Another Cronulla, but in Melbourne (1 Viewer)

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
nathan said:
What is the Australian way? A fair go? A bbq steak?
No, it is first and foremost, defined by our laws/constitution.

nathan said:
The typical male Anglo youth culture is actually alot simialiar to the youth culture of the young Arab males. It is a dominant Australian male youth culture to idolize money, cars, sports drugs (including alcohol) and objectify women. This is a culture promoted on tv, through magazines etc. The young Lebanese just like the Young Anglo is going to adobt this culture. The Chauvinism is pretty equally shared amongst young males in Australia, so when the media and others criticise the Lebanese as acting un Australian they are being racist as they are not attacking chauvinism or even trying to understand the dominat young male culture.

Im sure if you went to Lebanon you find the chauvinism there to be different to Australian chauvinism.
I agree that male Anglo youth culture isn't pretty. But our chauvanism has its limits somewhere before raping Muslim girls because we don't like their religion, ethnicity or, clothing.
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Aug 13, 2004
Captain Gh3y said:
Because their 'ways' aren't so incompatible with ours! So if they're going to keep their 'ways', which aren't compatible with those of Australia, why are they here?

Well if wat u say is correct, perhaps because they were forced to come by reasons of war. See the christian lebanese came here mainly after ww2, it was there choice and they wanted to be here and they intergrated.

But how is the muslium culture any less compatable than a hindu or buddhist culture? I really dont think thats the problem. Most of these people are just "tough", only a very few are actually criminal. What i wanna find out is the reasons for their attitudes, Its not about why are they all criminals, because they are not, but for sure they have a tough attitude. The stereotype of them being this way, might actually lead to them becoming like that. They follow the example of their friends.
Aug 13, 2004
Captain Gh3y said:
I don't know how Muslims are less compatible than Buddhists, to be honest. So... why's there no violent Buddhist minority?
maybe in lebanon u dont need to disclipine ur children as much, ur expected to be good citizens, harsh penalities for breaking the law. But in Australia, their raising their kids the same way as in lebanon, and in australia when u give a kid rope they get up to more mischeive in Australia then Lebanon. In a western country u have to disclipine ur children more, these parents dont.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
Nathan, you are focussing on biological differences.
You missed my point, i can't even find where i was talking about the biology of humans. I was pointing out you can't compare the biological differences of animals to clashes of ethnicity in humans which is socail. I was going towards generators comments.

I agree that male Anglo youth culture isn't pretty. But our chauvanism has its limits somewhere before raping Muslim girls because we don't like their religion, ethnicity or, clothing.
Well Anglo people do rape, and violently assault women. Rape is an act of overpowering the person being raped. Attitudes to rape vary in different cultures but that does not change the basic fact what rape is. We just tend to ignore rapes, date rapes, domestic violence etc towards women involving Anglo men as a outcome of culture in Australia. Though when it is a Lebanese some people act as if they are seperate entity, that their youth do not share the same chauvinist culture. When people do this, they actually don't care for the abused women in our society, they are being opportunistic and use the situation to spout racism.

In a western country u have to disclipine ur children more, these parents dont.
Discipline does not change the culture which is something independent of the individual. You need to change the superstructure by mass participation to change the individual. Discipline would not change the culture, which in some of its forms is mass produced and commericalised. Regardless of the discipline the individual still comes into contact with the world around the individual and would learn the culture, ofcourse unless the discipline was so great that you never let them leave the house.
Aug 13, 2004
Comrade nathan said:
Discipline does not change the culture which is something independent of the individual. You need to change the superstructure by mass participation to change the individual. Discipline would not change the culture, which in some of its forms is mass produced and commericalised. Regardless of the discipline the individual still comes into contact with the world around the individual and would learn the culture, ofcourse unless the discipline was so great that you never let them leave the house.
so ur saying theres no way parents can disclipline children, unless they never let them leave the house? Wat u say is partially true, but obviusly discipline helps the child to avoid influence from negative aspects of the society.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
so ur saying theres no way parents can disclipline children, unless they never let them leave the house?
You can discipline chidlren, but that does not stop the culture that creates the actions that people do.

