Location for Law/Arts (1 Viewer)


Feb 7, 2006
Hi, I was just wondering whether any1 could tell me if i can do law at para and

arts at bankstown or blacktown- i understand that i cant to arts at para itself??


g_dob said:
Hi, I was just wondering whether any1 could tell me if i can do law at para and

arts at bankstown or blacktown- i understand that i cant to arts at para itself??
yes - you do law at parra and then arts at bankstown or b'town.

Look at the handbook/timetables - it'll tell you where each course runs and what units run and when.

What arts degree are you planning on doing? because if you know - just go to the handbook for that and have a look through it :)

The link http://handbook.uws.edu.au/hbook/course.asp?course=2537 for general info..

and for specific info for your arts course:

(I think... if not - go to this page and have a search til you find it - http://www.uws.edu.au/about/acadorg/colleges/arts/courses)


Feb 7, 2006
thanks for the reply... i have a couple more q's now having read the arts handbook

at first i thought i could do History, Politics and Philosophy, Psychology and a beginner German course, but now having read this handbook it seems that i must do a key program alongside of the 4 level 1 core subjects. am i allowed to take subjects from different programs? because my desired subjects are all from different key programs.

I was also wondering whether the Academic Advising session for arts on 5th feb will answer my qs and it wont be too late to pick my units then and there?

thanks again for your help!


Oct 26, 2004
g_dob said:
thanks for the reply... i have a couple more q's now having read the arts handbook

at first i thought i could do History, Politics and Philosophy, Psychology and a beginner German course, but now having read this handbook it seems that i must do a key program alongside of the 4 level 1 core subjects. am i allowed to take subjects from different programs? because my desired subjects are all from different key programs.

I was also wondering whether the Academic Advising session for arts on 5th feb will answer my qs and it wont be too late to pick my units then and there?

thanks again for your help!


All first year arts students will need to study core units first which basically means subjects that you have to do first and they are set by the uni. Even though these are the units you may have not chosen youself they are what you call foundation subjects and are more like introduction subjects.

Once you have completed your core units you then need to choose a major for your arts course.... and a specific major will be avaliable on a specific campus. Choosing your major will help guide your choices of units as well... your choice of major will come from a particular key program of the following:

Applied Humanities(has conditions)

From what I understand, you have gone through all the arts units and chosen the ones that interest you. However, you can't just randomly pick units that you like. You need to make sure that they are from your major and you need to make sure that the units you choose are one that youcan study and have no prerequisites- meaning you needed o have studies another subject first before you study that paticular one.

Being an arts/law student you will complete less arts subjects than the normal 3 years degree as they reduce some of the arts sibjects for you since you are doing double degree.

So this will be your plan for arts/law this year (studying law at parra:

Year 1

Autumn session

Two core arts units

200006.1 Introduction to Law

200008.1 Torts Law

Spring session

Two core arts units

200007.1 Law Foundation
200010.1 Criminal Law

The core units that you have to complete in first year are the following:

100958.1 Australia and the World
100960.1 Contemporary Society
100965.1 Media and Visual Cultures
100968.1 Texts and Traditions

They are offered in both autumn and spring at eithier penrith or bankstown....

It is your second year where you start studying subjects from your major......

All the info on majors- what subjects you can do and which ley program they fit in to are at:

Remember to stick to how the uni has planned which subjects you need to do when. You also need to make sure that you understand some units are level 1, 2 or 3 and you can only do a certain number of them.....

The rest of your plan for years 2 and 3 are:

Year 2

Autumn session

200011.1 Contracts

And three units in the relevant BA key program

Spring session

200012.1 Property Law

And three units in the relevant BA key program

Year 3

Autumn session

Three units in the relevant BA key program

200009.1 Constitutional Law

Spring session

200013.1 Administrative Law

And three units in the relevant BA key program

It looks as though you do not have the option to do electives as all your unit choices must come from your major. If you choose a humanities major you can also choose a submajor. Basically a humanities major is 80 credit points - each subject is worth 10 credit points and therefore you do a total of 8 subjects. A submajor is worth 40 credit points and therefore you do 4 subjects. However, a psychology major has 12 subjects and doesn't allow you to do a submajor as you have already used up all your credit points.

Anyway, hope this helps...
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