I must admit, without meaning to be rude to those artists who did get into Art Express on a whole I didnt find the exhibition that great.
The charcoal drawings were fairly amazing, and although I sort of agree with the tracings part that mentioned, I think that those people should be so proud of their works because they are amazing. Some of the famous artists use different artmaking practices, and most of them project onto larger canvases so I think that maybe some people should be a little bit more appreciative of the works, especially when the chances are they might be reading what you are writing. Art in the HSC for most people is something they enjoy and are good at, but I speak on behalf of some of us who aren't going to be famous artists or make that our sole passion in life. Thats not to say some of you arent but I think you need to show a little more tact instead of criticising, and if you are going to criticise do so in a mature way instead of picking apart someone's work. Remember we will or have spent hours on these works and for them to even go into Art Express they are extraordinary.
Sure, there were a few works that I didn't particularly understand or didnt find the aesthetic quality to be outstanding, but there were a few that I thought to be original and quite different to what I've seen before. I particularly loved the panels as you walked into the first space that were positioned on a raised box... they were amazing. As were a fair few of the animations, oh! the patience to do that! Congrats to you all who got in, you're a great inspiration (Give me all your knowledge dammit so I can at least be half as great!)
Good luck to all of you who are now stressing no doubt just like me! Have a great one!