New secret US base in Australia (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Aug 7, 2006
umop 3pisdn said:
Why bother, they've already got plenty of spies here.
You aren't one of them are you?
yeah i wish i was that important. unfortunately i don't speak fob.


Sep 2, 2005
I can see how in terms of strategic location Australia is a perfect candidate for a U.S. military base. But Australia has got to understand that to be a regional force it needs to strengthen its own military(both conventional and nuclear) rather than rely on the alliance because Asian countries respect power, not cock-sucking.


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
i dont like it... why cant they just build a base on their own soil? hopefully the reason it needs to be here is because it somehow bennefits us aswell.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
_dhj_ said:
I can see how in terms of strategic location Australia is a perfect candidate for a U.S. military base. But Australia has got to understand that to be a regional force it needs to strengthen its own military(both conventional and nuclear) rather than rely on the alliance because Asian countries respect power, not cock-sucking.
The public won't spend the money to do that and besides we don't have enough people willing to be in the military as is. The US alliance is the cheaper option by far.


Aryanbeauty said:
Yes US would allow Australian military facility but Australia does not need one nor it have the men/equipment and funds to maintain military base elsewhere like the US have around the world.
I highly doubt it.
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Feb 3, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
Yes US would allow Australian military facility but Australia does not need one nor it have the men/equipment and funds to maintain military base elsewhere like the US have around the world.

No one attacks NZ because everyone is sure that US/Australia/UK would come to their aid, regardless of their exclusion from ANZUS treaty.
Do you think they would? We do a lot more than we should for the US already. But if our so called friends still refuse to sell us some F-22 Raptors, what makes you think that they will allow Australia to build a base on their soil?

If we just do our job to support the Oceania region and don't get involved in other peoples business half way around the world we won't be a threat or a target to the world. Even lets say if Indonesia was to invade Australia, I'm pretty sure we would be capable of defending ourselves, not to mention the high level of naval activity in the north.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
_dhj_ said:
I can see how in terms of strategic location Australia is a perfect candidate for a U.S. military base. But Australia has got to understand that to be a regional force it needs to strengthen its own military(both conventional and nuclear) rather than rely on the alliance because Asian countries respect power, not cock-sucking.
If leftist cowards like you refuse to fight for your own country and oppose building of nuclear reactors/energy how is Australia going to build its own military worthy of respects from its Asian neighbours?

dilroy said:
Do you think they would? We do a lot more than we should for the US already. But if our so called friends still refuse to sell us some F-22 Raptors, what makes you think that they will allow Australia to build a base on their soil?
Where did you get your information that USA refused to sell F-22 Raptors? According to wikipedia which cite its source , Australia refused to buy F-22 Raptors because it is already in the process of buying a more advanced fighter F-35. Here is the original article

Some Australian defense commentators have proposed that Australia purchase F-22 aircraft instead of the F-35.[11] This proposal is supported by the Australian Labor Party, which is Australia's main opposition party, on the grounds that the F-22 is a proven and highly capable aircraft while the F-35 is still under development.[12] The Australian Government, however, has ruled out seeking the purchase of F-22s on the grounds that it is unlikely to be released for export and does not meet Australia's requirements for a strike aircraft.[13] This assessment is supported by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, which is a non-partisan government-funded think-tank, which argues that the F-22 "has insufficient multi-role capability at too high a price" for Australia.[14]

Furthermore, US Congress prohibited the sale of F-22 Raptor to other countries since September 2006, meaning it is only for US use. Australia should complain only if US let its closest allies such as Israel, Britain and Japan buy the F-22 and refused to sell it to australia which will be very unfair, otherwise australia have nothing to complain regarding F-22.

If we just do our job to support the Oceania region and don't get involved in other peoples business half way around the world we won't be a threat or a target to the world. Even lets say if Indonesia was to invade Australia, I'm pretty sure we would be capable of defending ourselves, not to mention the high level of naval activity in the north.
Are you referring to Australia's involvement in iraq/afghanistan made australia a target/threat? Would you justify fijian comitting suicide bombings in Sydney because australia interfered in Fiji? Would you support East Timor terrorist hijacking Qantas because australia interfered in East Timor?

