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- Apr 16, 2007
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- 2005
Hi friends!!
I have a question.
Think about it...
We have the avid 4unit mathematicians who ruthlessly print off past paper after past paper, & spend their nights at their desks scrawling out tediously long and complicated solutions on lined paper, only to then scrunch up their incorrect attempts and hurl them in the nearest paper bin before sleeping with their calculators. Additionally, all of those times we've seen some sneaky 3unit student who 'accidentally' forgot to click 'print multiple pages per sheet' when printing off past trials from the FTP server and ends up with a totally embarrassing pile of 89859348698439689 sheets of paper at the other end of the library, only to then be subjected to joining the lunchtime environmental club?!?!?!
Oh, and then there's the poor, struggling EE2 candidates, forced to print draft after draft after draft of their 4378534389905 word short story, critical analysis etc DOUBLE spaced, and that's not to mention the amount of paper/ink wasted on all of that 'research' & the paper wasted those late nights spent writing our deepest, darkest inner thoughts in our journals [which probably won't even be read]. & the mildly illegal 'booklets' that are doled out in the other english courses?!
But we can't forget the sciences, and the 'shitloads of photocopies' we all seem to receive, surely earth and environmental science could assist in counteracting this apparent scandal?? Think about all those hours you've spent in the library, patiently waiting behind some red-haired, freckled, juice-smelling year 10 student who mercilessly prints off every science SC paper from 1976 - 2008, completely unaware of the consequences of their actions. And those thick, pointy-edged, gargantuan text books we're all forced into possessing. and the sad thing is, kids.. most of the time they aren't even read.
& what about the humanities departments who seem to have no respect for the environment?? And SOR-- generally a subject people are forced into taking-- all that paper for a subject that isn't even going to count [admittedly this isn't always the case, but that isn't the point.]?!??! And those historical people, the hoodlums that they are- I've seen them with my own eyes, they seem to work as a posse, they sneak into the library under the cloak of darkness and photocopy page after page of random books on war, ancient greece and other affairs that time has now forgot.
I personally tend to think that the perfoming arts are the most environmentally-friendly of the lot, from where I come from, music seems to be the worst, with all their ensembles and orchestras... each needing their individual sheet music-- sharing is caring!!
Then we venture into the TAS faculty.. I have actually laid eyes on an entire tree lying dead on the floor of our woodwork room, I felt a little part of my soul extinguish with that tree. But then again, the amount of studying TAS students actually undertake could counteract their tree cuttage..
jks jks!
Lastly, we have the IST/computing departments. You have to hand it to them, they are paving the way for a paper-free future. Even the SC exams don't waste any paper [at normal educational institutions]. But alas, I have seen it time and time again, software students printing off the entirety of the coding behind their liberty basic hangman game, and IPT members mindlessly typing up their textbook 'summaries', only to reprint them...
Think about the Amazonian rainforests that are gradually depleting due to the paper consumed by us HSC candidates.
It makes me feel bad.
Think about the Daintree!!
Everytime you print off a past paper...
Another tree falls.
Everytime you sit an english exam...
Another tree falls.
Everytime you draft your history extension major work...
Another tree falls.
Everytime you forget to use the recycling bin...
Another tree falls.
EDIT: sorry guys, I just realised that I forgot to include LOTE in the poll
, my apologies to the bilingual amongst us, but I believe that the languages wouldn't be one of the major paper consumers.
I have a question.
Think about it...
We have the avid 4unit mathematicians who ruthlessly print off past paper after past paper, & spend their nights at their desks scrawling out tediously long and complicated solutions on lined paper, only to then scrunch up their incorrect attempts and hurl them in the nearest paper bin before sleeping with their calculators. Additionally, all of those times we've seen some sneaky 3unit student who 'accidentally' forgot to click 'print multiple pages per sheet' when printing off past trials from the FTP server and ends up with a totally embarrassing pile of 89859348698439689 sheets of paper at the other end of the library, only to then be subjected to joining the lunchtime environmental club?!?!?!
Oh, and then there's the poor, struggling EE2 candidates, forced to print draft after draft after draft of their 4378534389905 word short story, critical analysis etc DOUBLE spaced, and that's not to mention the amount of paper/ink wasted on all of that 'research' & the paper wasted those late nights spent writing our deepest, darkest inner thoughts in our journals [which probably won't even be read]. & the mildly illegal 'booklets' that are doled out in the other english courses?!
But we can't forget the sciences, and the 'shitloads of photocopies' we all seem to receive, surely earth and environmental science could assist in counteracting this apparent scandal?? Think about all those hours you've spent in the library, patiently waiting behind some red-haired, freckled, juice-smelling year 10 student who mercilessly prints off every science SC paper from 1976 - 2008, completely unaware of the consequences of their actions. And those thick, pointy-edged, gargantuan text books we're all forced into possessing. and the sad thing is, kids.. most of the time they aren't even read.
& what about the humanities departments who seem to have no respect for the environment?? And SOR-- generally a subject people are forced into taking-- all that paper for a subject that isn't even going to count [admittedly this isn't always the case, but that isn't the point.]?!??! And those historical people, the hoodlums that they are- I've seen them with my own eyes, they seem to work as a posse, they sneak into the library under the cloak of darkness and photocopy page after page of random books on war, ancient greece and other affairs that time has now forgot.
I personally tend to think that the perfoming arts are the most environmentally-friendly of the lot, from where I come from, music seems to be the worst, with all their ensembles and orchestras... each needing their individual sheet music-- sharing is caring!!
Then we venture into the TAS faculty.. I have actually laid eyes on an entire tree lying dead on the floor of our woodwork room, I felt a little part of my soul extinguish with that tree. But then again, the amount of studying TAS students actually undertake could counteract their tree cuttage..
Lastly, we have the IST/computing departments. You have to hand it to them, they are paving the way for a paper-free future. Even the SC exams don't waste any paper [at normal educational institutions]. But alas, I have seen it time and time again, software students printing off the entirety of the coding behind their liberty basic hangman game, and IPT members mindlessly typing up their textbook 'summaries', only to reprint them...
Think about the Amazonian rainforests that are gradually depleting due to the paper consumed by us HSC candidates.
It makes me feel bad.
Think about the Daintree!!
Everytime you print off a past paper...
Another tree falls.
Everytime you sit an english exam...
Another tree falls.
Everytime you draft your history extension major work...
Another tree falls.
Everytime you forget to use the recycling bin...
Another tree falls.
EDIT: sorry guys, I just realised that I forgot to include LOTE in the poll
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