My Pip (struggeling) (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
hey guys my name is steven and im new to the forum. i have seen all these great topics for your pips but the one problem i have is i dont get it.
im trying to do a pip on the influence of the media on socialisation on adolescents in contemporary society and i am lost to what to write about. I know that the concepts that relate to it can be technology and society but i honestly do not know how to elaborate on it to make it a 4000 word pip. So if you guys can be bothered i would love suggestions and tips on what to do and how to do it.

Thanks guys for your time in helping me,
steven :D


Active Member
Aug 10, 2003
Condell Park
Well, what you can do is provide some background information based on your research and findings. You can then give examples and some great ones would be the cronulla and macquarie fields riots. How the view of the state [ie. the police and courts etc.] dominate the media circle mainly because they are powerful and of an authoritative figure (concepts on power and authority here; you can also allude to the abuse of these concepts by the police during and after the riots). This view will then make it seem that the view from the adolescents [from their perspective] as "wrong" and "not worth listening to".

Another example you can allude to is pop culture.


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
hi thanks for the help and i would love to make it about pop culture but in my class i havent learnt anything which is why im probably struggeling this badly. My teacher talks all mumbo jumbo and its all just confusing. And what do u mean on research a problem is i do not know what to research i am so lost and any more help would be muchly appreciated.

thanks guys :D steven

p.s. kulazzi ur so smart and u rock :D


Active Member
Aug 10, 2003
Condell Park
Thanks steven but I believe the mods (ie Survivor and mishka) are much better in knowing their stuff.

Research - look for secondary resources which relate to your PIP. Newspaper journals/articles or a book are some examples. Draw out the topics from each of these which relate to your PIP and just write what you interpret from them. Then go do some methodologies - ie. surveys, questionairres, [personal] observation etc. - and see if what you find from your primary research is supported by the secondary research findings.

You don't have to learn Pop Culture in the classroom to base your PIP on this. But I do understand where you are coming from with this.

I suggest you buy the Society and Culture by Heinemann. I found them to be very useful. So, go buy that txtbook. Read/skim through it, highlight, make some notes related to your PIP (eg. the concepts and then you can brainstorm and expand on how these certain concepts relate to your PIP). Then start searching for resources. Then develop your own methodology (eg. survey), distribute them (or via the net if you like), collate them, tally them and analyse your findings. Then bring in the discussion of your findings with that from what you found in secondary resources. Compare/contrast them and just write a discussion analysis.

Remember to try and "blend" everything together.


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
hey im back with another question im going overseas (lebanon) and i thought if i would be able to do a cross culture comparison on the influences of the media on socialisation in lebanon compared to australia and which has more of an effect or something like this. Does this make sense with my pip or is it totally out of the question. Thanks for ur help once again.



New Member
Jan 11, 2006
I think that will work. You're lucky that you will have that first hand experience. :)

Maybe have a look at the role of women and how they are portrayed in the media as well, and how this affects gender roles in society.


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
All these good topics and so hard to choose what to focus on lol. thanks lou_217 for the suggestions :D.



Active Member
Aug 10, 2003
Condell Park
steviedwonda said:
hey im back with another question im going overseas (lebanon) and i thought if i would be able to do a cross culture comparison on the influences of the media on socialisation in lebanon compared to australia and which has more of an effect or something like this. Does this make sense with my pip or is it totally out of the question. Thanks for ur help once again.

If you believe you can make sense of it in your PIP then go ahead and do so ;) :)

From your initial post, "influence of the media on socialisation on adolescents in contemporary society so if you wish to focus on women then you may do so. It's really not what topic you do but how you can present, articulate, argue and discuss your findings as well as secondary research and be able to come to a conclusion based on all this.

With regards to gender role, just a note - women are still unequal in contemporary, Australian society. So to a certain extent, while may say we are still equal, we really are not. In fact, we have only achieved the extent of becoming an equal but we are not fully there [yet].

