Transfer (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Nov 1, 2014
38th Parallel North
Hi, I'm quite confused rn.

I want to study Computer Science at UNSW next year but in case I don't make it in, I've been advised to study the Science degree at UNSW and take computer science units then do a transfer.

1. I thought that even though Computer Science is a science degree, it is offered by CSE meaning that I can't actually studying computer science units as they are offered by a different faculty (since I am doing a Science degree and the computer science units are engineering units)

2. In the case that I can study the general science degree and take computer science units, how does 'transferring' actually work? because Computer Science is not a Science major at UNSW but rather a Faculty of Engineering major - so do you actually transfer or just declare a major by the end of first year (I'm not sure if you understand me but I tried my best to word that)
-> how easy is it to transfer to Computer Science after the first year?

3. Do Computer Science students and the general science degree students complete the same CORE units for the first year? or is computer science a little different?

4. Would I be better off studying the general UNSW science degree then transfer to Computer Science, or study a computer science degree at another university and then transfer to UNSW?

I tried my best to word this, please help. :)


I complete the Squar3
Sep 11, 2011
My bathtub
Would recommend doing it at another uni because trust me you don't want to be stuck with the science degree if you have no interest in it.


Feb 19, 2012
Hi :)

1. You can study computer science units even if you're not doing a computer science degree/similar.

2. Yes, it's a bit funky - the degree is 'Science', but the computer science major is administrated by the Faculty of Eng (if I have my understanding correct). In either case, after you amass enough units to be allowed to transfer, you apply for what's called an "Internal Program Transfer" ( and this process allows you to move to a Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) provided you satisfy the requirements. It looks like Computer Science internal transfer requires a WAM of 65 and a mark of at least 65 in MATH1131. Provided you study a decent amount in first year, getting the transfer should be relatively easy.

3. The core units for first year for a general science degree depend on the major, although maths usually always crops up I think. The computer science plan for first year is, I'm pretty sure, doable by anyone in a general science degree.

4. I differ from Queenroot on this. I think you'd be better off studying the general science degree then transferring, as intra-UNSW transfers are going to be easier than transferring from a different university. Additionally, there's no guarantee that you'll get credit for all of the courses you complete at whatever other university you do computer science at. You can just follow the first year plan for computer science while doing a b science, and assuming a successful transfer, there's no impact on your graduation date.

I know a few people who got into computer science via the Bachelor of Science -> Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) route, so it's definitely possible to do provided you get the marks! If you don't think you can get a WAM of 65, then, maybe you should do it at another university. Would suck to not be able to transfer.

Another thing you may wish to consider is FEAS ( This is another route into a computer science degree for people who don't achieve the required ATAR (including bonus points) - so for next year, if you get an ATAR between 82 and 91.95, FEAS can help you get in. I won't nat on about it because the page has the details, but I do want to mention that many of my friends who didn't get the required ATAR in their year made it into computer science via FEAS. :)

another FEAS thing you might want to look at - note that the dates are still for 2016 admission, but they'll probably be updated closer to 2017.

Good luck!

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