Ignore comrade Nathan, he's a communist who is even open about this. He is therefore clearly full of shit.
Is that your reply? I'm just going to assume you can not understand and thus counter act to a Marxist line. You haven't given much of an arguement here rather you rant how much you hate "muslims", and continue to show you ignorance and half baked education.
Aug 13, 2004
Comrade nathan said:
You can discipline chidlren, but that does not stop the culture that creates the actions that people do.
Yeh, im arguing something different but, because the australian culture should have the same effect on all people born here, and theres a difference in attitudes to some muslim born here. Therefore its not the western culture thats causing these problems. Im saying this western culture allows for more.... well its more 'open', its less tough than some other countries, and therefore requires MORE disclipine, than a country like Lebanon. These muslim parents havnt upgraded the level of disclipine.


Sep 14, 2005
TerrbleSpellor said:
Racism is not derived from an educated/uneducated scale, but from a mean/nice scale, blended with a quite/loud scale.
You have a good point there. One can understand alot about a culture, race or religion and hate them for it. Isn't that a more justifiable racism?

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
TerrbleSpellor said:
wow, a communist accusing me of being uneducated. That’s something new!

I don’t see what being tolerant has to do with education. You can try to draw parallels about racism being possessed only by uneducated yobbos, but i think it would be a foolish thing to do.

Racism is not derived from an educated/uneducated scale, but from a mean/nice scale, blended with a quite/loud scale.
No i would not be so stupid. I undestand the main theories of racism were created by intelligent men, and people who engineer ethnic and racial genocide are very clever. None the less they are wrong.

I was saying you are uneducated.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
I undestand the main theories of racism were created by intelligent men
I don't think any 'theories' were created as such... their manufacture seems to be a natural form of prejudice that has perhaps been exploited upon by different people.

I don’t see what being tolerant has to do with education. You can try to draw parallels about racism being possessed only by uneducated yobbos, but i think it would be a foolish thing to do.
Well I highly doubt any racist 'scientists' get their paperspublished in any sort of reputable scientific journal... tho some results may be used by racists to further their agenda.

And if i was, what would that have to do with anything?
I see no reason for him to not argue by calling you uneducated when you simply call him a 'communist' and conclude that therefor you shouldn't listen to him. I think the logic of attacking someone's claims on the base of their education in a matter is a bit better than attacking it based on their political stance... but that's just me.
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Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
the trouble is from two natural tendancies of people...the first, is that they tend to hang around similar people. Those that they share a common culture, religion, language, appearance, etc. Human nature. The second is that they tend toward conflict, prob especially guys in late teens, early 20s. Now when this happens between two groups that are the same, its just some generic violence....however, if the two groups are different, that difference is automatically seen as the reason for the violence. Suddenly, its a matter of racism and it becomes very difficult to really address any additional factors that may have caused it.

Orange Juice

so worthless i am
Nov 23, 2002
Room 112
"racism still alive, they just be concealing it"

erm anyways thats bloody unaustralian...


Apr 27, 2003
A1 said:
Whites are people who are white. Middles Easterns are generally caramel in colour, not white. Caramel is not white. Therefore, so long as Europeans (and I don't mean new immigrants) are white, as most are, then I certainly wouldn't call them Middle Easterners. Furthermore, Europe is not in the Middle East.
One's friends don't make ones nationality. That's a dumb thing to say.

The blond Aussie was historically a White European. They are from England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany etc. These places are no where near the Middle East, so how can the Middle Eastern upbringing be closer to the upringing of the blond Aussie than that of Europe, the place where the White Aussie actually originated from???
I was trying to argue the point that it's not the nationality, it's the mindset. The people causing the problems are also from other (european) nationalities, not just the middle east. The 'lebanese' groups aren't just lebanese all the time.

