why cant i get this overwith! (1 Viewer)


Jul 3, 2008
ok guys bear with me here

ive had this girl on my mind for a year and a half now. i think of her all the time..
at one point i had the chance to hook up with her and that was when we first met..but i dno y i didnt. anyhoo...ive had 2 gfs in these 2 years which i liked and well this one always comes back in my head even whilst going out with other girls.
ive told her before that i like her and whatnot, and she knows and i love her for who she is so i decided we should just be friends and ignore my heart around her (makes me go crazy) and now we are great friends....and i dnt want to spoil that by spilling all my feelings and freak her out.

we go out time to time, and i wonder if i ever got drunk what i wud say 2 her...i know id have to stop myself.

gimme some opinion ppl!
women...too many problems...and why i always involve myself is a mystery!
Your biggest problem is leaving it too long. This is why it's eating up inside you. Had you have spoken to her about 2 weeks within the time of knowing her (That's providing you saw eachother quite a bit back then) then these "feelings" you have wouldn't exist.

The fact that you say you've become better friends than before sort of makes it complicated because now that SHE wants this type of a friendship or relationship, she doesn't see that side of you anymore. She sees you as a person who can aid / support her in general things, that's why it will be way too hard for you to even ask any sort of forthcoming relationship questions.

Even though I said it may have been too late, you still shouldn't have put your feelings aside & said, "ignore my heart around her". Now that that's said, she believes you're over her or anything of the like.

Best thing to do is to stay better friends with her dude. That friendship can last so long if you play your cards right. If she ends up liking you, then lucky you, it's what you've always wanted...but otherwise, don't put her in THAT position to decide whether or not to be friends / gf material.


Individui Superiore
Nov 29, 2005
u havent ever touched her in a sexual way so the moment u do its gonna be WTF ARE U DOING?? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS etc etc

therefore, ur in the friends catergory, u can't get out, attempting anything sexual will put u in the creep frame dude

These problems arise when u come from a scarcity mindset- there is lik 3 billion girls in the world, realise she isn't the 'one'- if u had an abundance frame u would just accept the friendship and know u have so much options. In fact, very few guys experience what it is like to have LEGITIMATE female friends- one's u treat like your mates. They are mad fun- and they will socially proof u when ur out which in turn will attract new sexual partners. Don't come 'out' with 'feelings' like social conditioning teaches through Amercian literature- that is bullshit, the best thing to do is reframe yourself and get the fuck over her in a sexual way as it is seriously the biggest turn off to a woman- CLINGY, NEEDINESS, DESPERATE fucking chode behaviour.

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