You can base personal, first-hand experience in your PIP and this can be a major source of your discussion. In the heinemann textbook, I remember a very high-achieving S&C student had some parts of her PIP sampled in there (I think she either went to Vietnam or Thailand). Anyways, from memory, not sure though, she just went to discover her cultural identity or something. Now that to me was like "oh yeah, who wouldn't" but the way she wrote it just really shows how socially and culturally informed she was. I mean, it was absolutely amazing. So simple yet effective. This is what you should aim to achieve :)


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
hey guys i got a speech to do at school for SAC and its basically like the introduction. i thought for a topic statment being "Social Norms Powered by the Media" but im not sure if it relates to the media influencing socialisation so if anyone could verify it for me it would be great.

also i dont understand wat it means bu speicific aims and goals all i can think about is being more socially and culturally literate.

and also 1 more thing from my cross culture compoment (australia & lebanon) can i do like how there technology isnt as advanced so the media doesnt have a great effect in lebanon as it does in australia.

thanks guys for help ,

steven :D


New Member
Jan 11, 2006
Maybe you could make your topic statement "Social Norms Manufactured by the Media" because from what I gather, that relates more to your PIP.

Specific aims and goals...yeah social and cultural literacy, but also maybe you want to uncover truths about media practice and discover how and why they perpetuate certain images to construct social norms. Just an idea. Someone else will be able to cover that better than me.

And yes, do how technology isn't as advanced. That's a huge aspect of your CCC.


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
thank you lou so much the topic you said sounds so much COOLER.




New Member
Nov 21, 2006
oh great guess what just happened half way finishing my speech and my mum decides to turn on so many electrical appliances that my side of the houses electricity turned off and lost my speech. back to word 1 now i guess.


New Member
Jan 11, 2006
No problem!

Awww no :( hope you remember it all. Good luck for it.


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
Ok everyone this is my speech is kinda like a proposal for my PIP tell me what you think.

Have you ever wondered why you do your hair like that? Have you ever wondered why you wear those certain clothes? Have you ever wondered why you want that body? Have you ever wondered why you think the way you do? Good morning/afternoon Delany College staff. Today I will be talking to you about my proposal on my Personal Interest Project which is the main element of uniqueness of the Society and Culture course. A Personal Interest Project or PIP is a focus topic of my choosing which correlates with the Society and Culture HSC course. The PIP requires primary and secondary research to justify the hypothesis of the focus topic. It is essential that the focus topic relates to several of the Society and Culture concepts which are Culture, Persons, Environment, Time, Power, Authority, Gender and Technology. A cross culture comparison is also a vital component of the PIP as it gives a perspective other then your own on the focus topic.

So its term 4 and the Society and Culture preliminary course has just finished and your ready to start on your PIP but there’s only one problem, you don’t know what to choose. Before even thinking about the PIP you must figure out a general area of interest. The general area of interest that I have chosen on my PIP is the media. The media affects every individual in every society. The media includes television, magazines, newspaper, radio and the increasingly growing internet. Through my general area of interest I am going to study the influences the media has on socialisation. Socialisation is the process by which individuals learn to adopt behaviour patterns in their societies. From this I came up with the topic sentence of “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”.

Now where up to the “why?” factor. Why would I choose the chosen topic you say well there are specific aims and goals which I hope to achieve at the completion of my Personal Interest Project. My first goal would be completing my PIP, but in all seriousness I would want to advance to become a social and cultural literate person. To become a social and cultural literate person is not an easy task as you must endeavour to empathise with many diverse individuals who are of different culture, age, gender, location or experience and be familiar with your personal and cultural identity. Another aim I have is to uncover truths about media practice and discover how and why they perpetuate certain images to construct social norms.

My topic statement “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media” relates to several of the Society and Culture concepts. These include:

o Technology. Technology refers to the tools that makes tasks easier and improves the aptitude of persons in performing those tasks. This relates to my PIP due to the fact that as technology increases, the more media people are exposed to. Since media is around us and communicates information to us on a daily basis, more information sticks to us and social norms are formed.
o Power. Power is the influence someone or something has which brings others to do something which they wouldn’t normally do. The media is one of the greatest source of power as it is every where you look ranging from the television and newspapers to billboards and the internet. The media someway or another influences us to purchase products or do things which wouldn’t even consider on doing.​
There are many other concepts in which my topic relates to but Technology and Power are the main concepts which I can associate with “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”.

