N E 1 play Far Cry??? (1 Viewer)


Aug 17, 2005
Hey, I was wondering if any one has played Far Cry on PC?

Im up to the level called "Control" and am stuck in this room with gas or something,

and i cant stand up in it either. Any one no how to get past. The lady told me to go

throught the air vents, i cant see any other way, is there a gas mask or something i

may have missed?

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Jun 17, 2003
[J. Control]
Mission Difficulty Rating: 8/10.
Mission Checkpoints: 9
Mission Overview: Reach the other side of the complex.

Looks like we will be rescuing Val (again). You don’t know the half of
it. This level is by far one of the most annoying and intimidating levels
in the game. It’s filled to the top with Trigen almost around every
corner... and they have become smarter. Now they actually flank you from the
back, so just keep a close eye out around every corner. Now, let’s start by
navigating this pipe. Proceed forward and take about two-three rights
every time the pipe ends. At the end of the pipe, drop down into the next
one right when you hear a thud into water. Don’t worry, it’s safe. Inspect
the already dead worker and climb up the ladder. Enter the door in this
room and grab a left.

You should be in a hallway with yells at the end of it. Instead of taking
that door down there, walk into the vents on the left side of this corridor
(shoot it with any weapon of choice to enter). Navigate to the end of it.
Don’t just shoot this net yet. The trigens and mercs will be aware that
you are in the vents. Depending on whoever wins this battle, the trigen
may go completely into the vent and strike at you or the merc will simply
patrol the corridor where you gained access into the vent. Kill whoever
lives, and shoot the net at the end of the vent.

You see that steam? We gotta turn that off or else it will kill you in
.23 seconds. Oppose to the steam (on your side) is a hallway leading
into a room. Enter that room. To your right is the door that leads to the
corridor where you accessed the vents originally. Forward is a room with
a dead worker with plenty of ammo, nads, and armor. Stock up. Now,
there’s also an access ladder leading down to some vents. Grab that and
climb down. Shoot the vent open and walk to the end of it. No one in
this hallway, so jump out and proceed to your left. Checkpoint.

Go forward into this room/deeeeeeeep query. Now, seeing as I took a
different path throughout this entire level (on my first attempt), my life
was made a living hell. Once I turned off the pipe (which you should just
do), I stood there somehow thinking that you had to shoot the chains off
of that hanging platform so you could get access to the top level. I must
of spent 2 hours on this when I finally backtracked and found that the
gas was turned off. You do the same as well.

Navigate around these corners into your next new room to find three
scientists. One will be exploring the room, while around will run in
as shoot as you gun the first one down, and yet a third will jump out.
Kill all three, and grab their ammo. Now find the next hallway in this
room (to your 2 o’clock from where you entered), and proceed down half
way down it. Take the vent to the right and head on forward for a
checkpoint. A familiar place. Take aim and shoot the 2 trigens creating
havoc in this room. Now climb the ladder to the middle level, get off, and
find another one a bit further on this platform. Climb that ladder to get
to the top. You see that crate? Push it next to the huge pipe leading
across and run over to the other side. Turn the steam off. Now direct
your attention to the vent that originally got you into this room. Two
trigens will appear from it. Blast them and climb back down all the way
to the vents (don’t fall).

Once you reach the vents, exit it to the hallway and move to your 2 o’clock
to enter another vent directly (kinda to the right though) across it. Once
it that vent, head forward and take a right. All the way down this vent,
you should see two trigens at the end of it. Blast them and turn your
attention to the left to see a merc that was SERVED. Anyways, now direct
your attention to the top right. There’s a vent that will have a trigen
in it. Nad it or take it head on. Checkpoint.

Going down another loooong vent, take the first right you get. Two mercs
will be busy talking, bah, bah. Blast them both. Now head back into the
vents and go all the way down it and take the second (last) right. Here is

another room similar to the one you where in. Once you pop open this vent,
to your left should be two mercs taking about fleeing. Pop them both, and
the merc that comes from the right (after investigating the two workers you
recently killed). Run around both the rooms stocking up on ammo, armor,
and nads. Once you finish doing this head over to the elevator and take
it down.

