Merit scholar's program +scholarship or unsw commerce? (1 Viewer)

sarah jones

Mar 9, 2011
I just recieved acceptance letter into the Merit Scholar's Program and Uni Scholarship for Macquarie Uni but I am unsure as to whether I should accept it.

Can any past Merit Scholars please tell me about their experience? - is it worth it, do you ACTUALLY get a competitive advantage + internships,etc in your field or is money the only attractive thing about the scholarship?

Money is not a problem for me, I just want the Uni which will best equip me with skills to excel in a Commerce degree so please help me decide giving reasons, whether it is better to do the Commerce degree with Merit Scholars Program at Macquarie or just normal Commerce Program at UNSW (I more concerned with a good education and internship/job opportunities)

Thank you :)
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Sep 5, 2007
I found the Merit Scholar program to be useless, to be honest. I got absolutely nothing out of it really, other than a fancy little title to go on my transcript/resume, although other peoples experience may differ. I didn't get the scholarship though, and I still chose Macquarie Commerce over any other degree/uni out there. Though, for me the main reason was location (a 20min bus trip to Macq vs. a ~1hr+ trip to the city).

If you're going for 'prestige':
- Macquarie is 'better' for Actuarial Studies
- They're the same for accounting/finance
- UNSW is probably better for everything else.

Though honestly, the whole 'quality of teaching' thing amongst different uni's is a little bs to me (well, for Commerce at least) - do you really think that either uni will fail to teach you things that are fundamental to your degree? The courses for 'professional' fields are all standardised anyway so they essentially all teach you the same thing.

So anyway, I'd say pick Macquarie (especially if its mush closer to you), unless theres another compelling reason you'd rather UNSW.

(This is all coming from someone who did an Accounting/Finance degree at Macquarie and is due to start a grad job in a couple of weeks. Also, I can tell you that the uni that I attended was by far the least important factor in getting me that job)

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