Re: Should i take a gapyera
As someone who took an awesome gap year this year, my answer would be a resounding yes. My year started bad because everything fell through and I ended up with essentially endless free time (an aimless gap year is
the worst), but I quickly picked up more unusual jobs and interests, and I've landed in a field I wouldn't have because I did a gap year.
Pros of gap years:
- makes uni financially viable
- may find it easier to get part-time work, or more skilled/relevant part-time work, during uni (especially if you've done TAFE qualifications)
- can travel, volunteer, do what you want and see lots of the world while you're still young and don't have a job/kids to get in your way
- gives you time to mature (I needed that

) and think about what you really want in life
- you can be different from everyone else YAYYY!
- may get out of the habit of studying so it'll be harder to pick up afterwards
- may end up never going to Uni (<---- THIS: the rate of people who extend their gap year eternally is ridiculously high)
- may get into habits of laziness and end up achieving nothing of what you wanted to achieve (I should know

); I reckon it's better to do the hard work first, and then relax and holiday when you get older
- everything takes a year longer
- if you're travelling, it's expensive
If you end up deciding to do it, make SURE that you have stuff lined up. What exactly are you going to do? This year shouldn't be a year of sleeping and partying, but one where you set yourself to learn and develop in interesting and difficult ways. Step out of your comfort zone and make it a year of growth and exploration - you'll get places you didn't expect.