One's friends don't make the nationality but they influence their mind and behaviour.

Europeans (greek, italian, portugese, spanish and so on) and middle easterns have a much 'stricter' upbringing than the 'english' aussies, imo.


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
SuNrIsE_oVa_sEa said:
I would just like to point out how this whole racism crap has affected other 'wogs'. I have a greek background and you could say my whole family looks greek and sometimes this can be mixed up with the media's 'middle eastern appearence' shit. Now my family has been living in australia for years, and we have embraced the aussie culture like my brothers n i surf and all our friends are mostly aussie and we hang round the beach n stuff but we have had a few racist remarks when we have been out because we 'look' like them. My brother got bashed the other day and they were yelling out wog and everything like that and he didnt do anything he was just at the pub with his mates. So i just like to say you cant just judge sum1 on their appearence-everyone knows that-i was taught that wen i was like 6 or sumthn. Its just stupid and to the person who said they don't liek the idea of multiculturalism thats the most pathetic crap ive ever heard- the greatest thing about Australia is the multiculturalism and the fact that (or used to) we can all live together no matter what race, gender or religion. Just remember who first lived in Australia-The Aboriginies...
thats sad to hear, i like greeks

maybe your brother could try a few things to help the dummies realise he isnt one of the baddies?
like okok most leb groups are all male, and large around 10 guys or so, so if he hung around in mixed groups, or smaller groups he wouldnt be so easily a target.

most of the aussies that are attacking other people know full well what they are doing, and are just using the "omg hes a leb bash him" as a reason to beat up anyone they consider ethnic. Its a war of intimidation on both sides and unfortunately the white supremacist groups have taken advantage of the situation to create a rift in our society.

next time some aussie says somethign about middle eastern say back " hey white trash redneck, iam greek dumbshit and my parents were here before yours so fuck off"
Aug 13, 2004
u want people to feel sorry for u cause ur greek and copping shit. so u think its alright for innocent lebs to cop shit??? Its not right to say; im not middle eastern so why should i cop it, then ur saying that innocent middle easstern background deserve it.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
The thing is Australia has absolutely no need to take in any more muslim immigrants. We know from experience that Chinese, Vietnamese etc. immigrants are on the whole far more succesful at integrating into australian society. Undoubtedly many muslims would integrate successfully into australian society but a signifigant proportion would not and on a cost/benefit basis it's better not to take any. It's just stupid to create problems in this country when we don't have to. Immigration should be like a job interview. Do we think you are likely to fit in? What will you bring to this country etc?
Aug 13, 2004
TerrbleSpellor said:
This didn't ever happen. You’re clearly lying just to make up an attack of Australians here.

I'm sure that narcisitic foreigners see it this way. Australians don't.

What relevance does the "aborigines were here first" arg. have? "the aborigines were here first, and white man came and took over their land.. Therefore its ok for wogs/towel heads to come and invade white man even if he was here before them."

^^^ Is that what you're trying to say?

Well i'm sure it's what you believe, even if you would never say it, for fear of the white mans fears being realised.
if u whities can come here and take the blackmans land, then any other culture has exactly the same right to take ur land and kill ur kids while there at it.

This was never white man land!!! This is why australia must be multicultural. I can understand china or japan or something not allowing foreigners, theyve always been there. Just 200 years ago, whites stole this land, its not theres so they have to share it. The whites in this country are immigrants themseleves from england.

the aborigines were here first, and white man came and took over their land, thats exactly why its ok for wogs/towel heads to come and invade white man even if he was here before them because the abo's were here before u.


Jan 5, 2005
The Shire
brogan77 said:
Yeahh, but Melbournes ghey...noone cares about it, they should bomb tasmania.
agreed, we should kick out tasmanina out of the commonwealth and then invade, it will fix up that sick place up

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