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  1. G

    How many points would I likely revive for EAS at UNSW?

    I understand that UNSW limits EAS to 10 points, but since they don't provide explicit information on how many are allocated per category, I'm feeling a bit conflicted. Personally, I've applied for H01B (severe illness of family member/friend) and S01D (long-distance education), as one of my...
  2. KloppsAndRobbers

    Adv Math @ Uni. Is it hard?

    I've been looking at degrees and I think I might want to do a Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) / Commerce @ UNSW. My main concern tho is if Adv Math would be too difficult for me as I only do 3U. Anyone doing the degree or know someone who does it help me out pls.
  3. S

    bridging course

    Hi everyone, I do standard maths and I am hoping to study a bachelor of science, specifically biology, most likely at unsw. I am wondering whether I should do a bridging course since advanced maths is assumed knowledge for the course, or if self study would suffice. I do quite well in standard...
  4. G

    I am an Year 10 student looking to do med at UNSW, what should I start doing to maximise my chances?

    I have a few questions regarding medicine at UNSW: 1. Should I start preparing for the UCAT right now? 2. What can I start doing that will help me maximise my chances. 3. Does UNSW look at your extra curriculars when you apply?
  5. A

    UNSW Portfolio Entry Early - FEAS (2024)

    Hi everyone, The first round results for FEAS portfolio entry are out today, and I was curious to hear how everyone went. I'd love any advice or tips, especially regarding the projects you showcased and the questions you answered, as I'm thinking of applying in the second round. Any insights...
  6. I

    Comm/Info sys or Comm/Comp sci majoring in finance at unsw. Which is more relevant?

    should I do info sys or comp sci if I wanna get into finance as a job Thanks!
  7. M

    UNSW Preparation Program !MAJOR HELP!

    hi right now i do a UNSW Preparation program and i am wanting to transfer to UNSW Bachelor of science. How do i transfer. i started this program from february and now its july. im on my 2nd term and finished 1st term with an overal 72.00 wam. Is that a good bonus point apply to bachelor of...
  8. Y

    Bachelor of Comm/Law vs. Comm/Info Sys

    I want to get into finance (specifically financial advising or Broking). Would studying a Bachelor of Comm/Law majoring in finance help? or is it useless studying the extra law degree. Alternatively, I was also thinking about studying a bachelor of Commerce and Information systems majoring in...
  9. Canoeboat

    UNSW Scholarships

    yo guys, for the scholarships you gotta apply to individually on UNSW, what r the chances u get in? Is it easy? Like im not black, a woman, aboriginal or disabled. but what r the chances i get in
  10. V

    UNSW Actuarial Studies/Comp Sci Vs MQ Actuarial Studies/Information Technology and other UNSW CO-OP courses

    Hi guys, Basically im in year 12 right now and just wanted to ask about the difference between UNSW Actuarial Studies/Comp Sci Vs MQ Actuarial Studies/Information Technology. I currently attend a selective school and do 2u/3u maths, phys chem economics and eng adv. I just wanted to ask in...
  11. boredcompanion

    UNSW early entry design portfolio

    I'm planning to apply for early entry to design with the portfolio admission scheme in UNSW but I have no idea how to start it. I have been trying to find exemplars on other design portfolios to get inspiration, but I have found nothing at all well except 1. So I just need advice on how to start...
  12. aqwerty13402

    UNSW Physiotherapy

    Hey, not sure if I'll find anyone on this website, but does anyone do UNSW physiotherapy degree that DIDNT do chemistry? Chemistry is assumed knowledge and I think I'll actually kill myself if I need to do a bridging course. Would it be necessary?
  13. P

    UNSW or UTS for bachelors of business?

    Should I do my bachelors of economics at uts or unsw? What are your opinions on the trimester system at unsw, work life balance, internship opportunties, pros and cons of each? I have always been set on unsw for its social life but now reconsidering due to the controversy of its trimesters...
  14. S

    MACQUARIE OR UNSW marketing

    Hi guys I’m currently enrolled into Marketing and media at Macquarie university, but I don’t know if I wanna transfer into UNSW or not. But I also wanna do media as well. Can I major in marketing and minor in media instead? Should I just stay at Macquarie uni for a year and then see? When I...
  15. E

    Will I gain admission into Double Commerce with my Selection Rank in January Round 2?

    Hi all, My selection rank is 97.5. I had a bit of a complicated situation, but now I am basically hoping to receive an offer from UNSW for Double Commerce in January Round 2. The lowest selection rank was 93.25 in January Round 1. What are my chances of gaining admission?
  16. S

    University Transfer

    I am just wondering if I undertake the Bachelor of Business/Information Technology combined degree at UTS, would it be possible for me to transfer to the Bachelor of Commerce/Computer Science double degree at UNSW? If so, would this be the best method as both degrees from both universities are...
  17. SB257426

    A question for engineering students at Uni

    Hey there, I am planning on doing engineering at UNSW starting in 2024 and my question is: Should I go for MacOS or Windows operating system in UNI? I am just a bit unsure which will be more suitable for engineering as I am aware engineering does require programming knowledge and there will be...
  18. P

    UNSW or UTS Software Engineering

    I have been accepted into both UTS and UNSW for software engineering, what are the pros and cons of both? I am having a difficult time deciding on where to enrol.
  19. SB257426

    Quick Question about Uni

    This might sound like a bit of a silly question but do they ever check homework lol. For example, if im doing a math course and they prescribe a textbook to me, would they ever check if I have done all the exercises? Or do you just self study for the course in uni?
  20. Huntress_Waffle


    I got in Eco/Law double at UTS via early entry. I was going to just go ahead with it, but my parents say I should do Eco at USYD then transfer to eco/law 2nd year. I don’t really think there’s much point to that because I know some UTS law graduates who still end up going to top-tier law firms...