Recent content by Marzaa

  1. Marzaa

    QUESTION 25?? what was that?

    Winning the lotto! hehehe just wishful thinking, :) hope u guys did well, although unlucky 4 me my maths exam is on monday
  2. Marzaa

    It was easy! Do you agree?

    YAYYYYYYYYYYY NO MORE ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS TIME FOR ENGLISH TO BURN AND DIE Umm neway, i wrote BR/BNW got to 10th page Harwood on 8th page Frontline on 10th page I found Harwood by far to be the harest section of the paper, it was impossible 4 me to limit my response to just 1 emotion...
  3. Marzaa

    Chemistry Marathon 2007

    Answer must b "C" then? Neway, Explain the uses of ethanol as a solvent? (3 marks)
  4. Marzaa

    CSSA Maths Trial!!

    Question 9 and 10 in hsc only "appear" to b complex. but once u get the hang of it and know what is required, most of these questions actually isn't too bad. ...or it might b just because i do extension
  5. Marzaa


    Re: First Preferences? I wonder why, when the biggest attraction they can offer is that they have black swans by their lakes in the Campletown campus, btw, my first preference was Mechatronic (Space) Engineering at USyd, although i doubt ill get in with the UAI 99 cutoff. Ah well, theres...
  6. Marzaa

    2 unit maths rules out band 6?

    If what u said was true, what hope would the general maths kids have of getting a band 6. I do 2 unit maths, and I reckon getting a band 6 in 2 unit is very achievable whether or not u do extension 1. However u have to put a lot of hard work in (even if ur a natural at maths) by doing past...
  7. Marzaa

    Locus Questions! Yipee!

    for question 1 2x - y - 4 = 0 y= 2x -4 (1) y=x^2 / 4 (2) substituting 1 into 2 2x - 4 = x^2 /4 therefore, x^2 = 8x -16 x^2 - 8x + 16 = 0 (x - 4)(x - 4) = 0 x = 4 therefore, y = 2(4) -4 = 4 hence A (4,4 ) i think, soz dont hav time to help with other questions atm, im sure other helpful...
  8. Marzaa

    The Holy Qu'ran- Favourite verses

    "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet" (Sura ?:??) My favourite quote ... to memorise for the SORI HSC exam
  9. Marzaa

    Eco Qs plz answer... took me ages to write

    whats the difference between nominal and real interest rates? Do we need to know the diff. for HSC
  10. Marzaa

    anyone wanna try this question?

    I loved this question, it was easy 5 marks 4 me I just talked about briefly how electrons r manipulated by mag/electric field in cathode rays then talked bout impact of technologies such as TVS and CRTs and then talked about how electrons r manipulated in semi-conductors and then talked bout...
  11. Marzaa

    Monetary Policy - cash rate/domestic market operations

    I thought the cash rate was the price at which the RBA set for their govt. securities, so if govt raised price of securities, cash rate would increase, hence banks buy more securities hence contraction in money supply am i wrong?
  12. Marzaa

    What uai am i looking at here?

    It's hard to say based on just ranks. Ur UAI will also be determined by the strength of ur cohort during the external exams as well as how well u do during the HSC
  13. Marzaa

    What have you eaten today?

    Lots and lots of fried rice and im not even asian
  14. Marzaa

    probability Qs~~~

    Firstly I would find the probability that the sum will be seven in one throw i.e 1/6, i tend to use the addition table to find this. Then i would express it as a binomial i.e. (1/6 + 5/6)^4 , since ur finding it for 4 throws and the 5/6 represents the chance that u won't get a 7 Hence u just...
  15. Marzaa

    Tips for 2007 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC I wish I knew that i shouldnt procrastinate!!!! well, mayb I knew about this a little bit, but it can't be helped