Recent content by dcb4usmcfr

  1. dcb4usmcfr

    Stupid police bastards kill four people in high speed chase.

    [youtube][/youtube] YouTube - Orange County Police Car Chase - Benny Hill Themed
  2. dcb4usmcfr

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    Christians are tolerant TRY ATTACK ALL OPENLY IF THEY DARE
  3. dcb4usmcfr

    Diggers have died in vain - Obama just declared Afghan war failed???

    If Afghanistan became Taliban again, I'm pretty sure that would make Pakistan and others countries much more susceptible to extremist influence than now.
  4. dcb4usmcfr

    War on Terror..Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

    So I think the best argument against the wars are those which say Iraqis and Afghans don't deserve to be helped, wasting the lives and money of the western countries. It's not worth it helping them.
  5. dcb4usmcfr

    Diggers have died in vain - Obama just declared Afghan war failed???

    Why are they necessarily where empires come to die? Just because in the past this happened?
  6. dcb4usmcfr

    Diggers have died in vain - Obama just declared Afghan war failed??? Pentagon Delays Troop Call - Obama apparently has dismissed the top commander in Afghan General McChrystal's request for more troops. I don't know how this constitutional lawyer with arts degree and his dear "top in...
  7. dcb4usmcfr

    To do list: merge with New Zealand?

    Wtf just kick kiwi arse and let's invade them
  8. dcb4usmcfr

    Why are Batons, Pepper Spray and other non-lethal self-defence devices ILLEGAL?

    More lethal does not mean better self-defence, I was only saying that they are more lethal, not they are better self-defence weapons. For bad guys they can use a knife scissors whatever they want, their purpose is not to defend themselves but to hurt people. For bad guys police batons equal...
  9. dcb4usmcfr

    Why are Batons, Pepper Spray and other non-lethal self-defence devices ILLEGAL?

    Flashed by a SureFire 9P tactical Xenon light in a dark room, blinded for 10 seconds... But I really think torch is only an assistant device for self-defence, because the assailants will be pretty mad after they recovered from the light and the victim may not have enough time to react or escape.
  10. dcb4usmcfr

    Why are Batons, Pepper Spray and other non-lethal self-defence devices ILLEGAL?

    This case is true. And police are efficient. I personally called police once in Sydney when witnessing a man battering his partner. Police arrived literally within one minute, full force, just like you said. But don't you think you've forgotten all other cases where police were not...
  11. dcb4usmcfr

    Why are Batons, Pepper Spray and other non-lethal self-defence devices ILLEGAL?

    Why are Extendable Batons, Pepper Spray and other nonlethal self-defence devices ILLEGAL to ordinary residents in Australia (except in WA)? Maybe pepper spray could be more controversial, but to my understanding, a kitchen knife, a pair of scissors, an iron stick, a hammer and a wrench...
  12. dcb4usmcfr

    Loneliness of the university Liberal

    Sydney Uni has bigger Arts faculty than others, it's not surprise most are left lean there
  13. dcb4usmcfr

    Loneliness of the university Liberal

    That really depends on the exact nature of "anti-jewish" video Anti-jewish is too broad He must have said something serious enough to invoke criminal charges, not because there's no constitutional right to free speech
  14. dcb4usmcfr

    Loneliness of the university Liberal

    I remember there was a seminar held by some anti-israeli activists in Sydney Uni declaring that israel not real and even more, they directly quoted Hezbolla leaders' hate speech They were not arrested
  15. dcb4usmcfr

    What is the moral justification for the state?

    I do remember in NSW the basic self defence devices such PEPPER SPRAY are illegal to normal civilians. Police batons are illegal as well.