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  • Below is the most important thing that you will ever read.
    I only hope that you are willing to try to actually read it all, since it will save you what usually takes most people till about the age of 80 to figure out, no joke:
    The Lesson On How To Approach Life After Graduation
    its still too long tho
    Hmmm… it has literally everything there, but I guess I have to account for accessibility.
    Maybe I’ll turn it into an audio file later and read it to you guys through a YouTube link. Maybe a fully edited video too, but that’s if I’m personally willing.
    Suffer = the value for peace.
    Suffer the pain of the world, and your dream will become world peace.

    Although peace is not the ultimate goal, but the start for a better future, you cannot have happiness, let alone bliss, without peace.

    My depression is cured, but I’m dealing now with the struggles of…

    That’s it. Goodbye.
    (Not from the future, 4th of November to be exact): suffering does not always equal to the value for world peace, what it does always equal to however is the desire for the freedom of potential.
    And f*cker who tells you what you can and cannot do, without even giving you the chance to use your own brain to make such decisions, is an ENEMY!
    I too was once a teenager (I technically still am one), and I realise just how much potential everyone has to single-handedly change the world, but even when we believe we can for a single moment in our lives, we end up forgetting and slip back into our worst ways.
    Don't grow into a cynical adult or someone who is 'realistic', (I hate those identified, anti-dreamers), since this is NOT how it's supposed to be (even though over 80% of the world is now depressed), just imagine if YOU were the main character, maybe you are? Either way, main character or not, you deserve to have an enjoyable life with adventure.
    This thread post on "boredofstudies" explains the nuanced details of how to do just that, ONCE AND FOR ALL!!
    I want to find what it is that I value so much, that I forget that I even exist. Meaning that all I am are simply the experiences that come my way on my path towards my ultimate goal, which is also linked to that unwavering, absolute value.
    In any war, each side points at their opponent, and makes it their dream to make sure their future is not in the hands of their enemies. The consequences of Stalin or Hitler winning the 20th century wars, is obviously a clear end to humanity as we know it. And with the dream to prevent that our ancestors successfully ended the tyranny of great evils.
    The dream to not be apart of something, is just as strong as the dream to be apart of something.

    I'll be waiting until the day I can guess the colour of your Bugatti 🤑
    yeah… I’m still working on starting ‘that storyline’, but I’ve gotten closer than ever now!
    Here’s a ‘sneak peak’ towards the purpose that I’ve decided for myself finally:
    damn, pretty cool
    also the hype for chainsaw man anime is crazy, will probably watch it after the hsc tho 😔
    Are you proceeding with your plan?
    I was just told about you by @Hivaclibtibcharkwa , so I am back.
    Yes, I am proceeding.
    I have just finished yesterday my studies on C# [A programming language], and I am having fun with all the games I am making to practice programming for this current unit.
    I have also been drawing and reading books everyday, as well as working out and bulking 4 days a week.
    I have pretty much quite anime and manga, and I’m drawing instead within that free time to make my own manga.
    I have a final lesson to share, and it’s the ‘secret’ to ever lasting motivation, as I’ve found out myself finally, since I’ve been successful at long last in everything I do daily since a week ago:

    cross everything off your to do list FIRST, so all that remains are the things that are on your bucket list to cross off.
    A to do list can include many things, and they can be put into different sections.
    They just need to feel like responsiblities, not JUST things that are actually important - MAKE SURE TO ADD ALL OF THEM TO THE LIST!
    This list can even include getting 100% on all video games, and put your Saturdays to doing just that task and anything else you prefer over the rest. However, every other day is dedicated JUST to the most tedious that you want out of the way, and you KNOW that a feeling of a load will be lifted off your shoulders once it’s done.
    That’s it.
    Ok, bye everyone 👋 ✌
    This was dumb advice, don’t listen to it (it takes forever to cross off the things that you don’t need, like “complete all video games till 100%”.
    Bye 👋
    (I won’t come back, but you’ll all hear of me in the future, don’t worry about that)
    • Like
    Reactions: SylviaB
    Just remember my nickname, [Blank], for those that are genuinely curious.
    Best of luck [Blank]!
    I LOVE coincidences!!!!
    That goal of mine died. But I’m searching for something of an even higher value.
    Higher value goal, aquired.
    That was partly a lie, since I found it as something I *could* value and turn it into a goal. Even now it could still become something I value.
    I’ll just say it now, I’ve been depressed for the past 4 years.
    Not from sadness, but from numbness.
    I’m being so open about it, even with friends reading this, since it is FINALLY no longer a concern.
    As for whether or not I’ll tell my family, well, I don’t care about bringing up past events anymore than I need to.
    I’ll just act more energetic, and they should get the idea.
    This is so weird, I didn’t think I was like this!
    Why are we so mad, look at his goals wanting to become a "trillion air".

    But then he could be a genius because selling air could be profitable in polluted countries.
    poke the bear
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