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  1. M


    OK, I've had SO much trouble finding and writing about case stuidies please help i've got like thousands of articles on the redfern riot but what exactly could i say about it i have got NO cases at all for consumer, so please helo oh except for one. "WOULD YOU LIKE FRIES WITH THAT" it's...
  2. M


    Well, today was my last day of high school....and it's kinda sad. But really good, in another way. I usually visit this site so often, but because I'll be so busy studying...this will probably be my last time. I want to thank everyone who helped me and I want to wish those doing the HSC the...
  3. M

    "The Ring"

    Whoever has seen the ring with naomi watts, did you like it
  4. M


    I'm thinking of doing journalism when I go to Uni can someone please tell me what kind of stuff you do?
  5. M


    I have a question which I have to do in 1 and a half hours on "Assess the extent to which Hitler's Rise to Power was a result of Weimar Weakness" and I forgot my notes and can't find any on the resource page. Please help me!
  6. M

    Expression of Religion 1901 - Present

    Because it is so hard to keep track of everyone who wants a syllabus summary for the 1st foundation study, I will post what I have done here. Please note that I have only covered the topics my school has done. Also please note that though I have done my best on each topic, you may have other...
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    Syllabus Summarys

    Does anyone have a syllabus summary for Aboriginal Spirituality (1 Unit) or religion and the media (2 Unit) that could be exchanged for a syllabus summary for Expression of Religion in Austalia 1901- Present?
  8. M

    Aboriginal Spirituality dotpoints- help!

    Can anyone please help me with the following dotpoints in the Syllabus for Aboriginal spirituality: Outline variations in male initiation rites Outline variations in female initiation rites Outline the key features of force seperation of Aboriginal children from their families How...
  9. M


    hey does anyone know where i can find succint notes on ethics (marriage and divorce), sacred writings and texts (christianity and judasim; love and suffering) and ritres (Brit Milah)? PLEASE HELP!
  10. M


    What did Intentionalist historians argue on the issue of whether to call Nazi Germany totalitarian? Please help!
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    Nazi Ideology

    What's another term for'an all embracing ideology'? Thank you! ;)
  12. M


    I did the CSSA trials and reember the part on WW!? I totally failed it! So if someone can help me.........please do so!
  13. M

    Germany As A Totalitarian State

    Hi, in the trials, who did 'To what extent was Germany Totalitarian in the period - 1933 - 1945? I did, and I only got 13 / 20. Could someone please help me with this subject; our teacher seems to think we'll get the same question in the HSC and tomorrow I have to write an essay on it in class...
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    Ethics in Christianity and Judasim

    Hi does anyone have any notes for Ethics in Christianity and Judasim? Especially those regarding marriage and divorce? If so please hellppppppppppp
  15. M


    Did anyone get their trials for religion back? I did and I failed so bad~! It was so hard! I revised by doing past HSC questions and the trials are so much harder than the HSC! Who did the Catholic trial? I did. Can anyone please help me with ethics and sacred writings and text in christianity...
  16. M


    I've just finished my trials. I have 15 books in my wardrobe. I have read most of them. I have no idea what i want to read all i know is that i wanna read a book which captures you in the very first page (that's the way it was 4 me with The Da Vinci Code- Great Book!) Please help with any...
  17. M

    Sacred Writings and Stories

    hey everyone i have to do an assessment on Christianity and Judasim s w and t and i was wondering if anyone could help me out with the topics love and suffering? PLZZZZZZ
  18. M

    Arab - Israeli

    I have my trials on Friday, and I was wondering, if anyone else is doing Arab - Israli, if people wanted to help each other out by taking it in turns to write about the Key Features. I have done Key Feature 1: the effect of the creation of Israel on the Palestinian people, on neighbouring...
  19. M


    Did anyone do an essay on the industrial dispute between teaches and the Carr governement? Oh, help, I'm so gonna fail!
  20. M

    Notes to help (please contribute)

    THE IMPORTANCE OF EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT Management is the process of achieving objectives effectively with and through other people. This is a process undertaken by a manager, and is achieved through POLC. PLANNING is a process whereby the manager defines realistic and achievable goals...