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Kosovo declares Independence (1 Viewer)


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
  • Kosovo expected to officially independence from Serbia Sunday afternoon
  • U.S., EU are expected to recognize new state; Serbia, ally Russia will not
  • Bush: Kosovo issue must be resolved before Balkans can become stable
  • EU finally agrees on security and administrative task force for Kosovo
PRISTINA, Kosovo (CNN) -- Kosovo's parliament meets Sunday afternoon to officially declare the province's independence from Serbia, a move opposed by Serbia and Russia but supported by many western governments.
U.S. troops with the U.N force in Kosovo patrol the Kosovo-Serbia border.

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci is set to appear before the legislature to officially request the independence declaration -- and it is expected to be immediately approved.

He said Saturday: "Tomorrow is a big day, a peaceful day, with understanding between each other, and we have our state obligations to fulfill toward our people. All Kosovo institutions have to implement our state obligations for our people."

President George Bush said Sunday that Kosovo's status must be resolved before the Balkans can become stable and that the United States supports the Ahtisaari plan which calls for a form of supervised independence.
The European Union decided Saturday to launch a mission of about 2,000 police and judicial officers to replace the United Nations mission that has been controlling the province since the end of the war with Serbia in 1999.

Kosovo has been under U.N. supervision and patrolled by a NATO-led peacekeeping force since the end of the three-month war, in which NATO warplanes pounded Serbia to roll back a campaign of "ethnic cleansing" of the province's Albanian population under former then-President Slobodan Milosevic.

The disputed province is dear to the Serbs, Orthodox Christians who regard it as Serbian territory. But it is equally coveted by Kosovo's ethnic Albanians, Muslims who have a 90 percent majority, and two years of talks on its final status ended in failure last December.

"Its status must be resolved in order for the Balkans to be stable," President Bush told reporters during a news conference in Tanzania Sunday.

Bush said the Ahtisaari plan -- named after former Finnish President Marti Ahtisaari -- is the best option. The proposal would give Kosovo limited statehood under international supervision.

President Bush added that "it's in Serbia's interest to be aligned with Europe and the Serbian people can know that they have a friend in America."
"We are heartened by the fact that the Kosovo government has clearly proclaimed its willingness and its desire to support Serbian rights in Kosovo," Bush said.

Thaci said Thursday he would establish a new government office for minorities and it would protect the rights of minorities after the province declares independence.

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic has promised his country will refrain from using force against Kosovo after independence, though he has warned that Serbia will take punitive diplomatic, political, and economic measures against the province.

Russia -- Serbia's historic ally -- has remain opposed to Kosovo's independence. Russia, which has fought two wars against separatist rebels in its southwestern republic of Chechnya, has Monday that U.S. and European support for Kosovo's independence could lead to an "uncontrollable crisis" in the Balkans.

The EU said Saturday that "around 1,900 international police officers, judges, prosecutors and customs officials and approximately 1,100 local staff will be based in headquarters in Pristina or located throughout the judicial and police system in Kosovo."
This is an example of successful interventionist policy of America and Britain, a result of the hard work of Clinton and Blair.
Some facts:

Kosovo's population is 90% ethnic albanian who are muslims, and yes muslims needs America to save their soul.

Kosovo does not have Oil, contrary to American haters who said America only invade other countries for oil.



Feb 10, 2006
Serbia must be one of the only countries in the world with a negative economic growth since the 1980s. largely thanks to all the breaking away.
Aug 15, 2006
Sydney, NSW
This is pretty unjust, I hope this independence attempt gets crushed. There are plenty of areas like Kosovo, whom USA & Bum Buddies aren't supporting for independence. Their two-faced attitude to this isn't going to get them very far.

USA prolly wants Kosovo to become NATO and set up military bases there for whatnot, etc.


Jan 12, 2006
The Serbian part of my family is pretty crushed at the moment. You know the whole saying 'Kosovo je Srbija' and all. It is such a difficult political situation, especially for those of us from the Balkans. I am Croatian and Serbian, and my mother is Serbian Orthodox so I know where it is coming from.

Firstly, I can say right now that in my opinion Kosovo lacks the economic devlopment and infastructure to bea viable nation state. Admittedly, the last time I was in Kosovo was 2003 and I was only in Pristina (and I slept both ways on the drive between Belgrade and Pristina) but there would have had to have been some huge changes since then that I suspect have not happened. This is nothing to do with my emotional opinion on the matter which I am going to keep quiet on.


