I'll do my best.
I've got Denise Levertov's poetry for H&M and quite frankly I think it could be one of the worst things to be given. Personally, I don't think she is a brilliant poet. We were given six of her poems and had to decipher H&M from them. There are about 12 people in my Adv. English class and we probably spent at least three weeks worth of lessons just trying to find the H&M in most of them. Some it is easy to find but others it is not so.
Anyway after all these discussions we came up with a few things that would actually be good to talk about.
I don't actually know The Queen so I don't know how helpful this will be but we came to the point where we were breaking apart the actually poetry, finding metaphors in metaphors to extract the real truth of what it was saying. Levertov speaks quite personally most of the time so if yours does too then there you have memory. Anything relating to historical events is history. You can talk about the way it is written and almost, without making it too obvious, express your own opinion on these events. If you find it hard to express your own opinion, check out some other peoples and steal it.
Masked personal opinion works well.
Also, look at the life of the person, it helps to understand the text and where they are coming from.
I don't know if that makes any sense to you and I'm pretty sure it is quite general but that's about all I can do as I don't know your text personally.