Moving from NSW to brisbane at the start of year 12. What do i need to know for the qce? (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 10, 2023
Ohk due to unforeseen circumstances, i should be moving to Brisbane start of year 12. The original plan was to move after the hsc cause i don't think anyone would advise moving in year 11 or 12 but alas. I'd like to know some things to prepare myself cause Google isn't really helpful rn

  • When does term 1 for year 12 start in Queensland here in NSW it starts in term 4 of year 11 so around September so I'd like to know that.
  • Is qce harder or easier than the hsc?
  • Also, I was searching and saw something about the calculator and non-calculator sections in the qce maths methods. That's not a thing in the hsc is that the usual thing in the qce?
  • How different is the hsc from the qce. I'll be starting year 12 there so would i be missing anything from the preliminary years?
  • How does early entry work there would i be able to apply now that I'm technically a queensland student with my NSW prelim results.
  • Difference in curriculum for subjects like physics, maths advanced, business studies, SOR II and english standard.
  • What are qce points/credits?
Currently, I'm 1st in business and 3rd in maths advanced(equivalent to methods i heard) and 2nd in English standard and was aiming to keep or increase the ranks so studies/marks arent really my worry but more that I don't want to move and due to differences in curriculum be behind or not know enough as my peers. So if there are any tips or know hows i'd appreciate it.


Active Member
Feb 23, 2022
Moving to a new state and starting Year 12 in a different educational system can be a significant transition. I'll try to address your questions as thoroughly as possible:

  1. Term 1 Start in Queensland: In Queensland, the academic year usually starts in late January or early February. Term 1 for Year 12 typically commences around that time. However, it's always a good idea to check with the specific school you'll be attending for the exact dates.
  2. QCE vs. HSC Difficulty: The difficulty comparison between the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and the Higher School Certificate (HSC) can be subjective. Different students may find one system more challenging than the other based on their strengths and weaknesses. In general, both systems aim to provide a comprehensive education and prepare students for further studies or employment. The difficulty largely depends on your individual subjects, the quality of teaching, and your commitment to studies.
  3. Calculator and Non-Calculator Sections in QCE Maths Methods: Yes, in Queensland, for the QCE Mathematics Methods subject, there are two sections in the exams: a calculator-allowed section and a non-calculator section. This is different from the HSC, where students typically have access to a calculator throughout the Mathematics exams.
  4. Difference between HSC and QCE: While both the HSC and QCE are senior secondary qualifications, they can have variations in their structure, assessment methods, and subject offerings. Your move to Queensland for Year 12 may result in some differences in the content covered compared to the Preliminary years in NSW. However, schools and teachers are generally equipped to support students who transfer from other states to ensure a smooth transition.
  5. Early Entry in Queensland: As a student transferring to Queensland, you might be eligible for early entry or university admission programs based on your NSW Preliminary results. However, the specific requirements and processes for early entry can vary between institutions and may depend on individual circumstances. It's advisable to reach out to the universities you're interested in attending and inquire about their early entry policies for interstate students.
  6. Difference in Curriculum for Specific Subjects: The curriculum content for subjects like Physics, Mathematics Advanced (or equivalent), Business Studies, Studies of Religion II (SOR II), and English Standard (or equivalent) can differ between Queensland and NSW. The difference may not be substantial, but some variations might exist in terms of topics covered, assessment structure, and weighting. Your new school in Queensland will provide you with the necessary materials and information to catch up on any variations.
  7. QCE Points/Credits: The Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) uses a points-based system to track a student's progress towards completing the qualification. Students earn points or credits for successfully completing certain units or courses. The accumulation of a set number of points across a range of subjects and other learning experiences is required to obtain the QCE.

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