Hiya everyone..
I'll also be doing peer mentoring for
Torts Law.
With regards to Torts, we’re not lecturers or tutors obviously, but we’ll be running small group session for an
hour a week for about 5 weeks and our role will be to guide the group in discussion about
what you want to talk about - be it assignments, readings or lectures and together as a group we’ll come up with answers and strategies. It’ll also be a fantastic opportunity to talk about getting used to uni life in a really relaxed and supportive environment and making sure everyone is happy and confident with uni expectations and procedures.
It’s very valuable in building self confidence and friendships, and in improving competence in Torts. There really are huge benefits from bouncing ideas of each other, nutting out problems together and articulating your thoughts. Just one of those is being able to build really comprehensive notes for your exam!
Many groups in fact continue to meet after their mentor has left.
Check out:
http://www.uws.edu.au/students/ods/lsu/peermentoring for more info on peer mentoring in general or email me,
15933560@student.uws.edu.au for any questions. It'll probably start Wk2 and hopefully details of room and time will be on WebCT - though Thurs looks to be the day it'll run.
Hope to see you all there!