ladyknight said:
He was raised a Christian, I was raised in a Muslim culture. We love eachother completely and purely, regardless of our upbringing, and of our blatently opposing families.
This is my question to you all- in this day and age, do you think it is possible to simply be together?
well hi, same situation...but me and my partner are not religious so no probs with that or what my kid will do...basically kids choice, sharred background education
and that's too far in the future if i even have a kid!
but...ofcourse due to culture etc parents we were raised in different ways....parents have different beliefs...well the end result is we are engaged lol. it's up to you two to make it work,the religious factor does probably impact, even without religion it's not easy because in the end the guy and his surrounding ppl may see things as normal, which are completely not normal to you, but, everything glamorous is expensive, everything you really want, you have to work to get it, that's the way the world works.
basically what i mean is, ofcourse it won't be easy, but it doesnt mean that it can't happen, if there is love and you two agree on most things, don't worry about parents, they are your parents and they shall want the best, if you can make them see that he loves you etc then they will eventaully have to accept it...but i've heard stories about muslim/christian that are not so flashy they break up cos of parents, or bad terrible things depends on how religious your family and you are should also make sure that you talk to the guy and see exactly how similar or different his thoughts are than yours, before you go n do anything crazy.
oh yeh,a note to everyone cos ur inner childs "^^^i doubt many try to look toward marriage when they date someone"
coming from a family with a muslim background, for those who are not informed, in the religion there is no such thing as get married, the end.
even though i dont support that religion, the way i was brought up on the issue (and many people with a similar cultur. bckgrnd) kinda is an alternation of that view... i mean ofcourse if it doesnt work out then it doesnt, they will have other boyfriends after etc, who knows, but ideally, people within that culture want their first boyfriend to be forever, that's why we don't just date people at 15 etc, every experience is wanted to be shared with the future husnband, the thought is: "i want to find a person that i will fall in love with, once, and forever, so i will spend my time and look for him"
yeah it's a bit like cinderella ideology, but if people be patient it does happen, so yeh, it's just a different upbringing....theres ppl like that from other cultures too, but the majority of muslim country background (who are even not too religious) ppl are like that.
zomg.....longest jargon i've posted so far ahaha.