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  1. S

    Who struggles with cooking most: Males or Females?

    I think you will find it really depends on how the individual was brought up. I think in some households, there might be some expectation for the female children to do some cooking/other house work stuff, depending on the parents' traditions/values etc. since cooking is traditionally a 'woman's...
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    Favourite Author or Genre?

    Favourite author is probably Gillian Flynn. I love all her books. As for genre I prefer realistic fiction, more specifically, stories that are dark and have a twisted psychological element.
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    I watched you back :D
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    I have one! Although a lot of art is old/crappy. you should post yours too :D edit; except, I don't do visual art at school. :P
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    Poll: How confident are you in your academic abilities

    I hope it's ok to post this here. It's actually for my PIP but I think it would be interesting to know in general. It's to compare confidence between male and female. So basically, overall, are you confident in your own academic abilities? (and that's what the poll is meant to say, not 'how').
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    PIP Questionnaire FEMALES ONLY

    Hey, I have a questionnaire for my PIP which is about girls in STEM-related subjects. This questionnaire is intended for FEMALES only. You have to have picked your senior subjects; you can be any age as long as you have officially picked those subjects. I'm looking for people across a few...
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    How can I improve my note-taking?

    Only write keywords, but make sure you can still understand so you can read them later. Then expand them later at home when you study. For example, instead of: "the symbol for iron is Fe" write "iron = Fe"
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    Menstrual symptoms and remedies?

    I used to get it pretty bad so that I couldn't go to school or anything. I'd have the most painful cramps/abdominal pain, fever, nausea, muscle pain (back, legs), etc. I started taking ibuprofen (advil) and I'm SO HAPPY that I found this because it has reduced like 70% of the pain. Although I...
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    How are your half yearly’s going?

    ugh.. well I guess they're ok. I have estimated my marks for each exam, and I average around 85% I think. Maybe lower for English and business studies. My best mark will probably be biology, I'm estimating around 90%+. But yeah the exams themselves were mostly OK, not easy but not too...
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    When are your half yearlies?

    actually we're kind of behind in most of my classes, and also I come from a public school (rank in like 300s) o.o I don't know why they made them early, we ended up rushing through some topics.
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    When are your half yearlies?

    Ours are mostly finished - we started last week (week 6 and 7) and they finish this friday.
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    Do any of your parents force you to do what you don't want?

    now I want to do medicine or nursing, or something similar, but I'm not 100% sure yet
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    Do any of your parents force you to do what you don't want?

    They don't force me, but my dad is really wanting me to study psychology in university, because 1) he thinks it's interesting, and 2) he says I'm good at 'reading people's behaviour and emotions'. >.> ok but I dont wanna be a psychologist (anymore, I used to a few years ago).
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    So I was just playing Runescape

    for transport I'd recommend the mine carts in keldagrim , there are fishing spots kind of nearby (outside) gl~
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    Removal of wastes question

    Ok in my biology textbook, it says that wastes should be removed otherwise it can poison cells, and also their build-up slows down metabolic reactions. Now, through doing a past question, it sometimes gives a multiple choice and asks why it should be removed and options are something like...
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    English Homework- yes or no?

    I was thinking this exact same thing today. I feel that some of the questions do help you to familiarise yourself with the text and understand it better. It's ultimately up to you - only do questions which you think help you, if you don't think they help then don't bother wasting time.
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    Modern History or Society and Culture or Biology?

    I do both biology and society, and I am enjoying biology a lot more. For society you need to do a major project as well. Generally, society is pretty easy to get high marks in, but as Hopp mentioned, it's really dull and boring (well unless you're interested in culture and stuff). While biology...
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    Flappy birds thread

    I played it for 5mins after my friend posted a status about it and scored 40 on like my second go - then I deleted it because it's kind of boring o.O