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  1. F

    Art Theory @ UNSW

    Hey there, can anyone tell me more about the Art Theory Major at UNSW. I am really interested in art history and criticism, and would love to continue learning more at uni. HSC Visual Arts only teches more so much... lol... and i would love to focus on theory without the creative pressure of...
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    i was just doing some speaking practice and it seems a popular question is "日本に行ったことがありますか。so i was wondering how many of you guys have been to japan, and if yea, was it for school or with family, etc.
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    more on images

    i have a question regarding images. i am writing a short story, that heavily relies on the appropriation of three paintings by Dali. [its a surrealist peice of text, yes] but what i am worried about, is that the markers arent going to know of the paintings themselves, and as such, their...
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    Is a plot a Neccesity?

    OK, i posted this in the short story section but i think that eveyrone can offer their opinion on this touchy subject. SO, i was having a discussion with my EE2 teacher talking about problems i was having with my plot - namely that it was tacky, corny, and too teenage-angst like. Also...
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    Is A Plot Neccessary?

    Ok, i was having a discussion with my EE2 teacher talking about problems i was having with my plot - namely that it was tacky, corny, and too teenage-angst like. Also, because i am writing an appropriation i didnt want to carbon copy what happened in the play that i was approaprating from. He...
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    Translation trouble kudasai

    ok, this is a question in regard to the passage "RENET" SECTION 2; sentence 5. the sentence reads: "iwaba, nijuuyon jikan miichingu o shiteiru youna mono nano da." now, i understand the meaning of the sentence, but (being the as anal as i) dont understand the function of the "nano"...
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    Architecture @ Unsw

    OK, so i was reading the tonnes of under-grad info that is out there trying to convince us all their faculty is better than all the rest, but when comparing UOS and UNSW's credits, they both claim to have the biggest library and most resources for architecture. Any students out there want to...