lmaoothe-1-n-only-me said:ohh hell yeahh. i hear that.
you reckon its possible to get a bos bonfire going? like all of the bos members turning up to finally send the hsc to hell? i really wanna see the journeys booklet and my hundreds of pages of maths working go up in flames... :burn:
lol...there was a total fire ban when we finished religion last year but we still burnt all our notes and got so incredibly drunk it wasnt funny....until the hangovers wore off.Ahmed A said:lmaoo
i wish!!
but then thered b a total fire ban and burnt hsc students running around all over the place.
it needs to be carried out in a controlled environment... but where??
ohh yeah my school courtyard
TRUE TO F***N THAT!!!kloudsurfer said:Nothing!
Seriously, the thing I hate about this year is that there is no time to sit around doing nothing. Im always so busy.
So when the HSC finishes, im going to sleep in, and then wake up and lie in bed for a while doing nothing...get out of bed...wander the house aimlessly...watch some daytime tv...go for an afternoon drive to nowhere...all those 'nothing' things that you cant do unless you have absolutely nothing to do...
lmaooyosemite sam said:lol...there was a total fire ban when we finished religion last year but we still burnt all our notes and got so incredibly drunk it wasnt funny....until the hangovers wore off.
so what if we burn the house down? the hsc will be over!
Anna you're gay hehe =]perfekshunist said:haha all of the above!
lets start with getting tanked off my face for an entire week, followed by recovery for another, then the next notes burning ceremony, then another 2 weeks or scrubs/anime/familyguy/heroes/lost and everything i've missed during the hsc, then maybee a reread of harry potter muahaha there is plenttttty to do!
uber excited :rofl:
Someone's confidentsomewhereelse said:*hopefully* accept many spiteless congrats concerning my awesome uai.