Recent content by scarlettblanca

  1. S

    eng ext2 crisis...><

    Geez... what world are you living in... Certainly not the one with the Internet and Msn messenger... No "spelling mistakes" am I coherent enough? No you are not narcissistic, you had a very valid point, thank you! =]
  2. S

    eng ext2 crisis...><

    well considerin im an english student id say ext2.. n i screwed my 1st jap assessmnt.. im currently doin: 4ueng, anc histotry, history ext, studies of religion, bi0 n jaP im kinda not sure whether i shood drop down to 11units or 1o..wat do u fink?
  3. S

    eng ext2 crisis...><

    help!:worried: i need opinions i cnt decided whether to drop eng ext2 or jap beginners..apparently ee2 scales higher but the thing is im havin a crisis w/ it. my idea abt "identifying the Filipino culture" has fallen thru (due to not being able to find a text to base my short story on), and...
  4. S

    proposal?? idea??

    hey im currently doin my proposal, what should a good proposal have in it for a creative piece? is outlining my research process really important? help! im stuck.. also i wanted to know people's opinion on my idea ie. the "asian experience in australia" looking at the Filipino culture. has...