So unsw doesn't love you? (1 Viewer)


nice as ice
Aug 20, 2006
somewhere away from you
You would probaly find that UWS differs in the sence that it asks for a higher umat score but lower UAI thus its all balanced out althougth you get to finish earlier at UWS bla bla ... oh the competition for UNSW i might as well go do marine biology and grow fish and eels for a living :p


Jun 6, 2006
beentherdunthat said:
The UAI cut-off for UWS is lower than UNSW's. So I guess it's still competitive, but not so much.
The minimum interview for UWS and UNSW are both the same (95 - unless you are rural than its lower for UNSW, and if you are in the greater western sydney area its lower for UWS)

However, UWS uses the UAI as a 'hurdle'. Once you pass the hurdle, selection is based on UMAT and the interview. However, at UNSW its 1/3 uma, 1/3uai and 1/3 interview.


Sep 8, 2006
lol i got rejected by UNSW med for first round! But I really don't care because I don't want to do med at all anyway and it's not even in any of my preferences. i don't even know if I want to do law at unsw because it is so far to travel for me =|


Sep 27, 2006
Wooz said:
I'm really counting on ACCESS for 2nd round, but i know i prob won't get in.

whats the diff for access people???
i heard that they only get 2nd round interviews is that true


Apr 4, 2007
Wooz said:
Yes and no, but they are stuctured totally differently, you are interviewed by up to 12 people at mini-multiple interview's at different stations, my careers advisor was one of the interviewers.

Also interview cut-offs are 95 and 187, and 93UAI and 187 for Greater Western Sydney students.
So does UWS also only accept 200 people maximum ?:confused:


LLB (Hons)
Nov 17, 2002
miss-smexy said:
I don't want to do med at all anyway and it's not even in any of my preferences. i don't even know if I want to do law at unsw because it is so far to travel for me =|
be brave. don't go to uni at all.


Aug 14, 2005
independantz said:
So does UWS also only accept 200 people maximum ?:confused:
I was talking about UMAT Raw combined score when i said 187 was the cut-off.

UWS is only 115 med students this year and this includes, international students, DFEE, CSP, Bonded, Rural and non-standards. So around 85+ students are CSP/HECS places.

nadine06 said:
whats the diff for access people???
i heard that they only get 2nd round interviews is that true
ACCESS entery is an entry scheme in which consideration is given for students who have suffered significant disadvantage for atleast 6 months.

ACCESS students can get 1st round offers if they pass the threshold(and maybe awarded bonus points after the EAS application has been assessed, but they are considered with their EAS application for the 2nd round if they do not recieve an interview in the first round.


New Member
May 1, 2005
For Tasmania you have to go physics for your HSC but other than that no matter how sh*t your UMAT (even around 158) or UAI was your guaranteed a place. All my friends who did physics but didnt get intervierws anywehere else got offer from Tasmania...but nobody went...cuz tasmania is a hole.


New Member
May 1, 2005
Umm the interview UMAT scores needed for UWS are like generally higher for scores needed for UNSW so i dont know why ppl are going on about "if i dont get in ill go to UWS"...try for Tasmania lol...if you did physics for your HSC your like bascially guaranteed an offer..i had a friend who got like 92 or something and UMAT 155 who got an offer...but no one i knew went cuz tasmania is a hole


Psychic refugee
Sep 19, 2004
Wooz said:
UNSW it's not too far away and i want to major in (Politics and international relations/History and philosophy of science) but yeah, the faculty seems pretty dodgy with a very wide range of social studies/sciences incorporated, also UNSW allows me to take more units in science areas in case i have to do post-grad medicine. I've got B.A/BSC down as one of me pref's it's 4 years compared to 4 at Usyd. I really wana try again to get into med at UNSW next year again, do u know if they still offer ACCESS entry for uni student's at the Med fac? Also what area's are under scrutiny and what do they wana cut out? Also what is the shortest time i can finish a BA, if i take extra unit's and use summer school?
I'm afraid I can't answer many of your questions! I don't know much about ACCESS - and in terms of majors under scrutiny I'm not entirely certain (I have simply seen a figure quoted regarding how much is being cut). Notably, the independence of some of the schools within the faculty of arts has been reduced. For example, we now have a school of History and Philosophy (which includes hist/phil of science) instead of seperate schools for each. I've noticed some courses with low numbers being cut with very little notice, e.g. postmodernism in english, environmental philosophy and philosophical logic (in general it's becoming difficult to run more specific 'niche interest' courses).

How quickly can you finish a BA? It may be possible to finish one in 2 years actually. UNSW is intentionally shortening its semesters by a couple weeks to fit in a more substantial summer term. The main issue with summer terms, however, is that course offerings tend to be slim (e.g. philosophy often only offers a single course in the summer) --> thus you would need to do the 'meat' of your degree (i.e. courses going towards your major) during sem 1 and 2, allowing you to then pad up your degree with summer courses. You would have to do a full on summer load though (4 x 6unit courses each summer), in order to make this work. There are a few forseeable hiccups, but in principle it seems achievable. Something worth considering when thinking about fast tracking is whether you can perform at a high level in that situation, in particular if you're hoping to score a good average in order to get into graduate medicine (or similar).


