to cut off trade with Poland and France because the Dalai Lama visited those countries and gave speeches about democracy. One wonders if the...
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    China throws another tantrum

    China is threatening to cut trade ties with Europe because the Dalai Lama is visiting there. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ieTAUlb4vDyqs1wBgHg_imqppsOQ A very disturbing country. I am glad Rudd is engaging the other powers in Asia (including India) to balance any influence...
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    Global warming occuring faster than predicted

    Basically, the ice is melting too fast: http://www.physorg.com/news147232247.html Meanwhile, Rudd creates a multi-million dollar joint Australian-Indonesian disaster relief centre to preempt the coming storm...
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    Personal Supercomputers

    Holy shit, this is amazing. Just like IBM invented/popularised personal computers (PCs) back in the 1980's (before that they took up the size of a room and cost millions), NVIDIA has just releasing a line of personal supercomputers. They cost under $10,000 (again, these used to be the size of a...
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    Government decides we need a space agency

    And to be honest, I agree with them. The reasons are compelling: creates jobs, advances science, bolsters economy, expands our manufacturing industry, increases political potency, improves communications sector. That, and we're the only one of the world's top 20 economies (15th) without one...
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    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1085059/Pictured-The-robot-pull-faces-just-like-human-being.html This.
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    Brazil is here to stay

    After coming off a decade of steady growth and political stability, Brazil is poised to become one of the world's strongest (and most politically stable) economic superpowers, being well-situated to oversee trade with the rest of Latin America. Brazil is riding the current crisis well, and...
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    Yes we did!

    All those bitchez telling me Obama would lose because electoral fraud and Bradley Effect and whatnot, pay up.
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    Why McCain will win

    1) Because he was tortured in Vietnam 2) ??? 3) Profit!
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    I missed this a month ago, but the Labour government just set up a $50 million fund to help geothermal R&D and drilling operations in Australia (as promised before the election): http://earth2tech.com/2008/08/20/hot-rocks-down-under-get-43m/ In related news, an Israeli entrepreneur has chosen...
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    Right now, who would you vote for?

    Put your vote where your mouth is.