Does God Exist? (2 Viewers)


Active Member
Oct 11, 2002
Not-That-Bright said:
I'm just giving a situation where an atheist confronting some random theist 1000 years ago that is kinda the same as the situation we are faced with now. I am being posed a question which i cannot give a definitive answer to, so of course that to a theist proves god must exist.

Yes we do have an imagination, which forms reasoning etc... but really an imagination is just our brain stringing different ideas together, making conclusions, theorising.
something animals cannot do well


Active Member
Oct 11, 2002
Vladormarx said:
ur all aguing whether god exist or not?
but what would it mean to you if
god existed?
or if god didn't exist? (depending on the one u believe in or both)
what does it mean to you?

his existence doesn't change anything. i believe in a creator, he may or may not be god, and this doesn't bother me, it affects me in no way.


what if god was one of us?
just a slob like one of us?
just a stranger on a bus?
trying to find his way home, hooooome.


Dec 20, 2004
katie_tully said:
what if god was one of us?
just a slob like one of us?
just a stranger on a bus?
trying to find his way home, hooooome.
maybe that song is the meaning of life

Pace Setter

Feb 13, 2004
Generator said:
I can understand your point, but in my mind intentions are just as important as biological processes. An adrenalin rush may have helped us to survive and eating what tasted good may have been an important means of survival, but if you are seeking a 'rush' and eating/drinking something that is a known health hazard today then you are choosing to act rather than reacting to survive. As I said, in my mind living moves beyond surviving.

Edit: I can see a difference, and there is no need to establish that only one of us is 'definitely' correct, too.
Slightly new point there, so I'll reply again. When you make a decision like seeking the rush, a trillion and one computation go through your mind-i.e. stuff that would drive Einstein mad. Choosing to act, rather than reacting to survive? Difference? Well I'll tell you about the similarities. They both require a trillion firing neutrons in the brain. For some reason or other, your brain comes up with an answer to what you should do right at that moment. When you seek a rush aka adrenaline, how is it different to a cave man encouraged to get a rush when he saw a wild pig trying to kill him? The constant encouragement of the body for this kind of rush doesnt disappear when the environment becomes safer. It might gradually disappear, but there's still that urge in the human to get to that adrenaline, simply because we've been requiring it for probably hundreds, if not thousands of years. It's a flow-on effect.

If mankind invented technology that allowed humans to NOT EAT, would people still be eating in 100 years? I bet they would. In english it's called tradition, in simpler language it's called an outdated survival-aid technique.

Note I did not say that one of us is definitely correct. I said one of us is "definitely" incorrect. However, my view on that has changed. I can clearly see that I'm arguing something quite different to what you're arguing, which is to be expected in this kind of debate. Therefore there's certainly a chance we're both correct.

Edit: Gee the pace of this thread is quick. That's all from me for today.
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xo NoFear xo


Hey hey hey!

1stli i'll appologise in advance 4 any repeatin of other peoples previous replies... i tried 2 read tha 173 pages... lol but uh yeh anyways ;)...

God exists!!! :)
itz obvious that we were cre8ed... the word cr8ed implies there is a cre8or...
that cre8or is God (infamousli spoken words of Genesis 1..."in the beginning God cre8ed the heavenz and the earth.")

So God cre8ed us... everything was perfect...God gave us charge over the earth, 2 take care ov it under Him and His love... but we sinned i.e we became our own god.
The consequence ov being our own god iz separ8ion from the true God... eternal death/hell.
Thankfulli God rich in luv and grace, sent His son who became man and took the anger of God 4 our sins cz we cnt save ourselvz... and in doing so gives us oppourtunity 2 be in a rel8ionship with God...
dude, thatz pretti God 4gives our sins in Jesus' name...becz we humanz are infected with sin, the onli way 2 God iz thru Jesus...
basicalli therez 2 wayz 2 live...
Godz way= eternal life...
Your way=eternal death...

