subject selection for y11 : visual art VS DT (1 Viewer)


Jul 21, 2012
Hi people!!

i'm currently in the process of selecting subjects for y11~y12.
I'm thinking of..

1. English - ESL (I came Australia at this year)
2. Math ext 1
3. photography
4. Business OR Economic
5. Design Technology(home economic) OR Visual Art
6. Japanese continuer
7. TAFE Tvet Financial Service (Accounting)

i have total 14 units for year11, but after 4weeks of term1 in year11, I can drop either TAFE accounting course or one 2 units school subject.
So after 4 weeks, i will drop 'Business OR Economic' or japanese if i like to do accounting TAFE course, so that i can do 12 units in year11 with one major work subject(DT or Visual art) and TAFE accounting course.

And at first I wanted to do 'Graphic designer' in the future but i was worrying about salary/stability of the job..
So i'm also thinking about 'Accountant' (or other kinds of job that i can choose after i get bachelor's degree of accounting) as well

anyway, question is :

Visual Art VS Design Technology (home eco)
actually i do love hand drawing rather than using computer software, so i wanted to do visual art at first but worried about theory part....I want to do visual art if the essay(written exam) part is not that hard. cuz i would have no idea when i hav to write about essay of random plate/topic that i've never seen.

our school has 'Design Technology(home economic)' and 'Design Technology(Industrial Art)'. I already knew Industrial Art requires high-quality of wooden product with own design. But i don't know about home economic DT's major work requires real product as well or just design works about my product.

i saw booklet about DT and i saw 4 types on DT(home eco) ; fashion/graphic&product/theatre/interior. among of them, i'm interested in graphic&product the most. But what do we learn and do for major work of DT home eco? :)

THANKS for reading all of this!!!

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