They probably won't let you switch because its too late in the year and there may be timetabling/class issues ? or maybe theres just not enough hours remaining for you to satisfactorily complete the course.
^ You probably misunderstood what the OP is saying, or maybe I did... Hmm, I think the OP is currently doing Advance and is facing the problem of being dropped to Standard by the school for some reasons. The school can still drop you down to Standard despite we are well and truly into Term 2.
(I am in the same boat as you... just trying to improve my marks all the time )
If you mean you are doing standard english now and you want to change to advanced english in year 12, that won't be possible as you didn't cover the preliminary work
Hm, is it possible to move down from Adv. to Standard atm ?
Our teachers have talken to us alot about what marks we are/should be getting and talking about scaling and what not. They tell us that its better doing standard getting blah blah .. yeah that talk.
If the school has stopped you from doing advance, then there's most likely a good reason behind it. Plus, someone who skips school to escape assignments and assessments shouldn't even think of being capable of doing advance... right scion?