Here we should see a lovely battle between man and trigen. Stay in the
elevator while focusing your attention on the trigen. The merc right next
to the elevator has no idea that you are a foe so he usually assumes you
are friendly and shoots with you. Once most trigen seem to be dead, try
your focus on the mercs. In fact, if you want to kill two birds with one
stone, try using some nads. Once most of these spices are dead, proceed
forward past a gate thingy, which failed to do its job. Here you have two
options – take the door forward to fight off some few trigens and then
mercs or take the door to the right to fight some mercs and avoid the
trigens and save your ammo. Which sounds like a better deal?

Either way you go, you will be prompted for a game save. I went right
(obviously) and took out a good long range weapon like the M4. You will
see in this next room what appears to be a laboratory. A lonely merc (yet
he is still deadly with his head and body armor patrolling the catwalks.
He will need a few good hits to the head to be taken down. Once he is down,
divert your attention to the bottom area and to the left. There’s a big
door (which you can’t miss) that will open up with at least 5 mercs instead.
They may rush or they may not. Whatever the case, you must take them out.
They provide armor, ammo, and are guarding a health kit around the corner (in
the next room). Once it is silent, gaze at the “Fat Boys” or what I like to
call “Rocket Trigen”. Don’t worry, they are long dead (and probably smell
better than the live ones). You will have to be facing that soon, or in
other words, now.

Across from where you originally enter the laboratory is another door that
has catwalks leading up to it and is surrounded by computers. Go there now.
Depending on whatever what you do this, this can be the easiest thing ever
or the hardest thing ever. If you want to stay back and secure the flank, wait
until the mercs are dead so you will have to face hordes of trigens (and
I’m talking at least 10+ minimum with one “Fat Boy”). If you want to be
Rambo, proceed down this long hallway and take a right. The mercs in front
of you are defending themselves against the onslaught of the trigen. Quickly
kill the mercs and grab the machine/mini gun. You have unlimited ammo,
do not let go of the fire trigger. Note: If you somehow manage to screw
this up, to the right of the machine gun is an explosive barrel. If you
gotta turn the defense up, don’t go out without a bang </lame pun>.

Once it is quiet once more, take the first room on the right that leads to
the cafeteria. Three mercs are stuffing there fat faces while their team gets
massacred. Teach them how to be a true fighter. From the entrance of this
door, look to your 9 o’clock. There’s another door that leads to the bathroom
with 4 more Trigen inside. I suggest you kill them, but you may go around
them (no guarantee that they will rush you from the back). Once they are
dead/not dead, get back into the hallway and go the way the machine gun is
pointed at. Take a left and go down this hallway. Take (another) left and
open this door into a flooded room. Dispose of the two trigen and one merc.

Now we have a choice. This next part will be the hardest part yet. You may
choose to swim through some flooded vents to the end and emerge in the middle
of a nasty battle between man/trigen or you may take a ladder up to some other
vents that lead to a type of rooftop of the battle overhead. I suggest you
take the vents that lead overhead. If you can’t find it, there’s a vent with
a ladder inside. Climb it up and walk down it to the end for the roof top.
If you want to be a crazy Rambo, climb down the ladder and swim forward
through the vents and up.

If you’re smart, you would have taken my advice about the ladder. Now, I
know you may be almost out of ammo, but this is the last part so expand ammo
and grenades. Once you are overhead of the battle, your main focus is on the
Fat Boy - NOTHING ELSE. Once the fat boy falls (after about 2 clips of freakin
M4 ammo), direct your focus to the trigen. Now these trigens have serious ups,
to give you an idea of how serious – think back to “White Men Can’t Jump”
– even more serious then that! *Gasp*. You are standing approx 20-30 feet
above them, and some are crazy enough to even reach you so be careful. I’ve
counted approx. 7-8 trigens total and 1-2 workers (who get massacred bad
every time but manage to take out 1 or 2 trigen in the process). Remember
to waste ALL of your ammo if you need it. Use nads as well, but use them
carefully. Try and go for headshots. If you somehow run outta ammo, you might
have to drop down with the trigen there and search for a rifle (which can be

found near the workers). Good luck.