Just because they are muslims does not justify their assertion that they have the right to blow themselves up and kill australians because australia interfered in Iraq and Afghanistan. Have you ever wondered why they dont have any terrorist in Japan despite japan involvement in Iraq/Afghanistan? Cause there are no muslims there! Your policy of "lets not interfere so they will not attack us" reminds me of appeasement policy under Chamberlain who ceded to Hitler everything he demanded including Czechoslovakia, Rhineland etc.

Why not let a few US military simply sit in some corner of australia and at the sametime guarantee the safety of Australia from foreign threat once and for all? Even if Australia is sucking americas cock, at least australia get the salty surprise in the form of peace and safety from foreign threat.


Aug 17, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
Yes US would allow Australian military facility but Australia does not need one nor it have the men/equipment and funds to maintain military base elsewhere like the US have around the world.

No one attacks NZ because everyone is sure that US/Australia/UK would come to their aid, regardless of their exclusion from ANZUS treaty.
I highly doubt that the US will let us build a base on their soil. We're like the U.S' ass-kisser, and you can't respect an ass-kisser.


Nov 30, 2005

Why would we want to build a base on US military soil? Is it perhaps so we can monitor countries such as Mexico and Equator?

I don't think so. There is no benefit to us having a base in the US which is why we don't have one. There is a lot of benefit in having a US base in Australia.

But first consider: We are a close US ally, we have had Pine Gap in Australia for years, we were in Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq, we are a strong member of the ANZUS treaty, and our societies are extremely similar (i.e. westernised).

Exactly how does giving the US one more base in Aust. increase our military risk of attack? We are already a target, and until we withdraw all our support for US policy we will continue to be.

Australia would not build this base if it was left to its own devices. The US will because it has an international focus, that coincides with protecting our interests (i.e. against Iran +Nth Korea having a nuclear bomb, against terror etc.).

This base will help improve our defence capabilities and strengthens our ties with the US.

The US has many such bases around the world; Sth Korea, Taiwan, UK, Poland etc. All of which are designed for monitoring regional security.

By scuttling these plans that have been developed by the US/Aust. governments we do nothing but help weaken our alliance and our defence.

P.S. While I'm sure any application by Iran, China, Nth Korea for a military base in would be considered the reason why they haven't proposed and why we are unlikely to accept is because they are not close military allies of Australia.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
S1M0 said:
I highly doubt that the US will let us build a base on their soil. We're like the U.S' ass-kisser, and you can't respect an ass-kisser.
This clearly shows Arab/muslim mindset regarding respect. They put respect and honour too high above everything else that they will murder and behead their own sister for having an affair with a boy that her family does not want. It is very common in the west especially in Britain/Western Europe for a girl from muslim/arab/south asian background to be murdered by her own brother/father. In arab countries its a tradition.

With regard to Australia, what is good for Australian people, safety and security is more important than having that worthless respect from Islamic countries. USA is more important for australia than the whole of islamic countries and africa combined. Keeping relationship with USA strong is more important than being respected by other countries. By the way when was australia disrespected because of its alliance and reliance on US?:wave: USA can live without Australia, Australia cannot live without USA, Australia can live without Arab countries. What is important for Australia will always paramount when it comes to foreign policy, NOT what you anti-americans want.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Aryanbeauty said:
This clearly shows Arab/muslim mindset regarding respect. They put respect and honour too high above everything else that they will murder and behead their own sister for having an affair with a boy that her family does not want. It is very common in the west especially in Britain/Western Europe for a girl from muslim/arab/south asian background to be murdered by her own brother/father. In arab countries its a tradition.