My cross-cultural component of my PIP will include first hand experience as I will be visiting Lebanon. For my cross-cultural comparison I will be investigating the media exposure in both Australia and Lebanon and how it influences socialisation. Through the cross-cultural comparison, one of the two selected countries would be more exposed to the media and its influences on socialisation then the other, which then I would make a clear distinction and comparison of both countries.

To be able to do all of what I have stated previously I must conduct primary research using methodologies which are appropriate for my study. The first methodology that I am going to employ to conduct my research will be a Questionnaire. There are many positive aspects of using a questionnaire as it provides both quantitative and qualitative research. It also can provide information to a vast group in a short period time. However there are also negative aspects to it as it is very time consuming to analyse a large amount of questionnaires also due to personal opinion some may include bias of some sort. Content analysis will also be used as the media comes in many different shapes. Content Analysis involves reading, watching or listening to specific material that will assist me in my topic of “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”. With content analysis there is an enormous variety of texts to choose from and most likely the text that will be chosen would be enjoyable to read, watch or listen to. Though content analysis is very complex as it requires you to systematically process what you’re examining to interpret it correctly. Lastly I will use covert observation. Covert observation is the practice of observing people in secret and am advantage to this is that you will be able to see how people act in their natural state on the other hand it would be quite difficult to interpret the people you are observing and to keep under the radar.

After completing the primary research through these methodologies I must now discover secondary research which would help justify my hypothesis. The resource which I am going to use primarily for my secondary research is the Internet. The internet has an extensive assortment of information which would be valuable for my PIP. In seconds I will be able to find precious information which would assist me in validating my theory about the influences of the media on socialisation but the reliability of the majority of the sources on the internet are poor as I could get information from anyone who owns a computer. Newspapers will also be vital to my secondary research as I must follow up what is going around the world in contemporary society to create an accurate PIP but newspapers unfortunately aren’t completely truthful and the bias which some newspapers may include might make some elements of my PIP imprecise. Documentaries of the media and its power to influence socialisation are also good for my secondary research as they had to investigate the matter however there would be a sense of bias towards the media. Finally would be the use of Books which would aid my study. Books are quite frankly the most reliable source for secondary research as they have been intensively reviewed before they are published to confirm they are correct.

These are the fundamentals of a Personal Interest Project but now it is time to talk about my progress on my PIP. As soon as we were given time to think about our general area of interest and topic for the PIP nothing clicked to me. I could not think of anything to do which was really straining me. After finally choosing a topic I was not happy with it, so I decided to choose another and decided to choose another. After several changes of the topic I though that, if I’m going to do this for a year I’m going to do something that I genuinely love. Then I came up with the question of “How the media influences socialisation” which then turned into the topic statement of “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”. At the beginning of the PIP my progress was horrible as I found it completely difficult to choose a topic and stick with it. After finally choosing a topic I feel that my progress has vastly improved as I am nearly finished completing my introduction to my PIP. As soon as I choose this topic there has been an endless lust to finish my PIP as there are so many things to write about “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”

Thanks Everybody :D
©Chamaty Productions​

any suggestions and comments would be highly appreciated
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Active Member
Aug 10, 2003
Condell Park
Have you ever wondered why you do your hair like that? Have you ever wondered why you wear those certain clothes? Have you ever wondered why you want that body? Have you ever wondered why you think the way you do? Good morning/afternoon Delany College staff. Today I will be talking to you about my proposal on my Personal Interest Project which is the main element of uniqueness of the Society and Culture course. A Personal Interest Project or PIP is a focus topic of my choosing which correlates with the Society and Culture HSC course. The PIP requires primary and secondary research to justify the hypothesis of the focus topic. It is essential that the focus topic relates to several of the Society and Culture concepts which are Culture, Persons, Environment, Time, Power, Authority, Gender and Technology. A cross culture comparison is also a vital component of the PIP as it gives a perspective other then your own on the focus topic.

