Recent content by ben_ratus

  1. B

    Maths Ext 1 - General thoughts on the exam

    Good stuff. the bit of diffculty is good. it serperates the pro from the SKs.
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    Did Michelson Morley's experiment disprove the existence of aether??

    It didn't disprove the Aether, it just disproved the Aether Wind. But Einstein fixed it all up later
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    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 2 Paper

    i got 2^(n-2) i only left out 3 marks in the whole paper
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    We were allowed to bring water into our previous exams but we had to take the labels of the bottles
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    How to do this

    Sin(x) = Cos (pi/2 - x) he just did that
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    Which textbook and study method(s)?

    **Double Post by accident
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    Which textbook and study method(s)?

    Well.. Leadin Edge produces the best Text Book. they also offer tuition services, but that can be a bit expensive. the good thing about the tuition is that they provide you with really up to date material sucha s statistics etc. If you have a poor memory you can visit...
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    Creative Classroom

    My teacher is the creator of Creative Classroom He taught Tim Dixon in 1987 (1st in the state, Co-Founder of Leading Edge Education)
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    Do you need a tutor for 4u Maths??

    I have a dodgy maths teacher who just copies stuff out of the book and can only explain the most basic concepts. I have a tutor and thats where i learnt all my maths. If you know that your going to have a crap maths teacher, then get a tutor. Otherwise you should be fine with out a tutor.
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    memorised essays

    I memorise my essays and just manipulate the question to suite my answer.. i haven't gotten below 17/20 its pretty decent considering english is my worst subject and i don't care about it
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    Top Places To Pull A Pick Up

    The talented maths day was good cayz there were lots of MATHS CHICKS!!!
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    Maths CSSA 04 POST UP

    how much u paying for it?
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    The Anime Thread

    Great Techer Onizuka
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    explain pls: just a couple of multiple choice qs...

    after u calculate the multiplier.. and we know that there is a 100,000 increase in gov spending.. so you just multiply the increase in gov spending by the multiplier Y=k.AD
  15. B

    physics definitions

    can some1 gimme the definitions for: 1 volt 1 amp