rofl hell yea, my point status just jumped x100000000Cyan_phoeniX said:There seems to be some confusion concerning the official rules of the official way of becoming an official Macquarian, so perhaps i should just say that everyone was MEANT to be worth 1 point, except for IAB, who is obviously the Legendary Ninja Stalker who is qualitatively different to us mere mortals.
However, due to the uproar that has clearly upset some people to the extent that it may keep them up all night, crying in despair and causing some doubt as to their stalking skills, the new point system is as followed:
Pwar worth 2 a stalking point
Glitterfairy worth 4 stalking point
Iambored worth 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 stalking points
everyone else = 1 stalking point.
ok the pilgrimage also has to involve joy
and they must post in procrastination threads during exam time at least once a day
*knows where said labs are and will go out of their way to spot asy*AsyLum said:If you can spot me this semester on campus, good on you *will be there for 2-3 days and in labs*
it wasn't once, at least 3 times, add myself and OJ to the list of people who have seen him with headphoneswithaface said:and Mike is always unce unce-ing around with his earphones. (maybe that was just once.. but still).