With regard to Australia, what is good for Australian people, safety and security is more important than having that worthless respect from Islamic countries. USA is more important for australia than the whole of islamic countries and africa combined. Keeping relationship with USA strong is more important than being respected by other countries. By the way when was australia disrespected because of its alliance and reliance on US?:wave: USA can live without Australia, Australia cannot live without USA, Australia can live without Arab countries. What is important for Australia will always paramount when it comes to foreign policy, NOT what you anti-americans want.
:confused: What does honor or arab/muslim midset got to do with all this :confused: ? ? ? U just love Bull Shitting dont you?

I think that we can start some bull crap forum, with the adminstrator -> Aryanbeauty the BIGGEST bullShitter eva!!


Sep 2, 2005
AB said:
If leftist cowards like you refuse to fight for your own country and oppose building of nuclear reactors/energy how is Australia going to build its own military worthy of respects from its Asian neighbours?
lol wtf? I'm a supporter of going nuclear, and the "refuse to fight for your country" accusation... you seemed to have pulled out from your arse. You ought to realise that in actual fact leftist countries have the largest armies.


Aryanbeauty said:
If leftist cowards like you refuse to fight for your own country and oppose building of nuclear reactors/energy how is Australia going to build its own military worthy of respects from its Asian neighbours?

What unit are you in, champ? The 101st Keyboard Battalion?

_dhj_ said:
You ought to realise that in actual fact leftist countries have the largest armies.
And the hottest women.
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Aug 17, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
This clearly shows Arab/muslim mindset regarding respect. They put respect and honour too high above everything else that they will murder and behead their own sister for having an affair with a boy that her family does not want. It is very common in the west especially in Britain/Western Europe for a girl from muslim/arab/south asian background to be murdered by her own brother/father. In arab countries its a tradition.

With regard to Australia, what is good for Australian people, safety and security is more important than having that worthless respect from Islamic countries. USA is more important for australia than the whole of islamic countries and africa combined. Keeping relationship with USA strong is more important than being respected by other countries. By the way when was australia disrespected because of its alliance and reliance on US?:wave: USA can live without Australia, Australia cannot live without USA, Australia can live without Arab countries. What is important for Australia will always paramount when it comes to foreign policy, NOT what you anti-americans want.
Lol, one again you've proven you're just another sad, sad, bullshit artist..

  1. I'm not Anti-American, i'm anti-you sure, but that doesn't mean i'm automatically labelled as Anti-American.
  2. What i said does not show an arab/muslim mindset. You're idiocy is just made more apparent for saying that. John Howard just blindly follows what America does, even when it doesn't affect Australia. America goes into Pakistan to get rid of the Taliban because they're a threat to the well-being of America. Fair Enough. Australia comes in, despite the fact that they have nothing to do with the Taliban. If say the taliban begin targeting australia, then sure, protect the well-being of australia. I'm saying that its plain moronic to just blindly follow someone in something as serious as a war, and that someone who just follows the other blindly and sends soldiers off to wars which doesn't affect them is just plain stupid.
  3. Murdering girls by their brothers is an tradition in arab countries? Thanks for proving your just another idiot. No go away.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
S1M0 said:
Lol, one again you've proven you're just another sad, sad, bullshit artist..
  1. I'm not Anti-American, i'm anti-you sure, but that doesn't mean i'm automatically labelled as Anti-American.
  2. What i said does not show an arab/muslim mindset. You're idiocy is just made more apparent for saying that. John Howard just blindly follows what America does, even when it doesn't affect Australia. America goes into Pakistan to get rid of the Taliban because they're a threat to the well-being of America. Fair Enough. Australia comes in, despite the fact that they have nothing to do with the Taliban. If say the taliban begin targeting australia, then sure, protect the well-being of australia. I'm saying that its plain moronic to just blindly follow someone in something as serious as a war, and that someone who just follows the other blindly and sends soldiers off to wars which doesn't affect them is just plain stupid.
  1. Most of your arguments are based not on reason but on arab and muslim's hatred against the west especially America in general. Actually putting respect and honour above anything else is very arab mindset, even at the cost of human lives. Everything I said about girls and women getting killed because they apparently tarnished their family honour and made her family disrespectable by simply dating a boy her family dont want or like, is true. I can pull out billions of examples but I'll leave it for you to dig in to the issue if you really care.
By the way, America did not went into Pakistan to fight taliban, they went to Afghanistan. Australia did not went to Pakistan, they went to Afghanistan. Those are some basic facts you need to know. Australia did not just went into afghanistan because american did, austrlia wanted to help america at a time when help is needed, just as America saved australia from Japanese invasion. Just as you arab sympathised with Palestinian arab, australian, majority of whom have the same roots as americans, sharing the same believes and traditions, respect for freedom and security of their citizens, the pain America was undergoing was felt by Australia, Britain, France, germany, Italy, Japan and many other countries. Were France, Japan, Italy, Spain, Canada and Germany merely following america too since they contributed thousands of troops to join american forces in Afghanistan?
  1. Murdering girls by their brothers is an tradition in arab countries? Thanks for proving your just another idiot. No go away.
Murdering girls and women by their brothers and fathers if they are deemed to have tarnished their family honour by dating or having love affair is a traditionnot only in arab countries but also among arab/muslim communities in western Europe, pakistan and Turkey.