Once the trigens are dead, grab the ammo and armor and proceed to the door.
Go through it to be the level! Yippe Kai Yay! You are officially past the
halfway mark in the game!


Aug 17, 2005
Thanks click here & blackbunny, both vry helpful. Esp click here :)


Apr 7, 2005
I've only played it at a netcafe, and I have to say, the story is the lamest thing ever.

The AI isn't bad, though.


Aug 29, 2005
On a bicycle for two
Komaticom said:
I'll be walking through the foliage with my M4, hear some stomping, my screen flickers red and goes all jagged, I look around, see nothing, then before I realise I have to look DOWN to see those bastards swinging away at my ankles, I die.

Gotta hate those Trigens. The BIG ones kill you with one hit, even if you have full armour. The smaller Quake1 Rejects kill you in 2 seconds. Utter BS.
Yeah, it's the OMGTRIGENSKILLYOUINONESECONDANDNODEFENCEPOSSIBLE element that made me resort to cheats. Shame though, it was a fun game.


Feb 11, 2003

There's this ridiculous level somwhere which makes you tramp through a forest with nothing but 5 shots of the M4 and like a gazillion monsters...not fun...


Feb 11, 2003
I think the water runs out, or something similar, cos swimming didn't work for me lol

I made it through after throwing many rocks and hiding for ten minutes at a time.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
Far Cry is great. I think Crytek is working on an expansion, god come out already. Too bad Shader Model 2.0b was a dissappointment.. although still nice even after massive success over the title they still decided to use the effort to patch in that feature.


Aug 29, 2005
On a bicycle for two
Yeah, that's the problem with many game developers; they have limited support, in terms of patches and what not, for their products. It's especially bad in 'big' game developers, especially those that are linked with big, money orientated publishers such as EA, who are practically forced to churn out a new game every x amount of time, and as a result can't, or aren't allowed to, spend time properly patching their games. The game industry, ironically because it is at its most popular, as in the worst state it’s ever been in.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
Komaticom said:
Far Cry Instincts?
I read that the player can set traps made from sharpened wood/bamboo.
I thought Instincts was just the XBOX version of Far Cry =S.. I think the PC expansion is very early in the works, go onto Gamespot and it doesn't have an official name or anything yet. Or I could be incorrect altogether, because at a Microsoft convention recently Crytek showed off a very Far Cryish movie game demo, which had alot of hardware features not even conceivable for an expansion. One could only speculate that was Far Cry 2.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
Komaticom said:
I actually found a demo of a game called Chrome Specforce or similiar. It reminds me of Far Cry, only futurised. It had the sweeping-through-the-landscape background, similiar physics and AI.
Might go look for that. The one I saw was at a Vista convention.. I've got the video link somewhere, lemme get it to you soon. Whatever that game is (hopefully Far Cry 2), it looks great.


s2 Ralf. Marry me!
Feb 6, 2005
I played it for like a few days and got bored. killing those pigs with the knife was the highlight. I didnt get very far... meh. it looked good on the packet


s2 Ralf. Marry me!
Feb 6, 2005
lol it wasn't hard lol.. it was just boring. it was all glitz n glamour... oh yeah I liked the physics and the gfx were pretty cool... but meh just a boring game.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
LexxY said:
I played it for like a few days and got bored. killing those pigs with the knife was the highlight. I didnt get very far... meh. it looked good on the packet
Never mind not getting far.. a chick playing Far Cry is good enough!

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