So it's term 4 and the Society and Culture preliminary course has just finished and you're ready to start on your PIP but there’s only one problem, you don’t know what to choose. Before even thinking about the PIP, you must figure out a general area of interest. The general area of interest that I have chosen on my PIP is the media. The media affects every individual in every society. The media includes television, magazines, newspaper, radio and the increasingly growing internet. Through my general area of interest, I am going to study the influences the media has on socialisation. Socialisation is the process by which individuals learn to adopt behaviour patterns in their societies. From this I came up with the topic sentence of “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”.

Now we're up to the “why?” factor. Why would I choose the chosen topic you say. Well there are specific aims and goals which I hope to achieve at the completion of my Personal Interest Project. My first goal would be completing my PIP, but in all seriousness I would want to advance to become a social and cultural literate person. To become a social and cultural literate person is not an easy task as you must endeavour to empathise with many diverse individuals who are of different culture, age, gender, location or experience and be familiar with your personal and cultural identity. Another aim I have is to uncover truths about media practice and discover how and why they perpetuate certain images to construct social norms.

My topic statement “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media” relates to several of the Society and Culture concepts. These include:

o Technology. Technology refers to the tools that makes tasks easier and improves the aptitude of persons in performing those tasks. This relates to my PIP due to the fact that as technology increases, the more media people are exposed to, possibly re-arrange this to: "more people are exposed to the media" as it is easier to interpret and also easier to say. This also sounds like your hypothesis - remember, secondary research and primary research findings are needed to supprt your topic, or alternatively, does not support your chosen topic. Since media is around us and communicates information to us on a daily basis, more information sticks to us and social norms are formed. Define what social norms are: "By this I mean..."

o Power. Power is the influence someone or something has which brings others to do something which they wouldn’t normally do. The media is one of the greatest source of power as it is every where you look, ranging from the television and newspapers to billboards and the internet. The media someway or another influences us to purchase products or do things which we wouldn’t even consider on doing.

There are many other concepts in which my topic relates to but Technology and Power are the main concepts which I can associate with “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”.

My cross-cultural component of my PIP will include first hand experience as I will be visiting Lebanon. For my cross-cultural comparison I will be investigating the media exposure in both Australia and Lebanon and how it influences socialisation. Through the cross-cultural comparison, one of the two selected countries would be more exposed to the media and its influences on socialisation then the other, which then I would make a clear distinction and comparison of both countries.

To be able to do all of what I have stated previously I must conduct primary research using methodologies which are appropriate for my study. The first methodology that I am going to employ to conduct my research will be a Questionnaire. There are many positive aspects of using a questionnaire as it provides both quantitative and qualitative research. It also can provide information to a vast group in a short period time. However there are also negative aspects to it as it is very time consuming to analyse a large amount of questionnaires also due to personal opinion some may include bias of some sort. Content analysis will also be used as the media comes in many different shapes. Content Analysis involves reading, watching or listening to specific material that will assist me in my topic of “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”. With content analysis there is an enormous variety of texts to choose from and most likely the text that will be chosen would be enjoyable to read, watch or listen to. Though content analysis is very complex as it requires you to systematically process what you’re examining to interpret it correctly. Lastly I will use covert observation. Covert observation is the practice of observing people in secret and am advantage to this is that you will be able to see how people act in their natural state I'm not sure if this is very must keep this in mind. There's pro and cons on observing them overtly and covertly. Make your decision ethically on the other hand it would be quite difficult to interpret the people you are observing and to keep under the radar.