Aug 14, 2005
KFunk said:
I'm afraid I can't answer many of your questions! I don't know much about ACCESS - and in terms of majors under scrutiny I'm not entirely certain (I have simply seen a figure quoted regarding how much is being cut). Notably, the independence of some of the schools within the faculty of arts has been reduced. For example, we now have a school of History and Philosophy (which includes hist/phil of science) instead of seperate schools for each. I've noticed some courses with low numbers being cut with very little notice, e.g. postmodernism in english, environmental philosophy and philosophical logic (in general it's becoming difficult to run more specific 'niche interest' courses).

How quickly can you finish a BA? It may be possible to finish one in 2 years actually. UNSW is intentionally shortening its semesters by a couple weeks to fit in a more substantial summer term. The main issue with summer terms, however, is that course offerings tend to be slim (e.g. philosophy often only offers a single course in the summer) --> thus you would need to do the 'meat' of your degree (i.e. courses going towards your major) during sem 1 and 2, allowing you to then pad up your degree with summer courses. You would have to do a full on summer load though (4 x 6unit courses each summer), in order to make this work. There are a few forseeable hiccups, but in principle it seems achievable. Something worth considering when thinking about fast tracking is whether you can perform at a high level in that situation, in particular if you're hoping to score a good average in order to get into graduate medicine (or similar).
Yeah im intending doing 12-18 units this holiday at Usyd. But i think only 2 of them can be counted at UNSW, i've gotta double check.

6UOC Academic writing
6UOC American history from Lincoln to Cinton
6 UOC Chem 1A or Bio 1A.

I'm desperately trying to do an BA and MBBS in a shortest amount of time possible, possibley even Hons, i'm also thinking about the Dean's Scholar's program at UWS, i wanted to do BA ADV(Hons) at Usyd but i have a slim chance of getting in.


Psychic refugee
Sep 19, 2004
Wooz said:
I'm desperately trying to do an BA and MBBS in a shortest amount of time possible, possibley even Hons, i'm also thinking about the Dean's Scholar's program at UWS, i wanted to do BA ADV(Hons) at Usyd but i have a slim chance of getting in.
Out of curiousity, again, if you don't mind my inquiring, what's the rush? (given that university life is pretty good as things go).


Aug 14, 2005
KFunk said:
Out of curiousity, again, if you don't mind my inquiring, what's the rush? (given that university life is pretty good as things go).
I guess I want to put my skills to use as quick as i can? I just wana do alot of things in life i guess, at the moment I wana do a Art's degree but i can always do it later by correspondance (open uni at MQ, etc)if i get into undergrad med.

I want to serve my own community as soon as possible my local hospital has shut down most of the emergency ward, neonatal and intensice care ward even though it is a district hospital in a large outer western sydney city, due to the lack of doctors, 2 years ago i witnessed my grandmother having multiple strokes and being made to wait 5 hours and this lead to permanent paralysis. I'm angry at this, i even work for the local politician, and campaigned and protested for both labor(trying to get a more active role in the seat of londonderry/greenway after the hsc) and liberal parties in the area, but this had led to no where. I know the best i can do and what i have always wanted to do is doing medicne, in particular aviation medicne though the RAAF or at UMonash(which only requires a diploma) as careflight is an intergral and essential part of my community which is the largest council district in the state or emergency medicine(5 year's down the drain for this one :()

Also their is a critical shortage of doctors at the moment and my uncle has been working for over 45 years non-stop in his surgery and can't retire even though he's nearing 75. The patient doctor ratio is well over 1800-2000 patients per doctor (the standard is 1 to 1,100) and reported to be one of the worst in the state. This problem and shortage in my area will not be ratified in the near or forseeable furture, it's a BMP area, and i only wish i could get one.

I guess this is why i want to medicine and as quickly as possible.
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Feb 16, 2006
Wooz said:
Also their is a critical shortage of doctors at the moment and my uncle has been working for over 40 years non-stop in his surgery and can't retire even though he's nearing 70. The patient doctor ratio is well over 1020 patients per doctor and reported to be one of the worst in the state. This problem and shortage in my area will not be ratified in the near or forseeable furture, it's a BMP area, and i only wish i could get one.

I guess this is why i want to medicine and as quickly as possible.
Sorry to hear about your grandma! Gee they mustve been VERY short on doctors for you to wait 5hrs for a life threatening emergency where htey are meant to be seen in minutes!

The reason for the doctor shortage Australia wide is because in the 80s and early 90s i think, the government decided that we had TOO MANY doctors and therefore drastically cut medical school places. And since it takes ages to train as a doctor, the effects are being felt now. The government is slowly responding to it (as always) by increasing medical school places.


Aug 14, 2005
rozymisty said:
Sorry to hear about your grandma! Gee they mustve been VERY short on doctors for you to wait 5hrs for a life threatening emergency where htey are meant to be seen in minutes!

