Murf said:
You need a server eddition to enable workstations to log onto a domain for instance 2k server or preferably 2003, needs to have active directiory running on it with dns service and a few other lil services usually... if your going to have a few ppl loged in at any one time helps to have a dedicated comp... p4 etc esp if ur going to use 2003.
yeah, for domains to be setup, u need to have Windows server 2000/03
It's pointless for a home though, unless you really want to make use of server applications such as Citrix, to work on stuff while away from home.
You won't beable to join to a domain using XP Home (I really don't know why they did this).
XP Pro and 2000 Pro will joing perfectly fine. Might have a bit of troubles with 98/Me if you're running AD.
It's a bitch to setup to the exact functionality that you want. Esp if you're going to put on everything that you want.
But yeah, if you got a PC with LOTS of grunt, then put on Server! There's a lot of neat stuff you can do.
btw, is there an equilevant to Windows 2003 server for MAC?