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Aryanbeauty said:
This clearly shows Arab/muslim mindset regarding respect. They put respect and honour too high above everything else that they will murder and behead their own sister for having an affair with a boy that her family does not want. It is very common in the west especially in Britain/Western Europe for a girl from muslim/arab/south asian background to be murdered by her own brother/father. In arab countries its a tradition.
lol....lets look at the jewish reaction....a mere prank that puts the parents into a rage, threatning to kill the guy before theyve even met him.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
LOL lets look at not just a threat but what really happened :D

Damascus: Sixteen-year-old Zahra Ezzo died at the hospital last month after a brutal attack. But it was her brother who confessed to killing her‚ and her family who appointed him to carry out the murder.

Some experts estimate that 200 to 300 honour killings like Zahra's occur every year in Syria.
Amman, Feb 8 (DPA) A 28-year-old man has been charged in Jordan with the premeditated murder of his married sister in the second so-called 'honour crime' in the country this year, the Jordan Times reported Thursday.

The 22-year-old victim was shot five times in the chest and stomach, allegedly by her brother, while she was at a shop Tuesday, the paper quoted an official source as saying
Islamabad - Two women in Pakistan have been hacked to death by close relatives who suspected them of flirting with neighbours, in a so-called honour killing, police said on Saturday.

Farida, 18, and Hameeda, 20, were asleep when the men attacked them with axes, smashing their heads, in a village in southern Sindh province on Thursday morning, police officer Ghulam Nabi said.

"The girls were asleep in their home when their four uncles attacked them," Nabi told AFP.,9294,2-10-1462_2074380,00.html
Mohammad Aslam and Maqbool Ahmad admit killing their sister Elahisen and a neighbour, Ghulam Nabi Shah, when they found them together in Elahisen's room on the night of 27 January.

They smashed their skulls with a brick and then strangled them with a rope. Then they gave themselves up to the police saying they had redeemed their family honour.
Egyptian Style punishment?
CAIRO, Egypt - The footage is shocking: A man lies screaming on the floor of a police station as officers sodomize him with a wooden pole.

Compounding the shock, it turns out that it was the police who made the film, and that they then transmitted it to the cell phones of the victim's friends in order to humiliate him.

Here is the video of that poor Egyptian man being raped by egyptian police with a baton

Is nt it time for you to look at your own country before critisizing others?


Feb 18, 2006
poloktim said:
Some might argue we're doing it for our protection. But then look at NZ. They stood up to the Americans, got dropped from the alliance, and yet nobody has done anything to provoke NZ security.

Perhaps Latham said it the best: "John Howard is an arse-licker."
Thats because there is nothing in NZ that is worth bombing.


I see you didn't answer my question. It's funny how those who are so quick to advocate war are often reluctant to do the dirty work themselves.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2006
If they are so belligerent, why don't they just join the army?

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