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  1. chingly_choo

    Did anyone else encounter this?

    Where you one ancient society short answer and not the other one AS WELL, and then you had to do the long answer which you didn't know at all?
  2. chingly_choo

    Individual in Society

    How good was the question?! Or at least it was for my texts. Portrait and A Dolls House. What did you do for your story?
  3. chingly_choo

    A Little Princess

    Anyone else remember that movie. All girls are princesses, didn't your father ever tell you that? DIDN'T HE????!
  4. chingly_choo

    Mr Darcy vs John Thornton?

    Looking at the television adaptations of both North and South and Pride and Prejudice, who do you prefer out of Mr Darcy and Thornton???????? I am a Thornton gal myself.
  5. chingly_choo

    Who hates Skivvy's????

    Who hates skivvys? You know those things that are like long sleeved t-shirts with turtle necks! Gah! my mother used to make me wear them when I was small
  6. chingly_choo

    Happy with groups?

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone is happy with their GP group and are powering along like a turbo-charged lion?????
  7. chingly_choo


    Who went to the recent Hanson conerts????? I went to the Penrith one and my friend went to both the Penrith and the Enmore??? Woo Hanson!
  8. chingly_choo

    How's everyone feeling?????

    How's everyone feeling about the prgoress of your monologue? I feel like I've hit a brick wall and it really hurts..... anyone else feeling this or am I alone in the banging of my head against afore mentioned wall?
  9. chingly_choo

    Anyone see the Killers when they came out here?

    What were they like? Are they coming out again?
  10. chingly_choo

    Anyone else have written a script which has required no research????

    Mine came totally from my head and personal experiance and now I have to make up my annotated bibliography! Is anyone else having the same problem? What are you doing about it?
  11. chingly_choo

    If you had the choice to go back to any period of history...

    What would it be????? Much as I love the Julio Claudians, it would only be cool if you were actually in the family....and then your life expectancy wouldn't be very high.
  12. chingly_choo

    O Brother where art thou?

    I love this movie, I think it is hilarious and the soundtrack is as well! Who else has seen this and what are your favourite parts?????
  13. chingly_choo

    The Bill!!!!!

    Does anyone else realy dislike PC Kerry Young??? The whole story line with the radfords really annoys does Rob.
  14. chingly_choo

    Comedy or Tragedy

    Hey I was wondering for people who are doing monologues, wether you will be doing a comedy or a serious one? Opening it up for all discussion who prefers to do comedy or seriousnessness??? I am interested becaus emy drama teacher once told me that people take seriouness as being harder to...