Marks needed to Transfer from DFEE to CSP, B MedSci UNSW (1 Viewer)


Christopher Fife
Mar 11, 2005
I have already posted on this forum about my predicaments with the order of my preferences, but I have just looked in the UAC again(for the inifinite time) and seen that the CSP cutoff for 2006 for B MedSci was 85 and the DFEE cutoff was 80. Now my uai is 79.15.

I know you can't know for sure but do you reckon the uai cutoff for medsci will go up or down. I have no clue, i hope it goes down.

I was now looking at doing the DFEE course for medsci at UNSW with the cutoff of 80, and then transfering to a CSP place as soon as possible(i believe its 12 months then you can transfer, is that right?) Also what marks do you need to transfers from a DFEE to CSP in medsci, I know there are the marks for being eligible(i dont know what they are BTW), but what are the marks that pretty much guarantee you entry to the CSP.

Tnanks in advance


Premium Member
May 23, 2003
I think you can transfer to CSP from DFEE after 1 semester but I am not too sure on that. You can e mail to find out.

Alternatively you can get in B Science (CSP) and then transfer to B MedSc after 1 semester or 1 year. You need a Credit average (65) to do so, which in my opinion is not difficult provided you work consistently throughout the year. Remember to follow the study plan in your B Sc like B MedSc.

But you may need to make up SCIF1111 Perspectives in Med. Science (6 UOC)
ANAT1521 Anatomy for Medical Science (6 UOC) in second year because they may not let you enrol in these subjects because you are not in MedSc.


Christopher Fife
Mar 11, 2005
I will email them to find out how long before I can apply.
I've ben hearing about transfers where, they use your UAI and GPA to calculate a new mark and they use the uai cutoff and your average between your uai and GPA to see if you make it.

Then in theory if the cutoff for me needing to transfer is 85 and my uai is 79.15, then the marks in first year uni need to be 90.85. Is this right, is this realistic.

with the subjects that I didn't take through MedSci coz I was in BSci for the first year I can organise to do them over the summer break, how does all of this work?
If I took extra summer classes could I actually finish my 3 year degree in 2.5years or less???

Also what would the difference be in difficulty of tranfsering from BSci to MedSci(CSP) compared to MedSci(DFEE) to MedSci(CSP)?
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Premium Member
May 23, 2003
DraconisV said:
Then in theory if the cutoff for me needing to transfer is 85 and my uai is 79.15, then the marks in first year uni need to be 90.85. Is this right, is this realistic.
No. They don't just average your uni marks and UAI to give you a mark for transfer. UAI and WAM (uni marks) are completely different things.

If you complete 2 semester of university study (1 year) they will ignore your UAI and just look at your uni mark. You need a Credit average (65) to be considered for transfer.

If you complete less than 1 year of university, then they will look at both of your UAI and uni marks. There is no defined "cut off" for transfer or forumla to work out a "mark" for transfer. Generally a credit average (uni marks), again, is a must.

DraconisV said:
with the subjects that I didn't take through MedSci coz I was in BSci for the first year I can organise to do them over the summer break, how does all of this work?
If I took extra summer classes could I actually finish my 3 year degree in 2.5years or less???
Unfortunately only a limited subjects can be taken over summer. And I doubt those subjects wiill be available for you to take in summer. You can do those subjects in second year to make up for it. They may also allow you to do a similar subject to substitue for the missing subject. e.g. if you do Anatomy 2111, then you may be able to exempt from Anatomy for Medical Science.

3 year is the mimimum time a student can complete his or her degree. You cannot graduate in less than 2.5 years, even if you take summer classes. This is because during normal semester, you would have to take less subject anyway because you took extra subjects during summer. So it all balances out at the end.


Christopher Fife
Mar 11, 2005
Thanks for the good news there survivor concerning the marks needed to transfer, those silly people telling me the uai and WAM(??) cutoff average, silly.
Oh well, thats good.

Hmm? So if i can transfer from BSci to BMedSci as well as BMedSci(DFEE) to BMedSci(CSP), i may aswell do BSci as it is CSP, and also i can get in easy, the 2006 cutoff 73(and mine being 79.15). Though I do understand I will have to catch up on some subjects.

So how would this work... I've jsut finished the year and apllied for a transfer, when do I get the results of a successful or not transfer, and also If it is successful can I take those missed topics in the summer break so that when the second year starts I am in the exact same spot as the second year medsci's.(except with some extra Bsci subjects up my sleeve).

I'm guessing its right, but i will need your confirmation survivor to put my speculative mind to rest, for a while that is.

Thank you again Survivor you have been very helpful in all of the posts and have been open to my many questions, even if some are a bit farfetched.


Premium Member
May 23, 2003
DraconisV said:
So how would this work... I've jsut finished the year and apllied for a transfer, when do I get the results of a successful or not transfer, and also If it is successful can I take those missed topics in the summer break so that when the second year starts I am in the exact same spot as the second year medsci's.(except with some extra Bsci subjects up my sleeve).

Thank you again Survivor you have been very helpful in all of the posts and have been open to my many questions, even if some are a bit farfetched.
From what I've heard, you will know when you're successful or not in January because you will need to apply through UAC again (so you have to wait for the offer).

If the missing subjects are offered during the summer break, then you can take them and you'll end up in the exact same spot as the second year medsc people.

Well, I hope you're more informed about your decision!

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