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  • got a friend to change password + deactivate facebook, it is too much of a distraction.
    now i'm abusing this thing bahaha

    I think I become far too easily infatuated with guys.
    I used to go out and sleep around ect but I've become somewhat of a 'nerd' as of late and I'm not really going out/going on dates anymore.
    That said, if the right guy came along and he was actually interested (as they so often aren't) i would probably fall pretty easily bahaha
    Is it the same for you?
    To be perfectly honest I've been really lazy when it comes to hobbies.
    I've no interest in sports and what else is there? :p
    Music is a mix of pop and a smattering of other genres- kinda typical but meh XD

    What about you?
    Touche :pP
    I guess chace and a couple of others make the cut...
    I, Clearly, have the taste of a 13 year old girl lol
    Haha so true :p

    And can I say Tori and Dean is the single worst TV show on right now.
    Like really. Who even are they? lol
    Volunteering? That's really nice of you :)
    A science major? I think the kudos go out to you instead haha

    +LOL. I guess there are a few assumptions that go with my subject choice:
    1. I'm either asian or curry.
    2. I want to do something like med/engineering/law.

    Unfortunately, I'm not that ambitious :p
    I just want to do commerce- I'd rather sleep than study for 5+ more years tbh
    4U is my last half yearly and it's not until tuesday, so Gilmore Girls is truly justified.
    In regard to top model, the NZ one is just awful. I mean, just so awful.
    Not much hey, procrastinating as usual :p
    Yeah, Tom Welling is the sex- his acting isn't that good but he's certainly something special...

    How are you/
    aww thanks
    just hand was good :)
    oh kk, no, actually, i think sometimes, teachers like students who disagree with the question coz it shows them that u are confident enough about what u are writing, and also they like some students to do something different to the rest of the class
    im sure ull do fine
    lol my exams start on monday!
    im studying alooot for english, although im not worried about that
    jacob=meeatu eh? not totally unexpected
    why didnt u read the question? its about how you manipulate your info to suit the question
    im sure you will get a good mark, dont underestimate your potential
    :) LOL
    yeah we are supposed to analyse all this stuff that they apaprently added ON PURPOSE even though we all know its complete bull shit :)
    whose jacob? is that meeatu?
    my name is Amani
    lol i kinda guessed ur name was stef :)
    lol skryznecki is easy but he goes on and on and on about he didnt belong to the polish culture and its just a pain in the ass coz all his poems explore the same shit like 5 billion gazillion times :)
    ur school offers night classes? cool
    oh yeah u are old enough to get drunk :) lol so hangover drunk?
    oh are u phillipino? coz u dont look it in the 2 months to read a book??!!!??
    i like to spend about a week on a book, coz i like to suck in all the details in the novel, just makes it a bit more interesting to read if ur reading it slowly
    but not too slowly or ill prob forget what the beginning of the book is about :)
    good luck with ur tests :)
    oh yeah, so many others too. I just finished burning your CD of movies, just have to remember to take it too the post office now
    Hahaha, well, at least you made up :]

    Hahaha, that's called being a teenager dude.
    welcome to the wonderful world of hormone imbalances :p
    Yeah I get you but i don't read that books that way :p after all nobody but the author knows what the author her or himself intends the text to mean, so i love making up wacky conspiracies like phallic symbols and oedipal complexes everywhere n shit lol

    i don't really know what i wanna do. i'm interested in b arts for the sake of being more wellrounded, and psych. idk what i'd really wanna do out in the world after psych though.
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