Need some guidance (1 Viewer)


New Member
Apr 21, 2021
Last year when choosing subjects for prelim/hsc, all of my subjects clashed (somehow even my backup subjects managed to be on same line) and I only ended up getting two of the subjects I am really interested in (modern history and biology), whilst I had to pick subjects on other lines to fill remaining units. I was really excited to get into senior school and to specialise in subjects in which I genuinely feel passionate about and now I am stuck with random subjects that I have no desire to study. I tried to change these subjects last term, but the principal said it was too late and unfair to other students who hadn't been allowed to change subjects either. I asked if I could move schools and my parents said no. The only reason I chose biology over legal studies (the first set of subjects that clashed) is because biology is a prerequisite for a variety of courses I am interested in, whereas legal studies is not (even not required for law degrees). I am enjoying biology, however, I can't help but think what I am missing in legal studies or what mark I might have attained. I knew since year 8 when we got elective selection books I wanted to do legal studies and therefore picked year 9 and 10 commerce as it was recommended in preparation/assumed knowledge and it's just a bit of a kick in the guts that I can't even take it. Same goes for the other set of subjects that clashed (modern and geography; although I enjoy modern, I wish I could do geography too). Apologies for the rant, I just need some sort of advice. How do you study for subjects that you are not interested in?


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Oh wow I'm sorry to hear that. And I thought that a clash which prevented me from doing EAL/D instead of English Standard was too much.

At this stage it doesn't really look like you have a choice but to study for the subjects that you're not interested in, might as well try to maximise your efforts.

Try to get help from your teachers as much as possible, search for and make high quality notes (if applicable) for your subjects (there are plenty on this website) and post any questions that you may struggle with here as well as there are smart people who would be willing to help.

You should accept the fact that this is the subject selection that you'll be going into year 12 with and instead focus on your studies as it will be your most important school year. You need a strong mindset in situations like these. Being able to effectively cope with such circumstances is essential and will be the reason behind your success.

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