Search results

  1. G

    Late Round Offers & Alternative Pathways

    Re: Alternative pathways to your desired university degree If you are considering UWSCollege as an alternative pathway you could attend their drop- in session in the Parramatta CBD 7 February to find out more. Parramatta Town Hall - Jubilee Hall 182 Church Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 (200m...
  2. G

    Late Round Offers & Alternative Pathways

    Re: Alternative pathways to your desired university degree UWSCollege has drop in sessions where you can find out more. There is one this evening at Nirimba Check for information about the evening.
  3. G

    Changing UAC Preferences between rounds

    To double check you have the correct advice also download the UAC how to guide at . It looks rather helpful.
  4. G

    Late Round Offers & Alternative Pathways

    Re: Alternative pathways to your desired university degree There is useful advice that can be downloaded on the UAC site Go to and download the the UAC 'how to' Guide. See the UAC numbers for the UWSCollege at...
  5. G

    Early Offer (what to do next!?) PLEASE HELP

    If you did not see the advice from Moldy81 before Midnight Friday 4th January I suggest you include the Diplomas at UWSCollege in your UAC preferences if you are to be considered for a place in the main round. Download the UAC How to Guide at for useful...
  6. G

    Main round/late round

    Check the advice given at Download the UAC How to Guide
  7. G

    popular course? help!!! stressing

    Also if you do not make it into the Bachelor of Science at UWS an alternative entry would be through UWSCollege. You need to put it as one of your preferences by midnight 4th January to be considered for an offer on 16th January. The Diploma of Science is the first year of the Bachelor of...
  8. G

    Absent Fail UWS

    If you apply for a review of grade it is important to provide the relevant evidence indicated at What is considered Supporting evidence can be found at...
  9. G

    Late Round Offers & Alternative Pathways

    Re: Alternative pathways to your desired university degree If you are concerned that your ATAR may not allow you to get into say UWS you should change your preferences to include the diploma by midnight on Fri 4 Jan for consideration in the Main Round You can check last years ATAR for UWS...
  10. G

    help please uni course

    Change your preferences to include the diploma course by midnight on Fri 4 Jan for consideration in the Main Round
  11. G

    Early Offer (what to do next!?) PLEASE HELP

    It probably depends on your ATAR. If it was not high enough to get into UWS but high enough to get into UWSCollege UWS may have offered a place at UWSCollege. Check last years cut-off points on UAC for guidance...
  12. G

    Early Offer (what to do next!?) PLEASE HELP

    It probably depends on your ATAR as to whether you get a place at UWS or you are being offered an alternative pathway via UWSCollege. Check out the UWSCollege site The diploma may be exactly what he/she wants
  13. G

    Early Offer (what to do next!?) PLEASE HELP

    The diploma is equivalent to the first year of the degree see the information at so the hecs debt would be equivalent to the hecs debt for your first year at UWS.
  14. G

    help please uni course

    If you are interested in putting the UWSCollege Diploma of Business and Commerce as one of your nine preferences you will find they are listed as UWS courses on the UAC website The UAC code for the Diploma of Business and Commerce at Nirimba (Blacktown) is 729500 and the UAC code for the...
  15. G

    Share your 2012 HSC results here

    On the off chance you do not make it into Social Science at UWS an alternative pathway would be UWSCollege where you can complete your first year of the UWS Social Science degree and then move into second year at UWS. Check out the information at
  16. G

    Help with preference

    And make sure you use all nine preferences carefully according to what you actually want. Check out
  17. G

    UWS College

    This may help Also see For information on applying see
  18. G

    Late Round Offers & Alternative Pathways

    Re: Alternative pathways to your desired university degree If you are concerned about getting into the course that is your main choice it is a good idea to make sure you have filled in ALL nine options. It is a very good idea to watch...
  19. G

    Absent Fail UWS

    You need to check the outline for the specific unit. In some cases it definitely does. The 80% already takes account of the 2 weeks that you may be ill. So if you have 12 weeks of tutorials you can only afford to be absent for 2 tutorials.