I didn't live this down too with the rest of my Yr 12 mates: Took me a grand total of four times to get them.
I have the feeling that the first three times I did it (a really snobby and stuck up) lady was marking me a little too hard, looking for any excuse to fail me.
I was failed instantly (second go I think) because I failed to stop correctly at a stop line. Apparently you can't be so many metres behind it... The line that I stopped at (used to be a Give Way apparently) wasn't even painted over, and conveniently outside that 'allowable gap'. The actual stop line looked ridiculously out of place. The cross-road was a highway, and I didn't dare inch closer; god-damn trucks flying by.
Got some cool guy on the fourth go (who temporarily forgot 'the course' around town :rofl
and I made several slight mistakes but he passed me.
Yes I'm a good driver. My car makes me look like I'm a bad driver, as per no power steering and it's older than I.