The reason for the doctor shortage Australia wide is because in the 80s and early 90s i think, the government decided that we had TOO MANY doctors and therefore drastically cut medical school places. And since it takes ages to train as a doctor, the effects are being felt now. The government is slowly responding to it (as always) by increasing medical school places.
Yeah we spent 5 hours waiting at both Auburn, and then Westmead, it was the weekend so yeah they normally have less doctors on hand, even in emergency. Realistically the wait is normally a few hours not minutes even in emergency.

The shortage stem's from the Howard government restricting training, in particular GP specialization to 100 per year in NSW, etc. In the last couple of years progress has been made in particular by Bob Carr who convinced UWS, UNE/UNCLE to expand and create new med courses. Also nursing which the pollies have now done a flip-flop, now they are being trained with hands on experience in hospitals again. Also now their is a problem with the influx and creation of 5 or so new med schools in the last few years, this has been a phenominal effort but no there aren't enough specialists to train inters and rmo's. The problem will not be retified from what i undesrstand untill 2016.

The Howard government and most government's have been mainly concerned about keeping the 'status quo' instead of forward planning and mangement. Also the continous debate between state and federal responsibilities over health care and funding, etc.


Active Member
Oct 10, 2003
Wooz said:
I guess I want to put my skills to use as quick as i can? I just wana do alot of things in life i guess, at the moment I wana do a Art's degree but i can always do it later by correspondance (open uni at MQ, etc)if i get into undergrad med.

I want to serve my own community as soon as possible my local hospital has shut down most of the emergency ward, neonatal and intensice care ward even though it is a district hospital in a large outer western sydney city, due to the lack of doctors, 2 years ago i witnessed my grandmother having multiple strokes and being made to wait 5 hours and this lead to permanent paralysis. I'm angry at this, i even work for the local politician, and campaigned and protested for both labor(trying to get a more active role in the seat of londonderry/greenway after the hsc) and liberal parties in the area, but this had led to no where. I know the best i can do and what i have always wanted to do is doing medicne, in particular aviation medicne though the RAAF or at UMonash(which only requires a diploma) as careflight is an intergral and essential part of my community which is the largest council district in the state or emergency medicine(5 year's down the drain for this one :()

Also their is a critical shortage of doctors at the moment and my uncle has been working for over 45 years non-stop in his surgery and can't retire even though he's nearing 75. The patient doctor ratio is well over 1800-2000 patients per doctor (the standard is 1 to 1,100) and reported to be one of the worst in the state. This problem and shortage in my area will not be ratified in the near or forseeable furture, it's a BMP area, and i only wish i could get one.

I guess this is why i want to medicine and as quickly as possible.
not to be insensitive but medically .. u seem to imply that if she was seen earlier that there would be some thing that would not make her paralysed?.. was there?.. i dunno the details... but given all the papers im reading.. 5 hrs is about enough.. .. to CT head and commence fibrinolytics.. the problem is that ure grandmothers story is sad but u cant blame her state on the medicos.. the time is appalling but may not be the one to blame.. the problem was that she had to wait.. and thats the biggest problem there..

i think u cant do both the BA and the MBBS quickly and not expect to negelect one thing or the other.. i feel the same way about the shortages.. and i intend to skip all the hons i have been offered to start practising.. and to concentrate on my medical studies.. i will be doing my extra work in my MA, MSc or MMed or sumfing post grad..

while i still train.. and then i can truly work and explore it all
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Aug 14, 2005
+Po1ntDeXt3r+ said:
not to be insensitive but medically .. u seem to imply that if she was seen earlier that there would be some thing that would not make her paralysed?.. was there?.. i dunno the details... but given all the papers im reading.. 5 hrs is about enough.. .. to CT head and commence fibrinolytics.. the problem is that ure grandmothers story is sad but u cant blame her state on the medicos.. the time is appalling but may not be the one to blame.. the problem was that she had to wait.. and thats the biggest problem there..

i think u cant do both the BA and the MBBS quickly and not expect to negelect one thing or the other.. i feel the same way about the shortages.. and i intend to skip all the hons i have been offered to start practising.. and to concentrate on my medical studies.. i will be doing my extra work in my MA, MSc or MMed or sumfing post grad..

while i still train.. and then i can truly work and explore it all
I did not blame medico's, never have, it's the system and poltik(lack of foresight) behing it all that's screwed, lack of funding, etc> leadinf to the state which our hospitals and emergency departments are in now. What i was implying if she had be admistered earlier drugs could of been given to limit the extent of damage and further clotting such as Phylomer or BN80933. BN80933 would have been administered we were told, but by that stage it was too late.


Bored User
Feb 8, 2005
Quantum Parallel Universe
:(..unsw doesnt love me at all, got a rejection on my 18th, how shit is that, i had an estimate of 99, can i assume safely my umat was shitty?. btw im an access student. (Priority Funded Schools Program = means shit school).
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