Is it illegal to download programs from Kazaa? (1 Viewer)

Agent Z

Sep 30, 2003
A little History of Sharman networks:

Well you may remember that around October a few years ago the global entertainment industry came down hard on Niklas Zennstrm, cofounder of Kazaa. All major American music label and movie studio filed suit against his company. Their goal was to shutter the service and shut down the tens of millions of people sharing billions of copyrighted music, video, and software files.

However there was a flaw in their plan: Stopping Napster, which indexed songs on its servers, was easy - the recording industry took the company to court for copyright infringement, and a judge pulled the plug. With Kazaa, users trade files through thousands of anonymous "supernodes." Where to start blocking servers?

There was not even a single outfit to shut down. That's because on a January morning three months after the suit was filed, Amsterdam-based went dark and Zennstrm vanished. Days later, the company was reborn with a structure as decentralized as Kazaa's peer-to-peer service itself. Zennstrm, a Swedish citizen, transferred control of the software's code to Blastoise, a strangely crafted company with operations off the coast of Britain - on a remote island renowned as a tax haven - and in Estonia, a notorious safe harbor for intellectual property pirates. And that was just the start.

Ownership of the Kazaa interface went to Sharman Networks, a business formed days earlier in the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu, another tax haven. Sharman, which runs its servers in Denmark, obtained a license for Zennstrm's technology, FastTrack. The domain, on the other hand, was registered to an Australian firm called LEF Interactive - for the French revolutionary slogan, libert, galit, fraternit.

Confused? So were the copyright cops. "It's hard to know which one to sue," complains Michael Speck, an investigator with the Australian Record Industry Association. Hollywood lawyers figured the best way to bring Kazaa to justice was to squeeze Sharman. Trouble was, Sharman, which operates out of Sydney, had no employees. All its workers, including CEO Nikki Hemming, are contracted through LEF. The names of Sharman's investors and board members are locked away in Vanuatu, a republic that bills itself as an asylum whose "strict code of secrecy" is "useful in any number of circumstances where the confidentiality of ownership, or control, want to be preserved."


Nov 30, 2003
i havent read any of the previous crap

but no it is not illegal to DOWNLOAD from Kazza, it is only illegal to SHARE stuff on Kazza, in others words UPLOAD

, if it is illegal to download from Kazaa, they would have been better of suing kazz and take some type of action.


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by Redp3n
i havent read any of the previous crap

but no it is not illegal to DOWNLOAD from Kazza, it is only illegal to SHARE stuff on Kazza, in others words UPLOAD
Originally posted by jm1234567890
it isn't illegal to download software form kazaa, only illegal to upload copyrighted software.
There's your 'previous crap' - which has already been said by jm. :)

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