Anyhooooooooz, i realise u guyz dun wanna jus believe in sumthin that iz written down... evidence u say???? u got it!...
(Godz existance cant b proved thru meanz of scientific explan8ion from man... it iz primarili proved thru faith His spirit gives u (in ya heart....praise God 4 makin it a personal thing eh)... sumthin a human mind defin8li will never understand or what any words can express (itz like a source of unknown strength)... but provin the bible is real and totalli accur8 and reliable iz therefore proving wat it sez 2 b also true and accur8;)
~PiEcEs oF EvIdEnCe 4 tHe BiBLe...
1) 1947 in Qumran... a dude folllowin his naughti goat found cave openinz and upon entering found wat he thought were worthlez jar containing bundles wrappd in cloth...
he had stumbled on the DeAd SeA ScRoLLs!!! i.e manuscripts which were a thousand years older than the then-oldest-known Hebrew texts of the Bible.
click here 2 see what was written on the 7 scrollz >>>
2)The remarkable evidence of fulfilled prophecy is just one case in point. Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled, specifically and meticulously, often long after the prophetic writer had passed away.
eg.Daniel the prophet predicted in about 538 BC (Daniel 9:24-27) that Christ would come as Israel's promised Savior and Prince 483 years after the Persian emperor would give the Jews authority to rebuild Jerusalem, which was then in ruins. This was clearly and definitely fulfilled, hundreds of years later.
3) principles of modern science were recorded as facts of nature in the Bible long before scientist confirmed them experimentally. A sampling of these would include:
>Roundness of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)
> Law of conservation of mass and energy (II Peter 3:7)
> Hydrologic cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7)
> Vast number of stars (Jeremiah 33:22)
> Law of increasing entropy (Psalm 102:25-27)
> Atmospheric circulation (Ecclesiastes 1:6)
> Gravitational field (Job 26:7)
4) The remarkable structure of the Bible should also be stressed. Although it is a collection of 66 books, written by 40 or more different men over a period of 2,000 years, it is clearly one Book, with perfect unity and consistency throughout.
5) the evidence of Godz existance iz also seen thru those who believe in Him...we're talkin millionz over time willing 2 die 4 their faith... thruout histori

sorri therez heapz more on the site... which i shall give credit 2 now... lol i wish i had all this info in my head off by heart, but sadli no lol not just yet anywayz ;)
the sites called
therez heepz on that website...
go there n read it... sorri im not typing it all, but therez plenti there...
if therez any specific questioinz 2 challenge me with i wud b more than happi 2 answer... xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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ickle firstie
Oct 31, 2004
I hate to sound horrid, but you'd actually appear more intelligent if you
a) typed properly
b) used your own information

I personally believe in God's existance, because I'm a christian. I look around in awe and think that all of this couldn't possibly be created by chance. I look at the events in people's lives and think that it's not just a huge coincidence


God Is One
Mar 21, 2003
Seven Hills
sorry, but u scare the shit out of me......

anyways i'm sorry but the bible is too contradictory for it to be counted as anything to me so yeah i guess i dont beleive what ur saying.

but do u have evidence that jesus actually existed?

i mean i'm not christian, but do u have 'concrete' evidence, i would honestly like to know

xo NoFear xo

tendays said:
I hate to sound horrid, but you'd actually appear more intelligent if you
a) typed properly
b) used your own information

I personally believe in God's existance, because I'm a christian. I look around in awe and think that all of this couldn't possibly be created by chance. I look at the events in people's lives and think that it's not just a huge coincidence
lol ya dont sound horrid... ur opinion is now noted... what can i say but >msn< lol
thankfulli wen i write on paper it's 100% english...phew ;) and also my own inform8ion??? lol i havent quite gotten 2 the point in my life of researching and discovering biblical accuracies, thankfulli God used otherz that kindli shared it on the internet :)
oh and thatz gr8 ur a christian!!! kewl ;)

xo NoFear xo

Not-That-Bright said:
There's alot of evidence that a person existed that did alot of crap around that time.
huh??? .... sorri lol
man ur up l8... u liv in mt druitt??? im so near there! lol kewl :)


God Is One
Mar 21, 2003
Seven Hills
xo NoFear xo said:
Hey hey hey!

1stli i'll appologise in advance 4 any repeatin of other peoples previous replies... i tried 2 read tha 173 pages... lol but uh yeh anyways ;)...

God exists!!! :)
itz obvious that we were cre8ed... the word cr8ed implies there is a cre8or...
that cre8or is God (infamousli spoken words of Genesis 1..."in the beginning God cre8ed the heavenz and the earth.")

