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The Forward (1 Viewer)


<--JAWR--> Only the Best
Aug 21, 2008
Hey guys... just wanted others to read it and get some feed back....

cheers, Bboy Two Fousand

The sky was dark as rain descended from the heavens to water its precious life. The shadows of lighting flashed in defiance across the world of men. It was such a day that a holy man might suggest that this may be the end of the world. The usually busy city was dead silent. It was an unnatural stillness one full of menace and fear. As the first few drops of rain hit the ground, a low unearthly sound bellowed as if the ground was in pain.
One by one emerging from the buildings was, a creature never blessed by any god, too vile to be seen yet so vile it could be imagined. A scientific breakthrough they said, one that would change the course of human existence. A slight change in your child’s DNA could make him or her smarter, stronger, more beautiful. Thousands flocked in for this new ‘treatment’. Who thought changing one fraction of human DNA could cause such a dramatic change in the physical and mental health of a human child? No one did…

It is common knowledge that each persons DNA is different, that is what makes us unique. The scientists too full of their own selfish plans of glory and wealth overlooked this common rule. They exclaimed in front of the media that they were ever vigilant and each child’s DNA pattern was carefully considered. But behind closed doors a different story was beginning. The careful instrument of precision had turned into a machine of chaos. In the lap of luxury the scientist were of oblivious to errors caused by their underlings. This is what caused the scourge of mankind.

The few survivors of the once proud cities told the horrors of what they had seen. “Dead bodies every where, blood over the roads. Disembowelled corpses littered the ground like leaves on an autumn day. The air even smelled of death.” This is how those creatures where given a name, Vomica, meaning the plague.

Panic spread around the world. It seemed like nothing could stop these creatures, bullets entered unfeeling flesh, and grenades destroyed limbs but some of them regrew those missing limbs. Many scientist suggested that they should abandon the United States and let nature take its course. However the people had lost faith in those who meddle with Mother Nature’s creations. Few of them travelled to the U.S looking for a solution and fewer still dared to enter the Vomica’s realm to search for a dead body. Those who did entered where never heard of again. One man entered the U.S. and survived with only a small bite. He returned back to his home country of Britain and was celebrated as a national hero. On national TV he announced, “ The Vomica are dying off, they are slowly dying of hunger. Soon this nightmare will be over and we can live again like we used too.” Little did he realise that he would have to take back his words. That small wound he had received caused him to become delirious. For the saliva of the Vomica was the essence of how they multiplied. It contains a gene-changing atomizer that enters the blood stream

The last outpost of humanity lived on a desolate island surrounded by water, Tasmania. High walls surrounded this fortress, metres upon metres to keep the Vomica out. Small huts crudely crafted by doctors and professionals were scattered randomly across the landscape. All creatures had been wiped out by scores of hungry humans. A once proud civilisation, which had prided itself on its skills and technology, was degraded to living like the filthy animals they had killed. Scared, fearful of what lay outside the walls of safety. Small wide-eyed children knew nothing but the danger that lay outsides the wall of safety. Slowly but surely the small village of people became more ignorant and more aggressive.

One day a man named Jackie gathered a large crowd. He was young and had seen the terrors, as a little boy. The very first memory he had was being pulled from the safety of this mothers hands then watching helplessly as creatures, covered in blood and gore, devoured her. Now at the age of 17, a burning hatred lay smouldering inside his soul, never to be extinguished until the world was rid of the Vomica.

“We were once and still are a great nation.” Jackie declared. “Through out history we have always prided ourselves on being able to relinquish the chains that blind us and open the doors of freedom. I may be a lone man with rogue ideas, but if that man inspires a nation, then we can open the doors of freedom. Let us cast off this cloak of fear and reclaim the land that was once our god given right. Wouldn’t you rather die fighting than to live on your knees!”

As ripple of acceptance spread across the crowd, a mighty cheer rose from those standing. Yet there was one group who stayed silent. They were the people who lived before the time of the scourge. They had witnessed the rise and fall of many leaders with great ideals. They were sceptical; it was a common belief among them that violence only leads to more deaths and sorrow. They were the farmers and builders in the past life. The whole island depended on them to build house and tend to crops. They were respected but slowly their authority had died off as time went. In their eyes, the human race was like one great Ferris wheel. There are the controversial people in one carriage, the war makers in another and the people of peace in the last one. Each had their time at the top and then they would come down again, not by their own will, and the next group would take its place. Their time was passing, and they understood it. Yet, they had a feeling that this group of young hotheads needed to understand the effects of starting a war and the problems they would face.
As the crowd dispersed, the group walked over to young Jackie. “ Do you know the consequences of your actions!” shrieked one of them. “If you leave with your rabble what will happen to the women and the children? Who will take care of them when you are gone!”
“Would you rather sit on the desolate isle and wait for hell to boil over. We don’t know what’s happening outside. For all we know all the Vomica could have died off” Jackie.
“Do you really want to take that risk? The fate of this species lies solely on your choice. ” A low voice boomed, every head turned to face the voice. In his old life, John was a History teacher, now he was the respected leader of the group, ‘Pro Populus’, which means ‘For the people’.
“We could leave all the women and children here while all the men go off and fight. They will have you there so that they will be safe.” reasoned Jackie.
“Do not be hasty to jump to conclusions, there is only one of me and yet many to tend too. I alone cannot handle the responsibility of tending to the problems of other as well as caring for the crops. Think before doing, there are many variables that need to be taken care of.” Concluded John.
“What variables! All we need to do is leave some men here with you, while the rest of us go looking for the Vomica. Listen old man; if everyone was like you, we would be living in this hidey-hole until hell boils over,” roared Jackie. “ We are going and that’s final!”
“If you’re so insistent on going on this foolhardy journey then tell me, how can you leave this place, You have no transportation, no skills in navigation, no weapons and no way to leave this island,’ countered John
“I did my research, there is a small opening to the east of here, and the gap is large enough to fit a boat and a small crew, retorted Jackie. The other members of Pro Populus stood there is awe, their chins hanging so low that they resembled a nutcracker. “Ummm John,” one member said timidly, “ it is almost sundown, we must leave and tend to the sick.”
“Bah, I will come with you and help construct you boat, with the few remaining trees and lead you to the continent.” said John in a defeated manner. “But if we find that the continent is still infected then we shall leave without a word. Agreed?”
“ Agreed’ declared Jackie. “ I shall see you in the morning and will get to work.”
As the two figures depart, the sun dips behind the man made wall, casting a warming orange glow, which bathed the village in its glory. Many people around the village had heard the heated argument; some were sceptical of the idea and other were all for it. As the last dying piece of light sunk below the horizon, people hurried back into their crudely made hovels with their fear of anything lurking beyond the darkness. Then the darkness enveloped the village, the wind picked up , sending an eerie howl which shook the village’s foundation.

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