Mar 28, 2006

In 1389, more than half of the total Serbian population died (at Kosovo Polje (Kosovo Field) against a massive battle against the Ottoman Turks. This was not only to stop the Ottoman occupation of the Serbian land, but also to stop the Ottoman muslim movement and the advancement towards the Northern Europe.

In 1913, the first official census was performed. In Kosovo, Serbs made up 91% of the population. Albanians constituted 7%, with the remaining minorities being made of Turks, Goranis, Gypsy's and others.

At the start of the WW1, Italy being an axis power, pushed out, with the Albanian help ofcourse, thousands of Serbs out of their homes from Kosovo, as Italy couldn't handle the fact that Serbia was to have the access to 3 of the South-Eastern European seas.

Many of those Serbian refugees left the south Serbian land of Kosovo and moved to the Central Serbia, as their homes were destroyed. During the Italian-Albanian occupation in WW1, 200 000 Albanians came to Kosovo from mostly the Northern Parts of Albania, settling in the southern part of Kosovo.
The average Serbian family was made up of 4 people, while the average Albanian family was made up of at least 7 people. They just kepy multiplying throughout the decades.

In WW2, Albania, including the separatist Kosovo criminal Albanians, allied themselves with Hitler. By doing that, they burnt, raped, destroyed everything that was Serbian. At the end of the WW
2, Serbian population was 300 000 less than it was in the census undertaken in 1938 (800 000). 200 000 fled and as communists came to power (thanks to the Brits) they had forbidden the Kosmet Serbs (Kosmet = Kosovo & Metohija (Greek for Church land) to return to their homes. The other 100 000 Serbs from Kosovo were killed during the war.

In the 1960's, as Albanian muslim population reached the 60%, outnumbering Serbs who made 31%, they held mass demonstrations for weeks. The Yugoslav communist leader Josip Broz Tito for the first time in Histroy made Kosovo an autonomous province. This was again stated in the Yugoslav 1974 constitution.

In the 1990's Kosovo had declared independence, but nobody recognised it. Wonder why? Because America was not able to crush the so-called dictator Slobodan Milosevic, and wasn't ready to take on the Yugoslav People's Army, which at the time numbered 1.3 milion people, being the 4th stongest army in Europe.

After many of the Serbian parts were taken away, by force, ofcourse (Republic of Serbian Krajina, Republic of Srpska, etc) at the end of the 1995, Yugoslavia found itself in a terrible state. Due to the united nations sanctions, the inflation was 400 000 000%, practically the economy was dead.

Meaning that basically the "dictator" Milosevic was significantly weakened. In 1999, against the united nations will, agianst any legal, any moral and just action, NATO bombed Serbia. Why? Because of the supposable "Racak" massacre. A massacre which in 2003 was proven by the world's top forensics and legal operators as a scam, as a misrepresentation of the truth. In that Nato agression, further 250 000 Serbs were forced to flee their homes, excluding 150 000 Gypsy's. All of the Serbian cities were bombed, the infrastructure was completely destroyed, more than 3000 civilians died. Did the world media agencies report this, no they reported that 1 000 000 Albanians fled Kosovo. This was also manipulated, as the Red Cross investigation in 2006, found that only 10 000 Albanians fled specific areas of Kosovo, which weren't even held by the Serb army and police forces. At the beginning of the 2000, Kosmet's demographic changed.

Albanians made up 90%, while Serbs 7% of the population. Serbian forces were driven out, and once again illegally, United Nations took over the control of the Souther Serbian province.

17 March 2004, an Albanian kid nearly drowned in one of the Kosmet's lakes. More than 50 000 Albanians protested on the streets, killing people, burning Serbian Churches, more than 34 were burned in one day alone, many dating from the 14th and the 15th century (under the UNESCO list of sacred objects). Hours later after the kid awoke (he was dragged out) he admitted that he nearly drowned due to his own actions. What was reported. It was reported that the Serbs pushed the kid in the lake. True story.

Today, Kosovo is not only the poorest state in the world, but a criminal state. More than 50 trucks full of heroin, and other drugs were stopped along the border with Macedonia in 2007 alone. 90% of the drugs were from Colubmia. Since 1999, more than 150 Churches were destroyed, and more than 300 mosques were built.

Why does America want Kosovo independent. Because it wants to create a balance! In many muslim countries America is hated, so why not make a muslim state in the heart of Europe, to fix its image, especially with the oil giant Saudia Arabia.

One of the other reasons, is because Kosmet has enough coal and mineral resources, from which the whole Europe can be supplied with in the next 300 years.

