Recent content by Kazness

  1. Kazness

    The Bio students who "I did this so I'm right because the test was easy"

    I wrote about it in the influenza question. The seven or eight marker. As a way to help stop the spread of the disease... *shrugs*
  2. Kazness

    Genetics option

    It kinda did- I wrote that it was a good model because it showed the three hydrogen bonds between cytosine and guanine, and the two hydrogen bonds between adenine and thymine. Plus a second reason which I have now forgotten. I was able to weave it into the HGP question, while talking about...
  3. Kazness

    The Difference of Two Cubes

    x^3 - 27 = (x-3)(x^2+3x+9)
  4. Kazness

    3U students - how did u go?

    Usually I get about 1/2 hr at the end to look over the paper but after the first 7 qestions, I felt rushed and a lot like it was the 3U exam. Which is not what I was hoping for. I'm guessing I'll get marks for the working even if i didn't get the answer out/correct, adding to over 100...
  5. Kazness

    Did everyone get a goodluck email from USYD?

    I gots me one !! Felt loved .. but am confused (like the rest of you) why I got one ... USYD courses are in my preferances but it is bizarre. Hmm...?
  6. Kazness

    Question 3 |4 | 5

    I loved the question (for imaginative) It was perfect to the essay I studied. Very broad and perfect for imaginative journeys. Tres Happy. And to the person with this pic ( as their signature- THAT IS TOPS !! I really want to do it too, but I...
  7. Kazness

    Most users ever online

    I thought she was paying us out - my bad. And thanks. I got a few more but this has the most famous of the Spinal Tap quotage. PS - LOVE THE KILLERS
  8. Kazness

    Most users ever online

    Is it odd that you are still reading (and posting) in HSC forums when you finished last year? Just a thought...
  9. Kazness

    Who Does Wuthering Heights?

    I HATE HEATHCLIFF AND THE ENTIRE TEXT WITH A PASSION! I cant wait for it to end... and get onto study that will actually do me good. ARGH. All the best for the exam... I'm leaving WH to last and focusing on Hamlet and Frontline. So may the creative juices flow for you, as i hope that they...
  10. Kazness

    Electrolysis for cleaning and stabilising Thats were its at. All the best. and here for even better explinations...
  11. Kazness

    eeeeeeey anyone on the 29th nov cruise??!

    Apparently my group of friends has been allocated the shitest cabin possible. NOT EVEN A WINDOW! Has anyone else heard about their cabin allocations?
  12. Kazness

    eeeeeeey anyone on the 29th nov cruise??!

    Shakes: Thanks for the info about the upgrades, I had no idea. Nor about the salmonella epidemic.
  13. Kazness

    eeeeeeey anyone on the 29th nov cruise??!

    Hey all, I am going on the Nov 29th Cruise with 3 friends + others from my school. We got moved from the schoolies cruise before this one because 'apparently' they were making one schoolies cruise from the two. The Nov 29th is on the older ship- The Sun, and the one we were on was the newer...