After completing the primary research through these methodologies I must now discover secondary research which would help justify my hypothesis. The resource which I am going to use primarily for my secondary research is the Internet No NO No! Do NOT ever place heavy reliability on the internet! This won't pull up your marks! Go to the State Library and you're bound to find some information there! Never ever use the internet as your secondary resource. Probably at least a max of 5-7, ask your teacher. But by using the internet as your primary secondary resource is a no no!. The internet has an extensive assortment of information which would be valuable for my PIP. In seconds I will be able to find precious information - sorry, worng choiceof words here, especially concerning the Internet... which would assist me in validating my theory about the influences of the media on socialisation but the reliability of the majority of the sources on the internet are poor _/ this is a tick btw as I could get information from anyone who owns a computer. Newspapers will also be vital to my secondary research Again, not very vital but you can use the articles as examples to your PIP. You need books, books and more books! Where are they? You need theory and you won't find them in the newspaper. as I must follow up what is going around the world in contemporary society to create an accurate PIP but newspapers unfortunately aren’t completely truthful and the bias which some newspapers may include might make some elements of my PIP imprecise _/ _/ _/ Three ticks! :p. Documentaries of the media and its power to influence socialisation are also good for my secondary research as they had to investigate the matter however there would be a sense of bias towards the media. Finally would be the use of Books which would aid my study. Books are quite frankly the most reliable source for secondary research as they have been intensively reviewed before they are published to confirm they are correct. Ahhh finally! They DO get a mention! Phew!

These are the fundamentals of a Personal Interest Project but now it is time to talk about my progress on my PIP. As soon as we were given time to think about our general area of interest and topic for the PIP nothing clicked to me. I could not think of anything to do which was really straining me. After finally choosing a topic I was not happy with it, so I decided to choose another and decided to choose another does not make sense. After several changes of the topic I thought that, if I’m going to do this for a year I’m going to do something that I genuinely love. Then I came up with the question of “How the media influences socialisation” which then turned into the topic statement of “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”. At the beginning of the PIP my progress was horrible as I found it completely difficult to choose a topic and stick with it. After finally choosing a topic I feel that my progress has vastly improved as I am nearly finished completing my introduction to my PIP. As soon as I chose this topic there has been an endless lust ....lust...?, maybe "eagerness" is a better word.... to finish my PIP as there are so many things to write about “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”

Thanks Everybody
©Chamaty Productions
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New Member
Nov 21, 2006
lol kulazzi thanks for the help but u must admit its pretty good for an one hour job :D

Hm im thinking bout changing the intro as well to make it more interesting


New Member
Nov 21, 2006
Ok here we go i hope its up to your standards :D

still working on the intro
[Have you ever wondered why you do your hair like that? Have you ever wondered why you wear those certain clothes? Have you ever wondered why you want that body? Have you ever wondered why you think the way you do?]

Good morning/afternoon Delany College staff. Today I will be talking to you about my proposal on my Personal Interest Project which is the main element of uniqueness of the Society and Culture course. A Personal Interest Project or PIP is a focus topic of my choosing which correlates with the Society and Culture HSC course. The PIP requires primary and secondary research to justify the hypothesis of the focus topic. It is essential that the focus topic relates to several of the Society and Culture concepts which are Culture, Persons, Environment, Time, Power, Authority, Gender and Technology. A cross culture comparison is also a vital component of the PIP as it gives a perspective other then your own on the focus topic.

So it's term 4 and the Society and Culture preliminary course has just finished and you're ready to start on your PIP but there’s only one problem, you don’t know what to choose. Before even thinking about the PIP, you must figure out a general area of interest. The general area of interest that I have chosen on my PIP is the media. The media affects every individual in every society. The media includes television, magazines, newspaper, radio and the increasingly growing internet. Through my general area of interest, I am going to study the influences the media has on socialisation. Socialisation is the process by which individuals learn to adopt behaviour patterns in their societies. From this I came up with the topic sentence of “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”.

Now we're up to the “why?” factor. Why would I choose the chosen topic you say. Well there are specific aims and goals which I hope to achieve at the completion of my Personal Interest Project. My first goal would be completing my PIP, but in all seriousness I would want to advance to become a social and cultural literate person. To become a social and cultural literate person is not an easy task as you must endeavour to empathise with many diverse individuals who are of different culture, age, gender, location or experience and be familiar with your personal and cultural identity. Another aim I have is to uncover truths about media practice and discover how and why they perpetuate certain images to construct social norms.