So God cre8ed us... everything was perfect...God gave us charge over the earth, 2 take care ov it under Him and His love... but we sinned i.e we became our own god.
The consequence ov being our own god iz separ8ion from the true God... eternal death/hell.
Thankfulli God rich in luv and grace, sent His son who became man and took the anger of God 4 our sins cz we cnt save ourselvz... and in doing so gives us oppourtunity 2 be in a rel8ionship with God...
dude, thatz pretti God 4gives our sins in Jesus' name...becz we humanz are infected with sin, the onli way 2 God iz thru Jesus...
basicalli therez 2 wayz 2 live...
Godz way= eternal life...
Your way=eternal death...

Anyhooooooooz, i realise u guyz dun wanna jus believe in sumthin that iz written down... evidence u say???? u got it!...
(Godz existance cant b proved thru meanz of scientific explan8ion from man... it iz primarili proved thru faith His spirit gives u (in ya heart....praise God 4 makin it a personal thing eh)... sumthin a human mind defin8li will never understand or what any words can express (itz like a source of unknown strength)... but provin the bible is real and totalli accur8 and reliable iz therefore proving wat it sez 2 b also true and accur8;)
~PiEcEs oF EvIdEnCe 4 tHe BiBLe...
1) 1947 in Qumran... a dude folllowin his naughti goat found cave openinz and upon entering found wat he thought were worthlez jar containing bundles wrappd in cloth...
he had stumbled on the DeAd SeA ScRoLLs!!! i.e manuscripts which were a thousand years older than the then-oldest-known Hebrew texts of the Bible.
click here 2 see what was written on the 7 scrollz >>>
2)The remarkable evidence of fulfilled prophecy is just one case in point. Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled, specifically and meticulously, often long after the prophetic writer had passed away.
eg.Daniel the prophet predicted in about 538 BC (Daniel 9:24-27) that Christ would come as Israel's promised Savior and Prince 483 years after the Persian emperor would give the Jews authority to rebuild Jerusalem, which was then in ruins. This was clearly and definitely fulfilled, hundreds of years later.
3) principles of modern science were recorded as facts of nature in the Bible long before scientist confirmed them experimentally. A sampling of these would include:
>Roundness of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)
> Law of conservation of mass and energy (II Peter 3:7)
> Hydrologic cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7)
> Vast number of stars (Jeremiah 33:22)
> Law of increasing entropy (Psalm 102:25-27)
> Atmospheric circulation (Ecclesiastes 1:6)
> Gravitational field (Job 26:7)
4) The remarkable structure of the Bible should also be stressed. Although it is a collection of 66 books, written by 40 or more different men over a period of 2,000 years, it is clearly one Book, with perfect unity and consistency throughout.
5) the evidence of Godz existance iz also seen thru those who believe in Him...we're talkin millionz over time willing 2 die 4 their faith... thruout histori

sorri therez heapz more on the site... which i shall give credit 2 now... lol i wish i had all this info in my head off by heart, but sadli no lol not just yet anywayz ;)
the sites called
therez heepz on that website...
go there n read it... sorri im not typing it all, but therez plenti there...
if therez any specific questioinz 2 challenge me with i wud b more than happi 2 answer... xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

let me ask you a question

do you fear god?

because if u dont, you're a fool.

if u do, then i suggest u change ur name


xo NoFear xo

dark_angel said:
sorry, but u scare the shit out of me......

anyways i'm sorry but the bible is too contradictory for it to be counted as anything to me so yeah i guess i dont beleive what ur saying.

but do u have evidence that jesus actually existed?

i mean i'm not christian, but do u have 'concrete' evidence, i would honestly like to know
man, dun appologise... itz totalli fine :) umm off the top ov my head therez 1 thing i can think of...
a guy unrelated to the bible, he was a jewish historian, his name was Josephus, and he was around the time of Jesus, and he recorded Jesus as being alive at that time and referred to Him as "Jesus the Messiah"... i'm jus lookin up other stuff... xo

xo NoFear xo

dark_angel said:
let me ask you a question

do you fear god?

because if u dont, you're a fool.

if u do, then i suggest u change ur name

i fear God in the sense that He is suchan awesum being and i reverently fear Him...and cause i know His power and might... my name means nofear of life or death cause i understand how God iz in control of it all and specificalli i have no fear becz God saved me from my sin... therefore i have no fear ov what i truli deserve...hell.
do u fear God???

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