Once again, for the second time, Kosovo has illegally declared independence, bi-passing the only legal institution in the world, the united nations. One of the oldest Christian Orthodox Churches (from the 7th century) in the world stands in the heart of Serbia, in Kosovo, representing the Serbian statehood. It represents on who's side the justice is on. I hope the US will learn a lesson from its imperialistic tensions. It will self-destruct, sooner or later. Serbs have survived the Turkish occupation for 500 years, and like Israel, they will survive another 500 if necessary, to get their "Jerusalim" back (Kosmet).

Super power unfortunately rules the world, but not forever, and not for long.

The united states, and its puppet EU countries (most of them) will learn a tough lesson from this. Anyone who thinks, this is the last piece of the puzzle to be completed, following the break up of the former Yugoslavia, is far from being right. For many, the was has just began.

And why shouldn't the other autonomous (entities) regions have their right to self proclaim their country. What about Northern Ireland, Bascia, Katalonia, Bavaria Republic of Srpska, Abhazia, South Osetia, Scotland, Texas, California, Sri Lanka (which would break up into 150 countries) Italy (which would break up into 8 countires), Belgium (2 countries), Switzerland (3 countries), etc.

All of these are a precedent, and because the interantional law has been broken, i don't see why they wouldn't also have the righ to independence.

Why wasn't Republic of Serbian Krajina allowed to declare independence. It made up more than 1/3 of what is today Croatia, 90% of the population was Serbian, not just decades ago, but centuries ago. In 1995, more than 500 000 of its citizens fled and scatterred across the world. And Croatia is today a pure "democratic" country, although it sided with Hitler and killed more than 700 000 Serbs, Jews, Gypsy's in its concentration camps. Why not? Because its not in the American geo-political interest.

For many of you who don't get this and never will, let me give you an example.

Imagine that muslims keep suddenly migrating to Tasmania. In a decade or so they settle in one area. They then multiply incredibly fast. In a decade or so, their average family would consist of 10, while the average Aussie family would consist of 5. In 50 years time, they would outnumber the Australians and would on the basis that they are a majority now, would declare independence and separate.

Many of you will view this as a 1 sided opinion, and i respect that ofcourse. But unless you actually know what happened, you cannot comment on something you barely know, or have heard from the news.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
Yea the kosovo intervention was just beautiful...


Jan 1, 2008
*Minka* said:
The Serbian part of my family is pretty crushed at the moment. You know the whole saying 'Kosovo je Srbija' and all. It is such a difficult political situation, especially for those of us from the Balkans. I am Croatian and Serbian, and my mother is Serbian Orthodox so I know where it is coming from.

Firstly, I can say right now that in my opinion Kosovo lacks the economic devlopment and infastructure to bea viable nation state. Admittedly, the last time I was in Kosovo was 2003 and I was only in Pristina (and I slept both ways on the drive between Belgrade and Pristina) but there would have had to have been some huge changes since then that I suspect have not happened. This is nothing to do with my emotional opinion on the matter which I am going to keep quiet on.
This has nothing to do with the topic...but that girl in your av is hot. Who is it?


May 6, 2004
Soooooooooooooooooo... When does Serbia apologise to Kosovo.


Mar 18, 2007
look im albanian myself. and i think kosovo declaring independence is such fukin rubbish. for the record all albanians hate kosovare's [you guys know them as kosovo albanians]. kosovo is shyt, they cant support themselves if their life depended on it and HEAVILY rely on america. if anything kosovo should have either been given to albania or serbia, but not made an independant state. tis all a bunch of rubbish.


Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004

Serbian warcrimes apologists itt.


May 6, 2004
mzduxx2006 said:
look im albanian myself. and i think kosovo declaring independence is such fukin rubbish. for the record all albanians hate kosovare's [you guys know them as kosovo albanians]. kosovo is shyt, they cant support themselves if their life depended on it and HEAVILY rely on america. if anything kosovo should have either been given to albania or serbia, but not made an independant state. tis all a bunch of rubbish.
I mean, getting raped by Serbia all the time had nothing to do with them being a shit country, did it.

Fuck off, maybe Kosovo didn't want to be given to Serbia. What do you care if they become independent and fucking waste themselves away into oblivion.



Mar 18, 2007
boris said:
I mean, getting raped by Serbia all the time had nothing to do with them being a shit country, did it.

Fuck off, maybe Kosovo didn't want to be given to Serbia. What do you care if they become independent and fucking waste themselves away into oblivion.

wtf. ur a fukin idiot.

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