My topic statement “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media” relates to several of the Society and Culture concepts. These include:

o Technology. Technology refers to the tools that makes tasks easier and improves the aptitude of persons in performing those tasks. This relates to my PIP due to the fact that as technology increases, more people are exposed to the media. Since media is around us and communicates information to us on a daily basis, more information sticks to us and social norms are formed. Social Norms are the rules for how people should act in a given group or society. Any behaviour that is outside these norms is considered abnormal. Through the increase in technology, the media is now capable to implement these social norms in any shape or form.

o Power. Power is the influence someone or something has which brings others to do something which they wouldn’t normally do. The media is one of the greatest source of power as it is every where you look, ranging from the television and newspapers to billboards and the internet. The media someway or another influences us to purchase products or do things which we wouldn’t even consider on doing.

There are many other concepts in which my topic relates to but Technology and Power are the main concepts which I can associate with “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”.

My cross-cultural component of my PIP will include first hand experience as I will be visiting Lebanon. For my cross-cultural comparison I will be investigating the media exposure in both Australia and Lebanon and how it influences socialisation. Through the cross-cultural comparison, one of the two selected countries would be more exposed to the media and its influences on socialisation then the other, which then I would make a clear distinction and comparison of both countries.

To be able to do all of what I have stated previously I must conduct primary research using methodologies which are appropriate for my study. The first methodology that I am going to employ to conduct my research will be a Questionnaire. There are many positive aspects of using a questionnaire as it provides both quantitative and qualitative research. It also can provide information to a vast group in a short period time. However there are also negative aspects to it as it is very time consuming to analyse a large amount of questionnaires also due to personal opinion some may include bias of some sort. Content analysis will also be used as the media comes in many different shapes. Content Analysis involves reading, watching or listening to specific material that will assist me in my topic of “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”. With content analysis there is an enormous variety of texts to choose from and most likely the text that will be chosen would be enjoyable to read, watch or listen to. Though content analysis is very complex as it requires you to systematically process what you’re examining to interpret it correctly. Lastly I will use covert and overt observation. Covert observation is the practice of observing people in secret and an advantage to this is that you will be able to see how people act in their natural state; on the other hand it would be quite unethical. Overt Observation is the practice of people observing people while they are aware of this which would be ethical however people tend to act artificial which is a great downfall.

After completing the primary research through these methodologies I must now discover secondary research which would help justify my hypothesis. There are many resources which I am going to use for my secondary research. I am going to start off with the Internet as it can start researching the fundamentals of my focus topic. The internet has an extensive assortment of information which would be valuable for my PIP. In seconds I will be able to find information which would assist me in validating my theory about the influences of the media on socialisation but the reliability of the majority of the sources on the internet are pooras I could get information from anyone who owns a computer. Newspapers will also be useful to my secondary research as I must follow up what is going around the world in contemporary society to create an accurate PIP but newspapers unfortunately aren’t completely truthful and the bias which some newspapers may include might make some elements of my PIP imprecise. Documentaries of the media and its power to influence socialisation are also good for my secondary research as they had to investigate the matter however there would be a sense of bias towards the media. Finally would be the use of Books specifically the books from the State Library which would be extremely vital for my study. Books are quite frankly the most reliable source for secondary research as they have been intensively reviewed before they are published to confirm they are correct.

These are the fundamentals of a Personal Interest Project but now it is time to talk about my progress on my PIP. As soon as we were given time to think about our general area of interest and topic for the PIP nothing clicked to me. I could not think of anything to do which was really straining me. After several changes of the topic I thought that, if I’m going to do this for a year I’m going to do something that I genuinely love. Then I came up with the question of “How the media influences socialisation” which then turned into the topic statement of “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”. At the beginning of the PIP my progress was horrible as I found it completely difficult to choose a topic and stick with it. After finally choosing a topic I feel that my progress has vastly improved as I am nearly finished completing my introduction to my PIP. As soon as I chose this topic there has been an endless zeal to finish my PIP as there are so many things to write about “Social Norms Manufactured by the Media”


New Member
Jan 11, 2006
Just while I think about it...there's a really good book you should check out that relates to your PIP topic:

Racism, Ethnicty and the Media by Andrew Jakubowicz

I used it in my PIP. It might be okay for pretty much just explains how the media perpetuates certain images which may impact of on society/the way society views itself.

You can read the blurb for it here:

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